SuperPAC Targets Diane Black with New Ad About Her 2001 Vote to Give Tennessee Drivers’ Licenses to Illegal Aliens

A SuperPAC targeting Republican gubernatorial candidate Diane Black is back on the air with a radio ad that focuses on her vote to give Tennessee drivers’ licenses to illegal aliens when she served in the Tennessee State House of Representatives.

The latest 60 second radio ad from a group called Tennessee Jobs Now PAC ( is airing on several stations across the state and follows up on an ad campaign in January that featured a man and woman talking about “Dishonest Diane” directing state contracts to her husband’s company while flushing money down the toilet — to keep Diane Black from getting her hands on it.


MALE: Are you in this country illegally AND in need of government ID?

If so, come on down to the Tennessee Department of Motor Vehicles.  We’re here to help.  No questions asked.

If you’re an illegal immigrant who’s a drug dealer, human trafficker, even a terrorist, we’ll make sure you get ID to stay in the United States undetected.

FEMALE:  What you just heard, isn’t a real ad.  But career politician Diane Black actually thought it was a good idea to give illegal immigrants drivers’ licenses in Tennessee.

It wasn’t — and leaders in Tennessee came to their senses and stopped it.

In the Tennessee legislature, dishonest Diane Black voted to hand out drivers’ licenses to illegal immigrants.

Black’s vote made it easier for drug dealers, human traffickers, even terrorists, to stay in this country. That’s outrageous. And that’s Diane Black’s real record.

Dishonest Diane Black. Bad judgement. Not right for Tennessee.

Tennessee Jobs Now PAC paid for and is responsible for the content of this advertising. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.”

House Speaker Beth Harwell, who is also running for Governor, was among the House members who voted for the same bill to give drivers’ licenses to illegal immigrants in 2001.  Harwell, however, is not mentioned in the SuperPAC ad. After 9-11, when some of the terrorists used drivers’ licenses issued in other states to board planes that they “weaponized” to murder over 3,000 people at the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, Tennessee quickly stopped issuing the drivers’ licenses.

Black has recently been an outspoken opponent to legislation pending in the state legislature that would provide for in-state tuition discounts for illegal immigrants.

“The AP’s Jonathan Mattise has confirmed that the group running those toilet flushing radio ads attacking U.S. Rep. Diane Black’s gubernatorial aspirations is funded by a supporter of fellow GOP candidate Randy Boyd,” Erik Schelzig reported last month at The Tennessee Journal’s Humphrey on the Hill:

The group’s filing with the Tennessee Registry of Election Finance initially indicated that the $200,000 it had received was all in the form for unitemized contributions. When the AP followed up to ask about the filing, the registry said that it was a data-entry error and that the entire amount had come from Joe Hollingsworth Jr. of Clinton, who has also given $8,000 to Boyd’s campaign.

Hollingsworth is the father of Trey Hollingsworth, the Tennessee transplant who was elected to Congress in Indiana in 2016. A group called Indiana Jobs Now spent heavily in that race, and the Tennessee group’s website is registered to the same GOP operative, James McKay of New Hampshire.


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21 Thoughts to “SuperPAC Targets Diane Black with New Ad About Her 2001 Vote to Give Tennessee Drivers’ Licenses to Illegal Aliens”

  1. […] ad follows the theme of a SuperPac, Tennessee Jobs Now, that has previously hit Diane Black on both radio and television for voting to support providing drivers licenses for illegal aliens while she […]

  2. […] ad follows the theme of a SuperPac, Tennessee Jobs Now, that has previously hit Diane Black on both radio and television for voting to support providing drivers licenses for illegal aliens while she […]

  3. […] airing a television commercial two weeks ago that continues on the theme of their recent statewide radio buy.  The television ad hits Black for a 2001 vote during her time in the State Legislature that […]

  4. Dave

    Thanks for including information on the TNJobsNow group – I mean individual.

  5. KC

    Hi! What station/city did this ad air on?

    1. Connie Leonard

      It was on in Knoxville .I can’t remember which station.

    2. Connie Leonard

      No I didn’t.

      1. Connie Leonard

        Sorry wrong reply

  6. Barclay Hickman

    I really enjoyed watching the ” voting sticks episode on Channel 5 news. Beth Harwell got caught red-handed, and tried to lie her way out. No dice.

  7. Duane

    this is crazy. Its like we have to vote between Molly Hatchet or Attila the Hun. We need to get active and get better representation…..

  8. Donna Locke

    In the legislature, Marsha Blackburn, Diane Black, and Mae Beavers quickly sponsored bills to repeal the driver’s licenses for illegal aliens and sponsored the bills every year until we were rid of that. These three women kept trying to repeal the driving certificates for illegal aliens that Gov. Bredesen insisted on a replacement for the DLs after 9/11. Democrats controlled the legislature then.

    Finally, the massive fraud and other criminality and the consequent national publicity caused by this situation made even Bredesen ready to get rid of the driving certificates, and they were soon gone by law, but not before a lot of continuing damage was done.

    I had a Web site at the time and posted about all this, and my site got hits from other countries and from Pakistanis in England searching on “Tennessee driver’s licenses,” so I’m sure our idiot Tennessee politicians facilitated terrorist cells in our country.

    1. Donna Locke

      My post above should read that Bredesen insisted on his driving certificates for illegal aliens AS a replacement for the driver’s licenses they were getting.

      I’ll vote for Diane Black as the best of the bunch.

  9. lb

    Yep, doesnt affect my vote in the least–she is the best of rino herd

  10. Papa

    The RINOs and Dummycrats both make sure a decent honest person never makes into office. They are afraid someone will show just how corrupt and dishonest they really are.
    Black unethically defeated Lou Ann Zelenik to get in congress and won by less than 300 votes.
    I don’t intend to vote for Black or Harwell unless it’s a have to vote to keep the Dummycrat out!

    1. Stuart I. Anderson

      Papa, please don’t ground those intentions in cement! Don’t forget that Randy! Boyd is the only admitted centrist running for governor and his election will no doubt mean eight years of continuous warfare between him and conservatives. May I therefore suggest you add “a centrist like Boyd or” between “keep” and “the” in the last sentence.

      1. Betty

        Are you nuts Randy Boyd is corrupt for sure! He and his cronies are pushing this corrupt transit in Nashville TN! He bought lots of land up in Knoxville Tn hoping to cash in and push this crappy transit on us !!!

    2. Geno

      More than a few of us have known this for years. I agree with you, wholeheartedly !!

  11. CM in TN

    I’ll still vote for her as opposed to Boyd or some dhimmicrat. She may be a bitter pill based on her past votes, but is a better choice than any of the others. We’re not getting a perfect candidate and we never will. Not one who will ever get enough votes anyway…

    1. Stuart I. Anderson

      Right you are CM! Let “ANYBODY BUT BOYD!” be the battle cry of conservatives this election.

      1. Betty

        A vote for Lee is a better choice others are super rich and liars!!!

        1. April J Fruchey

          After this Lee is for me
