Titans Boycott National Anthem, Judd Matheny Blasts NFL Team for ‘Disrespect for Those Who Fought’ for Their Rights


The Tennessee Titans made the politically charged decision to boycott the national anthem in their home NFL home game against the Seattle Seahawks on Sunday, choosing instead to remain in the locker room while the rest of the game’s attendees honored the flag.

“As a team, we wanted to be unified in our actions today,” the Titans organization said in a brief statement, released via Twitter. “The players jointly decided this was the best course of action. Our commitment to the military and our community is resolute and the absence of our team for the national anthem shouldn’t be misconstrued as unpatriotic.”


Reaction from fans and elected representatives in Tennessee was fierce.

“Unfortunately, Tennesseans were subjected first hand today, to the disrespect to those who fought for the right for these players, to even be in uniform.  The TN Titans wanted us to believe that their ‘unified decision’ still reflected a commitment to the military, in the absence of our TN team from America’s National Anthem and that it shouldn’t be misconstrued as unpatriotic,” State Rep. Judd Matheny (R-Tullahoma) and a candidate for the Republican nomination in the 6th Congressional District said in a statement released Sunday afternoon:

Standing for the national anthem is the appropriate respect owed those who have paid the ultimate sacrifice for this country. The fact that anyone would claim it’s ‘divisive’ to say that just shows how much politically correct nonsense has run amuck. Of course, players have a first amendment right to express themselves, but their employers have the right to fire them. Most importantly, we as patriotic Americans have the right not to patronize a league that condones this anti-American behavior.

I will be introducing legislation this week, to ban our state government from participating in any further direct or indirect ventures with sports teams, and to withhold any further funding until this anti-patriotic epidemic is squarely broken. The State of TN can take steps to make sure taxpayers don’t have to pay for this any longer. I am deeply concerned about these role models in our society encouraging our youth, to disrespect our flag and anthem, and what it stands for.

We will not be able to defend ourselves in the future against regimes like Iran and North Korea, or worse, if we can’t field an army of patriotic people. There is a line that has to be taken when it comes to subsidizing, especially subsidizing someone slapping our country in the face,

Tennesseans who have, until Sunday, been loyal fans of the Titans for years were equally unhappy with the team.

“It is very unpatriotic,” wrote Kevin Hurt, commenting on the team’s post. “I WAS a fan, but no more. I will not buy Titans gear, or anything with Titans on it again!! I served 32 years in the Army and take this as a personal slap in the face!! GOODBYE TITANS!!! GOODBYE NFL!!”

Amber Ridders agreed, writing, “I finished with the Titans today. I have been a fan from the day they changed from the Oilers. I was 15 years old. Kevin Hurt both of my grandfathers served in the Navy during Vietnam, one was a career Vet. God Bless you and I thank you for your service.”

Diana Cordell reacted, “Wow, never been so disappointed in the team in my entire life. I thought this team would all be out on the field with not a single player kneeling. This is a sign of great disrespect. Whoever made this decision for the team or if this was a team decision, I am shocked and hurt. You all are so much better than that.”

Mark Campbell added, “Well my support for the United States of America over NFL today shouldn’t be misconstrued as anything but total disappointment in the Titans. This is the saddest day I have ever had as a NFL fan.”

Not a single member of the Titans team was brave enough to stand and show respect for the flag when the national anthem was played before the game.

The Titans beat the Seahawks 33 to 27, but many of their local fans did not seem to care about the outcome of today’s game–or any Titans game in the future, for that matter.

It was a different story in Chicago earlier in the day, where former Army Ranger Alejandro Villanueva, the Pittsburgh Steelers starting left tackle who served three tours in Afghanistan while he was in the Army, showed his pampered teammates what real courage is by leaving every other member of the team back in the locker room, and coming onto the field, where he stood at attention with his hand over his heart as the national anthem was played.

The Bears beat the visiting Steelers in overtime, 23 to 17.


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11 Thoughts to “Titans Boycott National Anthem, Judd Matheny Blasts NFL Team for ‘Disrespect for Those Who Fought’ for Their Rights”

  1. Richard Throckmorton


  2. Ted Dugan

    I served 15 years in the Army. My cousin served in the Marines and went to Viet Nam and his death was because of Agent Orange poisoning. My Dad served in WWII and fought in the Battle of the Bulge. Sadly I am the only one left to witness the disgrace of the NFL and disrespect for our flag and National Anthem. I was a Titans fan but no more. My son has 2 Tennessee Oilers jerseys. If they were mine I would take them and toss them on the field. Sports is supposed to be entertaining not political. The NFL and all the players need to get back to playing sports and leave politics out of it. I can only hope the Dallas Cowboys will not participate in this shameful behavior. If they do then I will only watch college football.

  3. […] Tennessee Titans decided as a team to boycott the National Anthem Sunday, but that was not the only protest fans were treated to prior to the […]

  4. lb

    I saw this stupid statement come thru on Twitter yesterday and began reading the comments, people were outraged for the most part. A few lefties who don’t like PDT or are just generally anti-American but 90% of the comments were negative. I unfollowed them as well, suspect that was something a lot of people did as well.

  5. Sherrie Orange

    Standing for the National Anthem is a sign of respect for your country…it is not about race.
    Smart Girl Politics had a great cartoon that said to the kneeling players: “So to protest income inequality, will you refuse to take your paycheck?”

  6. Kevin Baigert

    The reaction of these players individually and collectively is one issue. The response to their actions by the collective ownership (aka NFL) is truly astonishing! Maybe a better use of citizen fans Sunday afternoons would be studying the foundational documents of our country, the Bible and the Constitution. The following YouTube video hits right to the heart of the issue and is a must watch.

  7. Donald Jones

    I’m done with NFL period. I will never come to a TT game again and I loved you. I cant believe your disrespect.

    1. Jpb

      Same here!!! I am sadly DONE!!!

  8. John Lindahl

    If you look closely you will notice my back is to the field. In a complete show of disrespect to our flag, our country, and the men and women who have fought and many who gave the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom, the Titans team would not even come out of the locker room to show some respect.
    I disagree with many things our government has done, but it is still my country. It is the country my ancestors died for during the Revolutionary War, and every war up until World War II. My Dad flew over 56 missions offering his and his men’s lives so that we can sit here and watch a Titan’s game. I will not disrespect our Flag, our Country, or our Military no matter how I feel about what is happening right now in our country.
    I will not be back to a Titans game. Anyone interested in $25,000 worth of 45 yard line Level I Club Level seats and don’t care please let me know

  9. Delane Stewart

    What? Don’t misconstrue their actions! Of course this behavior was disrespect for for all the American values we hold dear. Saying you did not do what you did is LYING. Shame on you!
