Commentary: President Trump Is the Only Choice for North Carolina

by David Bossie


On September 29, President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden will face off in Cleveland, Ohio for the first of three nationally televised debates. Unfortunately, by that time, some North Carolinians will already have started voting, as the first batch of absentee ballots were sent by the state on September 4th. That means that some North Carolinians won’t have the benefit of seeing the candidates on stage together to debate their visions for America prior to casting their vote. As you make your decision, it is important that you have the facts: President Trump’s leadership and policies built the world’s strongest economy once already, and he’s doing it again, providing opportunity and prosperity for North Carolina’s families and seniors.

Over the past three and a half years, President Trump created the greatest economy America has ever seen. The president passed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, which lowered taxes and saved the average resident of our state $1,300 in taxes. The law also lowered the corporate tax rate from 35 percent to 21 percent – allowing businesses to grow and expand to new horizons. President Trump’s tax cuts alone are expected to bring 37,000 jobs to North Carolina over the next decade.

Conversely, Joe Biden proposes tax hikes to the tune of four trillion dollars. Biden wants to take from hardworking middle-class Americans in an effort to grow government in Washington. His plan will hurt families and squeeze small businesses.

President Trump is cutting burdensome red tape – eliminating seven regulations for every new one added. Unlike the Obama-Biden administration that added a record number of regulations that stifled businesses across America, President Trump pulled the federal government back and allowed businesses to thrive.

Conversely, Joe Biden voted for the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and shipped 850,000 jobs to our foreign competitors. He was a key player in negotiating the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) that could have cost America 448,000 jobs, and the Obama-Biden administration is responsible for the Paris Climate Accord that could have cost the U.S. over 400,000 jobs. The Obama-Biden administration created disaster after disaster that President Trump had to clean up.

As soon as he took office in 2017, President Trump immediately withdrew the United States from the TPP. He negotiated the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) to replace NAFTA in a move that will bring 176,000 jobs back to our economy. In North Carolina alone, trade with Canada and Mexico supports an astounding 376,000 jobs. The president is also in the process of removing America from the Paris Climate Accord. Where Joe Biden and former President Obama failed the American people, President Trump has worked hard to bring back the American Dream.

In response to President Trump’s pro-growth polices, our economy was booming. The unemployment rate in our great state had reached a low 3.6 percent in February. Overall, 7 million jobs were added to the American economy in President Trump’s first three years in office.

However, throughout the summer, the economy took a temporary hit due to outside forces. As China’s coronavirus spread across the world, the global economy suffered, and the United States was no exception. Fortunately for us, we had a strong leader in President Trump who took swift action to save lives and protect jobs. He signed the CARES Act into law and created the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) that is responsible for saving more than 50 million jobs. In North Carolina alone, the PPP is protecting a whopping 1.2 million jobs, and over 129,000 of the state’s businesses have been provided with more than $12.2 billion of loans from the program.

When violence broke out in cities across the country, Biden and the Democrats demonized law enforcement and scapegoated the police. President Trump has stood unabashedly with law enforcement, recognizing the critical role they play in keeping communities safe and ensuring that every American has a fair shot at economic opportunity.

As we have seen from recent jobs reports, President Trump’s pro-growth policies are working again. From May through August, 10.6 million jobs were added back to the U.S. economy. Approximately 300,000 of those jobs went to North Carolina. If this proves anything, it’s that our nation’s economy is rebounding more quickly than we ever imagined, and we are only seeing this growth right now because President Trump prepared us for this moment. He cut back decades of government overreach and made the economy work for the American people. And as soon as the coronavirus hit, he used every tool at his disposal to protect American workers.

The economy reached historic heights under President Trump once, and thanks to his swift and decisive actions to save jobs during these trying times, the economy is well on its way to surpassing anything we’ve ever seen before in our lifetime. If the residents of North Carolina need another reason to re-elect President Trump, look no further than his astounding economic record. The state has started sending absentee ballots, so be sure to check your mailbox. Before you cast your vote, just take a moment, and remember what President Trump has accomplished for you and your family—the choice is clear.

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David Bossie is the president of Citizens United and a former deputy campaign manager for Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign. 







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  1. Alex Otto

