POLL: Smears Of Kavanaugh Motivating Voters Against ‘Radical and Unscrupulous’ Democrats

by CHQ Staff


Conservatives see the confirmation vote on Judge Brett Kavanaugh as the issue that will allow Republicans to not only hold but even expand their Senate majority this fall, according to a poll by FedUp PAC.

A large majority of 91.4% say that campaigning in support of Kavanaugh allows the GOP to highlight how “radical and unscrupulous” the Democrats have become.  Another 5.3% fear that Kavanaugh has been seriously tarnished by the uncorroborated accusations, and that Republicans should campaign on local issues without mentioning Kavanaugh.  Only 3.3% are undecided.

The first round of Kavanaugh hearings demonstrated that the radical Democrats would not vote for any nominee who demonstrated faithfulness to the Constitution and the laws as written.  Instead they demanded that the Supreme Court become a left-wing legislature, imposing as the “law of the land” rulings for which many elected Democrats dare not vote.

The unscrupulous nature of the Democrats was shown by their waiting until just before the committee vote on Kavanaugh, then springing the unlikely and uncorroborated story of Christine Blasey Ford, using it for delay and more delay.  When it appeared that the committee was finally moving toward a vote, they pulled yet another wild accusation out of their hat, hoping to stretch out the delay still further.

The future of the Supreme Court was a vital issue in Trump’s 2016 victory, and the Democrats’ willingness to use any smear to prevent a pro-Constitution majority on the Court may prove to be the decisive issue in many Senate races this fall.  Several Democrats in pro-Trump states were already facing tight races.  Bill Nelson in Florida, Joe Donnelly in Indiana, Claire McCaskill in Missouri, Heidi Heitkamp in North Dakota, and Jon Tester in Montana could now find themselves in a no-win situation, losing key Trump voters if they oppose Kavanaugh and being abandoned by radical Democrats if they support him.  The Kavanaugh issue could also help the GOP hold contested seats in Nevada, Arizona, and Tennessee.

FedUp PAC is a grass roots organization whose goal in 2018 is to save the Trump presidency by maintaining GOP control of Congress.  FedUp PAC is working to reveal the Democrats as far-left, anti-American extremists who want to transform the United States into a bankrupt socialist nation such as Cuba or Venezuela.  It is not affiliated with any candidate or committee.

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Editor’s note: Thursday afternoon, Lindsay Graham took the floor and delivered a fiery rebuke of the Democrats’ handling of their duty to advise and consent Judge Kavanaugh’s elevation to the High Court:










 Reprinted with permission from ConservativeHQ.com

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One Thought to “POLL: Smears Of Kavanaugh Motivating Voters Against ‘Radical and Unscrupulous’ Democrats”

  1. Chuck

    An encouraging word, but I’d like it better if the poll was conducted by somebody without an axe to grind.
