Tennessee-Based PAC Helping Democrats Get Money From Outside Home States


A Tennessee-based PAC founded by two members of Bernie Sanders’ 2016 presidential campaign is reportedly helping Democratic candidates nationwide take in far more money from outside their home state.

Members of this group, Justice Democrats, reportedly want to shut down the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency.

This, according to The Washington Free Beacon and Newsmax.com. The two websites reported that through this group Democrats “are taking in far more money from outside their districts than from the people they either represent or hope to represent, a new report claims.”

“Candidates who sign on with Justice Democrats are required to champion a liberal agenda that includes shutting down Immigrations and Customs Enforcement and lobbying for a Medicare for all healthcare system,” according to Newsmax.com

“Headquartered in Tennessee, Justice Democrats was founded in 2017 by two members of Sen. Bernie Sanders’ 2016 presidential campaign.”

According to The Washington Free Beacon, House candidate Jessica Cisneros of Texas has received less than 2 percent of her $190,000 in donations from the district in which she is running.

“Other Democrats whose campaigns show similar numbers include Marie Newman of Chicago (10 percent of donations from her district) and Morgan Harper of Ohio (11 percent),” according to the website.

“Justice Democrats supports several liberal Democrats, a group that includes Reps. Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts, Rashida Tlaib of Michigan, Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York. Their images appear on the homepage of the group’s website. Justice Democrats claims it ‘functions like a party within the Democratic Party — running our own candidates in primary elections and holding those on top accountable to the grassroots.’”

As The Tennessee Star reported last month, Omar announced her endorsement of Sanders’ presidential campaign.

“Bernie Sanders isn’t fighting to win just one presidential election—he’s fighting for the soul of our democracy. Here’s more on why I’m so proud to give Bernie my endorsement for president of the United States,” Omar wrote on Twitter along with a video explaining her endorsement.

In the video, Omar says that Sanders is “the only candidate who has built a movement and continues to build a movement that transcends gender, ethnicity, religion.”

“We know that in order to take on Trump, we’re going to need a unifier, someone who understands what the fight looks like and someone who is ready to defeat him,” Omar says, revealing that Sanders inspired her to run for office.

“The Senator is the only candidate that is proposing a complete cancellation of student debt,” she added.

Sanders called Omar a “leader of strength and courage” in response to the endorsement.

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Chris Butler is an investigative journalist at The Tennessee Star. Follow Chris on Facebook. Email tips to [email protected].
Photo “Justice Democrats” by Justice Democrats.




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