Senator Marsha Blackburn Talks Democrats Blocking Her Plan to Make the Military Less Woke

NASHVILLE, Tennessee – U.S. Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) spoke with The Tennessee Star on Friday about two measures she introduced which were designed to make the U.S. military less woke “by preventing military children from being indoctrinated by Department of Defense (DoD) teachers and keeping the force focused on lethal threats rather than servicemembers’ pronouns.”

Senate Democrats on the Armed Services Committee blocked both measures.

Blackburn – who spoke with The Star from the Faith and Freedom Road to Majority Conference at the Gaylord Opryland – talked about the measures that she put forward and emphasized that the U.S. military should be focused on strength and being ready to defeat our nation’s enemies.

“One them is focused on the mission of the military. Our military should be focused on the new Axis of Evil – Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea,” she said.

“Communist China is out to beat us on every front, whether it is great power competition or the belt and road initiative,” the senator continued. “Quite honestly, our adversaries don’t care if we are woke. What we need to do is let them know that they are our adversary and we are going to defeat them.”

Blackburn elaborated further on the measures she put forth, which were blocked by Senate Democrats.

“One provision dealt with woke policies in the military. The other deal with children in military schools. It had come to our attention that there were some incidences where there were teachers that would counsel a child to hide or not share with their parents if they were wanting to change genders, had gender fluidity, or had questions on certain issues,” Blackburn said.

“Our military service members need to know that if they have a child that is seeking guidance, counseling, or psychological help – our military families face a lot of stress that other families do not face – it is inappropriate for teachers not to share this information,” she said.

“What we did find is the Department of Defense does not have a policy on that. My legislation would have established a policy and it was disappointing that there was not agreement to that policy,” she added.

The Star asked Blackburn if the United States is losing respect around the world due to, in part, the U.S. military’s woke trend under the Biden administration.

“What we do know is that under Joe Biden, his military and foreign policy – the two of them, that there is confusion among our allies that they are our ally and that we are going to stand firm on our commitments,” she said.

“There’s also confusion by our adversaries. They do not fear us as they did under President Trump. They should fear us, because we are there to defeat them,” she said.

A press statement from Blackburn’s that was released on Friday morning said, “U.S. Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.) introduced two measures to the FY 2023 NDAA committee markup to make the U.S. Military less woke by preventing military children from being indoctrinated by Department of Defense (DoD) teachers and keeping the force focused on lethal threats rather than servicemembers’ pronouns. Senate Democrats on the Armed Services Committee voted down both amendments.”

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Aaron Gulbransen is a reporter at The Tennessee Star and The Star News Network. Email tips to [email protected]. Follow Aaron on GETTRTwitterTruth Social, and Parler.
Photo “Marsha Blackburn” by Gage Skidmore. CC BY-SA 2.0. Background Photo “U.S. Military” by The U.S. National Archives.


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3 Thoughts to “Senator Marsha Blackburn Talks Democrats Blocking Her Plan to Make the Military Less Woke”

  1. william r. delzell

    Our REAL enemies are more DOMESTIC than foreign; and most of these domestic enemies come from the Right, not from the Left. We don’t need as big a military as we have now to deal with this. We should cut military spending and use that money instead on providing more affordable housing, public transportation, teacher/health-care workers’ salaries/benefits, more public school building repairs/constructions, decent medical care for all, etc., instead of engaging in reckless foreign adventures like Korea, Vietnam, etc. If Marsha is so concerned about the Chinese, she can be drafted herself to fight them and to show us how “brave” she is!

  2. Cannoneer2

    I see the C.A.D. Channel is in full swing today…. (Complain About Democrats)

  3. P

    Marsha Blackburn is a RINO hack. I can’t wait to vote her out.
