Phil Bredesen Ally ‘La Raza Renata’ Would Welcome Members of Migrant Army, Which DHS Says Includes Criminals, Marching Through Mexico from Honduras Who Come to Nashville

Phil Bredesen ally Renata Soto is issuing a clarion call to the criminal migrant army marching toward America’s southern border.

Soto on Monday tweeted in Spanish that Bredesen’s Senate race opponent, U.S. Representative Marsha Blackburn (R-TN-07) gave her heartburn.

Soto is the immediate past chairman of the George Soros-supported national group formerly known as La Raza and founder of Nashville’s Conexion Americas. The Tennessean quoted her Tuesday as encouraging the criminal migrant army:

The Honduran migrants highlight the United State’s need for sound refugee and asylum policies, she told the newspaper.

“‘We must continue to be a beacon of hope for families and children who, due to violence and dire circumstances, are forced to flee their homes,’ Soto said in an email,” the newspaper said.

The Washington Examiner reported Tuesday that the group is composed of multi-national criminals, quoting the Department of Homeland Security.

“@DHSgov can confirm that there are individuals within the caravan who are gang members or have significant criminal histories,” DHS spokesman Tyler Houlton wrote in a series of tweets Tuesday evening.

“Citizens of countries outside Central America, including countries in the Middle East, Africa, South Asia, and elsewhere are currently traveling through Mexico toward the U.S.,” Houlton said.

Notably, every member of the 7,000 plus migrant army now marching through the west coast of Mexico to the southern border of the United States has committed a criminal act by entering Mexico illegally, and has signaled an intent to commit another criminal act by entering the United States illegally.

Soto tweeted from Mexico Tuesday that she had run into another Nashvillian there – former state deputy attorney general Larry Harrington:

Unbelievable! In a city of 20M people, I run into another Nashvillian friend?! I mean, I knew he was here in Mexico City too… but being in the same place at the same time?!! El mundo es muy pequeño, @law_harrington!

“Conexion Americas is prepared to welcome any individuals who make their way into Tennessee and Nashville in the coming weeks and months,” The Tennessean reported.

Soto told The Tennessean the Conexion Americas would welcome any of the Honduran caravan members who travel to Nashville – she called them refugees “forced to flee their homes.”

“We in Tennessee, like many other communities around the country, have a history of welcoming refugees and supporting them in their integration process. That’s our nation’s soul. It’s who we are,” Soto said

She also hinted any children with the army would be integrated into Metro Nashville Public Schools and mentioned her group’s ongoing work with the school system.

Many members of the 7,000 plus caravan marching through Mexico have indicated that they want to enter the United States illegally in order to obtain jobs, which is not a motivation recognized by the United States as qualifying a foreign-born citizen who seeks entry to the country as a legally recognized refugee and has gone through the required vetting process of the federal Refugee Admissions Program.

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Jason M. Reynolds has more than 20 years’ experience as a journalist at outlets of all sizes.
Photo “Migrant Caravan” by








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3 Thoughts to “Phil Bredesen Ally ‘La Raza Renata’ Would Welcome Members of Migrant Army, Which DHS Says Includes Criminals, Marching Through Mexico from Honduras Who Come to Nashville”

  1. […] number of multi-national criminals, quoting the Department of Homeland Security, The Tennessee Star reported last […]

  2. Mays mariet

    What is she thinking?put our lifes in jeopardy to let these ppl coming in our country is she going to let them live in her house ? If you come here with the flag of your country,you don’t have the intend to integrate with the American ppl and you don’t have good intentions.most of them are young men and young women .hope Tennessean woke up and don’t vote for these criminals Democrats who wants to destroy our civil lives.God save us .

  3. Wolf Woman

    Soto the Socialist works to expand La Raza in the U.S. and Tennessee. She wants more MS-13 gang members, jihadi terrorists who’ve infiltrated the central American countries, and hordes of socialists who have come here for unskilled labor jobs. They travel with the flags of their own countries and burn our U.S. flag. Does she think that is the right attitude for a “refugee” looking for asylum? I suggest that Ms Soto stay in Mexico City to live. She doesn’t seem to care about Nashville, Tennessee.
