Yale Bars Media at Closed-Door ‘Leadership Event’ with Hillary Clinton

by Matt Lamb


Hillary Clinton spoke at a recent Yale University “leadership” event in front of law students and faculty. University officials banned the press from attending.

The former secretary of state and two-time failed presidential candidate spoke at the “Conversation on Leadership” series with Dean Heather Gerken. Clinton graduated from Yale Law School.

The Yale Daily News article is scant on details about the event, and it is not clear how the campus newspaper attended the event since the university banned the press.

“On Thursday afternoon, swarms of excited students crowded outside the Sterling Law Building, waiting to watch former Secretary of State and 2016 presidential candidate Hillary Clinton LAW ’73 exit the school,” the Daily News reported.

Clinton served as secretary of state under President Barack Obama from 2009-13, a period that included a September 11, 2012 terrorist attack on a CIA compound in Benghazi, Libya, which she and others blamed on a YouTube video.

The newspaper glowingly quoted attendees at the event that featured Secretary Clinton.

“She’s the first woman to do many different things,” one student said. “She was very, very bold as Secretary of State and when she was running as the first [prospective] female president…She was a trailblazer and opened a lot of doors, whether we agree with her policies when she was under Obama or not.”

“It’s just such an exhilarating experience to hear from someone who has not only sat in the seats you’re sitting in, but also served in the highest levels of government,” another student said.

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Matt Lamb is the Associate Editor of The College Fix. Lamb has previously worked at Students for Life of America, Students for Life Action and Turning Point USA. While in college, he wrote for The College Fix as well as his college newspaper, The Loyola Phoenix.
Photo “Hillary Clinton” by Yale Law School.



Appeared at and reprinted from TheCollegeFix.com

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4 Thoughts to “Yale Bars Media at Closed-Door ‘Leadership Event’ with Hillary Clinton”

  1. william delzell

    Crooked Hillary and Slick Willy are really closet Tea Party Republicans who constantly attempt to trick leftists and liberals into voting for them. Down with the Billary!


    A Leadership Event with Hillary Clinton ??? What she do give them a copy of her list of Hitmen that she used to take out her opposition and witnesses that could put her away for life!!

  3. Sud1

    For “swarms of excited students” read swarms of credulous rubes

  4. Dana

    It is long past time to tear down the communist institutions that once were places of great learning. There is NOTHING left of their founding principles to knowledge and it is time to tear them down brick by brick and grind those bricks into dust, so they can never be built with again.
