Tennessee Elected Officials React to SCOTUS Decision Overturning Roe v. Wade

Several Tennessee elected officials praised the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade.

U.S. Senators Marsha Blackburn and Bill Hagerty and several other state elected officials issued statements.

Blackburn applauded the ruling by SCOTUS and strongly criticized the earlier leaking of the document.

“Having worked alongside Tennesseans to protect the innocent lives of unborn children for years, I applaud today’s Supreme Court ruling. Despite false claims from the left, this decision will not ban abortion. Instead, it returns the decision to the states and empowers state legislatures with more flexibility to craft policy through the democratic process,” said Blackburn.

“It is unacceptable that a draft opinion was leaked in advance and that the person responsible has not been caught. The leaker has jeopardized the safety of our justices, and threats of violence by the radical militant mob are unacceptable. We appreciate the brave law enforcement officers working overtime to protect our justices and their families,” she said.

Hagerty stressed the need to advocate pro-life policies in the future.

“I believe we have a moral duty to protect unborn children who cannot protect themselves. Today is a consequential day, not only for those who believe that all life is a precious gift, but also for American democracy and the rule of law. This decision doesn’t ban abortion—it simply returns decision-making on abortion to the people,” he said.

“That’s how it should be in a republic—matters not addressed by the Constitution should be decided by the people through their elected representatives, not by nine unelected judges in Washington, D.C. I will continue to strongly advocate for pro-life policies that safeguard our children and our families,” he added.

U.S. Representative Mark Green (R-TN-07) said in a tweet, “Today will go down in history as the day the Supreme Court righted one of the greatest wrongs in our nation’s history. Our prayers have been answered, and we must continue our fight to protect life in every state!”

Tennessee Lt. Governor Randy McNally (R-Oak Ridge) made a statement following the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health decision.

“This decision is a huge win for the cause of Life. For too long, abortion policy in this nation has been controlled by the federal judiciary. Now, once again, the voters of the individual states will have the ability to make policy through democratic means. In Tennessee, the voters have already made their views known through the passage of a constitutional amendment that makes clear that no right to abortion is contained in our constitution,” he said.

“With passage of our trigger law and a comprehensive heartbeat bill, Tennessee’s General Assembly has been well prepared for this day. Very soon the pro-life voters of Tennessee will finally see their policy preferences enshrined in law. A great day for the cause of Life and the state of Tennessee,” added the Lt. Governor.

Knox County Mayor Glenn Jacobs said in a tweet, “Roe v. Wade has been overturned! This clears the way for states like TN to pass stronger protections for the unborn, and is an answer to a prayer for so many. #RightToLife #Victory”

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Aaron Gulbransen is a reporter at The Tennessee Star and The Star News Network. Email tips to [email protected]. Follow Aaron on GETTRTwitterTruth Social, and Parler.
Photo “Marsha Blackburn” by Sen. Marsha Blackburn. Photo “Bill Hagerty” by Bill Hagerty. Photo “Randy McNally” by Lt. Governor Randy McNally. Photo “Congressman Mark Green” by Congressman Mark Green. Photo “Glenn Jacobs” by Knox County Tennessee. Background Photo “U.S. Supreme Court” by AgnosticPreachersKid. CC BY-SA 4.0.

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8 Thoughts to “Tennessee Elected Officials React to SCOTUS Decision Overturning Roe v. Wade”

  1. WW

    Nashville DA Glenn Funk just made a public vow NOT to follow the state law & will refuse to prosecute, article here:


    Funk, Glenn
    District Attorney General
    [email protected]

    when is the next vote cycle?

  2. Wayne Bays

    The Tennessee laws that now take effect are ridiculously restrictive. Absolutely unrealistic !

    1. Steve Allen

      I think most leftists are missing the point…..which is, abortion (at some point in the fetal development process) is taking the life of an innocent being. There is a large gap between the “morning after pill” and the physical abortion of a fetus in the third trimester.

      The SCOTUS DID NOT BAN ABORTIONS! They turned that decision back to the individual states where it belongs. This is a perfect example of Liberal vs Conservative ideology. That being that the Left wants the federal government to be in complete control of every aspect of our lives (as long as they are the ones in charge), while the Right believes in less federal government intrusion and more power to the individual State governments.

      As is evident by what is currently happening, the collective hatred of the Left knows no bounds, and those on the Left that currently call the shots; Pelois, Biden, Schumer, Waters, Garland, AOC, et. al., continue to do all they can to fan the flames of violence.

  3. Steve Allen

    After all the inexcusable behavior by the leftists/democrats/liberals as they repeatedly went after President Trump with their totally baseless accusations, his greatest legacy is now exacting revenge against their immorality. I LOVE IT!

  4. Truthy McTruthFace

    sounds like glenn funk needs to be removed from office for pledging to not do his job.

    also, liberals – please point to the part of the constitution where it gives the right to abort babies. we’ll wait. thanks.

  5. jamesb

    i think the legislature can remove him from office. would not be concerned as i dont think the foll would want to face that.

    typical nashville bolshevik sewer rat

  6. Steve Allen

    And of course the Left and their their thousands of useful idiots are over reacting and using this as an excuse to riot, burn, and disrupt peoples lives. The way the democrats are freaking out you would think that abortions had been totally banned in America.
    If you live in a conservative state like Tennessee and you have a problem with Tennessee’s abortion laws, do us all a favor and move to a liberal state that condones abortion up to the time of birth.

    What I do find contradictory is that the SCOTUS has turned the legality of abortion back the the individual states, yet they ruled that individual states cannot regulate who can and cannot be approved (licensed) to carry a concealed weapon.

    Then our president made the false claim that;

    “They have made the United States an outlier among developed nations in the world. But this decision must not be the final word.”

    A total lie. The majority of western nations have laws that limit abortion to the first few weeks after conception, just like many States in America will/have done. There are very few nations that allow abortion up to birth, North Korea and China are the two that come to mind.

    One issue that I think is not given enough consideration is population control and eugenics. There is evidence that Margarete Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, was a believer in eugenics. There is no denying that abortions are a tool of population control. The globalists believe there are too many people on earth and that our current population growth is not sustainable. Think global plandemic.

    I predict the current administration will do absolutely nothing about the rioting and will in fact encourage it. The over priced clothing company Patagonia has stated they will be paying the bail for their employees. This will become another excuse for property destruction just like the Floyd riots of 2020. Just keep it up, we will change the destructive course of America in November.

  7. Nancy

    Speaker McNalley, The Davidson County DA said he will not enforce criminal charges for abortion providers. Can you pass any laws to remove a rogue DA that says they will not enforce TN laws? We don’t want to become a California or New York as a lawless community! Please do something to ensure DAs apply TN laws.
