Steve Bannon’s Documentary, Trump @War, Premieres on One America News Network Tonight

Tune in tonight at 8 p.m. ET (7 p.m. CT) for a Steve Bannon exclusive look into the socialist war on President Donald Trump with supporters being attacked in the streets and leftists using the label “racism.”

The Trump @War documentary will be available here on One American News Network (OAN).

“It’s a film that every American, regardless of political belief, should watch,” according to the network’s press release. “It’s a historic time for our country, and no one should be sitting on the sidelines during the upcoming elections.”

There will be a 30-minute roundtable discussion starting at 8 p.m. EST, with the film immediately following.

Trump @War highlights the challenges faced by Trump and economic nationalists with the left and the mainstream media as the president fights to fulfill his America First Agenda.

To find OAN and their availability in your area, click here.

You can watch the trailer here:

A veteran documentary film maker, Steve Bannon served as executive chairman of Breitbart News until August 2016, when he was selected by Donald Trump to serve as CEO of his presidential campaign. Bannon served as chief strategist in the Trump White House from January until August of 2017.

One America News Network is owned by Herring Networks, Inc., a family owned and operated, independent media company that provides national television programming via its national cable networks, according to the network’s website. The for-profit company was established in 2004 and has its primary production operations in California and Washington, DC.

Robert Herring Sr., CEO of OAN, said, “We’re delighted to premiere this documentary highlighting the achievements by President Trump under the most challenging conditions, our country has become highly polarized, making efforts to move our country in any direction difficult.”

More information on the documentary is available here.

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Jason M. Reynolds has more than 20 years’ experience as a journalist at outlets of all sizes.

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One Thought to “Steve Bannon’s Documentary, Trump @War, Premieres on One America News Network Tonight”

  1. Vicki Campbell

    The Deplorables are people like my husband and I who struggled financially through the 8 demoralizing and divisive years of Obama’s presidency. We are both college educated, one with a bachelors degree and the other with a masters. We were both laid off from our jobs, with my husband losing his career entirely and having to start over at a much lower paying job. I also had to take a large pay cut to procure a new job. We watched illegal immigrants be raised to the status of gods, to be given freedoms they didn’t deserve. We saw laws passed that while giving new rights to new groups also took rights away from existing groups, specifically Christians. We saw money needed by our own citizens being given to citizens of enemy countries who sent people to attack us on 9/11/2001. We saw relationships formed with leaders of countries like Cuba where criminals found refuge and oppression is the basis of their power. We saw every attack on police being subtly agreed to by the president, who separated people into groups – black vs. white, rich vs. poor, conservative vs. liberal and male vs. female – every chance he got. We are all Americans. We were called racist for no reason. We didn’t protest. We were silent.

    During this time, Obama did nothing to bring the economy back, but instead encouraged people to apply for food stamps and other government assistance (Medicaid), further adding to the economic struggle. He pretended there was no problem and spent money recklessly to wipe out entire industries on which some of our citizens were completely dependent for survival, to provide free or discounted education for illegal immigrants while I was still paying my student loans. He basically put citizens of other countries ahead of his own citizens. And then there was Obamacare where healthy people were forced to buy insurance they didn’t need or want so others could get free insurance.

    In my world, people lost their jobs then their homes. They lost their dignity and were told that everything they believed in was wrong. They looked for jobs that didn’t exist. Many had no choice but to apply for government assistance. The lower-paying jobs that they would normally do during a recession were already taken by people who had come into our country illegally, many of whom were sending most of their income back to their home countries. Jobs were sent overseas to save money. Companies moved their manufacturing to countries with low labor costs further decreasing the number of available jobs. We who still had jobs could not afford to help our neighbors financially and had to sit by and watch as they lost everything.

    We are the Deplorables. We are no longer silent.
