Republicans Tell Bredesen Get Off the Fence on Kavanaugh Nomination

Phil Bredesen

President Donald Trump won the election in 2016 due in part to his promise to put mainstream conservative judges on the federal bench. Trump also won Tennessee by more than 26 points. It’s fairly obvious that Tennesseans want the President’s nominees to be confirmed, Garren Shipley, Republican National Committee spokesman, said in a statement Friday.

Democratic U.S. Senate candidate Phil Bredesen has said he is “embarrassed” by Democrats’ treatment of Judge Brett Kavanaugh in his Supreme Court confirmation hearings, the Tennessee Star reported last week. He has also been dragging his feet for more than two months in saying whether he would support Kavanaugh.

Shipley accused Bredesen of hedging his bets, hoping he can avoid having to take a stand on Kavanaugh’s nomination — following Democrat Senate leader Chuck Schumer’s advice of staying neutral for as long as possible.

Shipley pointed to a story by The Star showing Schumer’s Senate Majority PAC has booked more than $2 million in ads in Tennessee, perhaps giving Bredesen a reason to stay quiet. Schumer’s PAC donated $10,000 to Bredesen’s campaign earlier this year.

As next week’s vote approaches, that time has run out, Shipley said.

“Phil Bredesen has had more than enough time to consider Judge Kavanaugh. He needs to tell Tennesseans whether he’d vote to confirm Judge Kavanaugh, or join Chuck Schumer’s resistance. The more Phil Bredesen waffles, the less Tennesseans trust him,” Shipley said.

Bredesen is taking his cues from a man who wants to impeach the president.

Senate Minority Leader Schumer (D-NY) was recorded on a video at a Labor Day parade responding to a person’s question on when President Trump would be impeached, The Star reported, citing Fox News.

“The sooner the better,” Schumer said.

Meanwhile, Bredesen’s opponent in the Senate race, U.S. Representative Marsha Blackburn (R-TN-07), has taken a different path. She has voiced her support for Kavanaugh and has shared her thoughts about Bredesen’s silence.

“My opponent is showing Tennesseans he will get it wrong every time. His campaign is bought and paid for by Chuck Schumer, and he is already following the lead of Democrat Party bosses who have orchestrated this eleventh hour smear and look for every opportunity to block the President’s agenda. Phil Bredesen says he’s applying for the job, but he’s leaving questions on the application blank.”

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Jason M. Reynolds has more than 20 years’ experience as a journalist at outlets of all sizes.








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One Thought to “Republicans Tell Bredesen Get Off the Fence on Kavanaugh Nomination”

  1. John Bumpus

    “Republicans Tell Bredesen Get Off the Fence on Kavanaugh Nomination.”

    You might as well command the sun not to rise in the east. Bredesen has no intention of saying how he would vote on the Kavanaugh nomination, because if he was in the Senate he would be voting against the Kavanaugh nomination. AND BREDSEN HAS NO INTENTION OF TELLING YOU THAT, NOW! If he is elected to the Senate, he will tell you that later! The old fraud.
