Women’s March Leader Linda Sarsour Back In Senate Hart Building Hours After Being Arrested At Kavanaugh Hearings

by Henry Rogers


Women’s March leader Linda Sarsour was spotted walking around the Hart Senate building hours after being arrested for protesting the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh.

Daily Caller News FoundationSarsour was on her way to elevators in the Senate office building and refused to say if she had been arrested or give a reason as to why she was back in the building. Just hours before, Sarsour was seen screaming in the hearing for Kavanaugh before she was forcibly removed from the room.

Hours later, Sarsour returned with a small group and refused to comment as to what happened previously or what their future plans were.

Nearly 20 protesters inside Tuesday’s hearing were removed and arrested just 30 minutes after the hearing began.

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Henry Rogers is a reporter at Daily Caller News Foundation. Follow Henry Rodgers On Twitter.











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One Thought to “Women’s March Leader Linda Sarsour Back In Senate Hart Building Hours After Being Arrested At Kavanaugh Hearings”

  1. Randall

    Cry babies. “Elections have consequences “ – Barak Obama
