State Executive Committee Candidate John Richardson Caught on Camera Stealing Opponent’s Literature

John Richardson, a candidate for Tennessee Republican Party State Executive Committee District 21, was caught by a Ring doorbell camera stealing his opponent’s campaign literature and replacing it with his own.

The video can be viewed here.

The video shows Richardson walking up to the door, removing his opponent Chuck Grimes’ literature, as well as House District 59 candidate Michelle Foreman’s literature, and replacing it with his own.

Richardson, reportedly the former campaign manager for Foreman’s campaign, then waved at the camera and walked off.

The Tennessee Star reached out to Richardson for comment but did not receive a response as of press time.

Richardson does not dispute the campaign literature theft and commented on the incident on his Facebook page.

Team JDR,

When I decided to run for political office for the first time, I decided to run a clean campaign.

Up until recently, I had kept my word.

In the heat, and emotions, of door-to-door campaigning, I made an emotional and uncharacteristic decision that I regret.

While knocking on doors and meeting voters I came across my opponent’s campaign literature and another candidate’s literature at a door.

Based on the way the literature was stuffed into the door handle I assumed that my opponent was working with another candidate.

I was told by the other candidate that they were not going to play favorites in my race, and in a moment of deep heartbreak I made an emotional decision that I regret.

I removed the campaign literature from someone’s door, so that I could bring it home to show my wife.

I have apologized to both my opponent and the other candidate and I am now asking for the forgiveness from my supporters.

My opponent is a good man, and if you choose to vote for him because of this event, I completely understand.

I am also requesting your grace be extended to me.

My momentary, uncharacteristic lapse in judgment requires that I re-establish your trust.

I will be grateful for your understanding and forgiveness.

If elected on August 4th to serve you as your State Executive Committee member, I promise that I won’t be perfect,

but if I make a mistake, I will own it and make things right.

With a Sincere and Repentant Heart,

John D. Richardson

Richardson reportedly left the Foreman for State Representative campaign in June.

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Aaron Gulbransen is a reporter at The Tennessee Star and The Star News Network. Email tips to [email protected]. Follow Aaron on GETTR, Twitter, Truth Social, and Parler.
Photo “John Richardson” by Ring. 




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7 Thoughts to “State Executive Committee Candidate John Richardson Caught on Camera Stealing Opponent’s Literature”

  1. Ms Independent

    He did what ALL politicians do! He’s a follower-NOT a leader!

  2. Cannoneer2

    Good. Start small, like future Committee Member Richardson. Eventually you can be a part of stealing bigger things, like Tennessee’s 5th Congressional District…

  3. I’m confused. He did something wrong (negligible, but wrong)… Then took responsibility, didn’t make excuses, and apologized? Clearly, he’s new to politics because this is NOT how you do things! Integrity has no place in politics!

    If he were in my district, this alone would have earned my vote.

    1. Ray

      Yes, he did something very wrong and got caught. Then apologized. Not ok.

  4. Karen L Bracken

    Oh yeah I am sure this is the first time he removed his opponents literature, right? No it is just the first time he got caught.

  5. John Bumpus

    BUSTED! And then the guy writes a ‘hundred thousand’ word essay to explain why he is dumb and dishonest! If you vote for/elect THIS guy, you’ll be sorry!
