Former Columnist Exposes Scientific American’s Sudden Descent Into Left-Wing Ideology

Michael Shermer

Scientific American, a top science magazine that has been around since 1845, has become increasingly captured by the political left to the detriment of its scientific goals, a whistleblower told City Journal in a story published Sunday.

While the magazine previously pushed for authors to debate accepted perspectives, it has recently moved toward far-left ideology on issues, such as race, gender and climate, Scientific American author Michael Shermer, who wrote for the outlet from 2001-2019, told City Journal. Shermer, who wrote a column called “Skeptic” for the publication says he faced pushback for writing pieces on progress in reducing discrimination as well as for criticizing the ideology of “intersectionality,” commonly referred to as “identity politics.”

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Metro Legal Responds to Claim Transportation Referendum Not Legally Authorized

Nashville Mayor Freddie O'Connell

Metro Government has responded to a criticism that Nashville Mayor Freddie O’Connell’s proposed transportation plan is not legal under state law.

Nashville Tea Party founder Ben Cunningham recently called O’Connell’s referendum illegal because it would increase taxes to fund projects he argues are not covered by the IMPROVE Act, like sidewalks and traffic signals.

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Alex Soros Attends McCain Institute Sedona Forum to Stop Trump in 2024

Cindy McCain and Alex Soros in Sedona, Arizona

Alex Soros, the son of Hungarian-American financier George Soros, confirmed in a Tuesday posts to social media that he attended the 2024 Sedona Forum held by the McCain Institute in Arizona and discussed former President Donald Trump with at least one high profile attendee.

The theme the McCain Institute chose for the 2024 Sedona Forum was “Securing Our Insecure World,” and a website for the event claims speakers and attendees “examined the greatest challenges to democracy, human rights, and global security,” while panel topics included “challenges posed to by autocracies to the international order and U.S. values and interests.”

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Top Biden Official Visits Arizona Passport Office, 911 Call Center but Not Southern Border in Trip to Understand Impact of Synthetic Opioids

Secretary of State Anthony Blinken visits Tucson 911 call center

Biden administration Secretary of State of State Antony Blinken on Friday visited Tuscon to participate in a “roundtable on synthetic drugs.” Despite visiting an emergency services call center and a passport office, he did not visit the southern border.

A State Department itinerary of Blinken’s schedule on Friday reveals he was slated to arrive at the Tucson Passport Center at 11:20 a.m. for a “meet and greet” with local employees.

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National Environmental Group Plans Wednesday Rally in Nashville over TVA Energy Sources

State Rep Aftyn Behn

The Sierra Club will hold a demonstration at Lipscomb University in Nashville on Wednesday to protest the use of fossil fuels by the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), which is slated to hold a listening session earlier the same day.

A TVA web page explains the controversial group’s “Rally for the Valley” will feature a musical performance Nashville-based country music artist Jonathan Singleton and remarks by Representative Aftyn Behn (D-Nashville).

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McCormick Senate Campaign Slams Sen. Casey for ‘Continued Silence’ on Campus Antisemitism After Visiting Anti-Israel Encampment at Penn

Pennsylvania U.S. Senator Bob Casey (D-PA)

The Dave McCormick for U.S. Senate campaign released a Friday statement castigating U.S. Senator Bob Casey (D-PA) for his failure to condemn the antisemitic encampment at the University of Pennsylvania, deriding the Democrat for engaging a children’s television character on social media rather than condemn the anti-Israel protests.

McCormick’s campaign explained their challenge to Casey in response to “Casey’s continued silence on the antisemitic encampments rocking college campuses across Pennsylvania and the country.”

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Republican States to Ignore Biden’s Title IX Rewrite Recognizing Gender Identity, File Lawsuits: ‘We Will Not Comply’

Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders with Riley Gaines

Calling the Biden administration’s recent decision to include gender identity in Title IX “election-year pandering” and a threat to women — and the “truth” — Arkansas Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders signed an executive order telling schools in her state to ignore the guidance.

“The educational institutions of Arkansas will continue to enforce state law guaranteeing the right of students to maintain their privacy. Students must not be forced to shower or undress with members of the opposite sex,” states the executive order, signed Thursday by the Republican governor.

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Biden Administration Defends Treatment of Veterans Despite IG Report

Dept of Veteran Affair Secretary Denis McDonough

The U.S. Department of Veterans’ Affairs pledged to protect veterans and address any problems identified by federal watchdogs after an Inspector General report raised concerns about the physicians employed by the VA.

Press Secretary Terrence Hayes responded to an inquiry from The Center Square about recent IG reports. The reports in question said that the healthcare wing of the VA was paying doctors to care for veterans even after those doctors had been disqualified for safety reasons.

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Georgia Lawmaker Says Fulton County DA Fani Willis Spends Taxpayer Dollars ‘Like the Wild West’

Fani Willis

A Georgia lawmaker alleged during a hearing that Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis spends taxpayer dollars “like the Wild West” and has misused public funds.

“This is sounding to me kind of like the Wild West, very little control from Fulton County over a $36 million budget,” State Sen. Bill Cowsert said after questioning Fulton County Commissioner Robb Pitts and Fulton County Chief Financial Officer Sharon Whittmore about how Willis’ office receives and spends its funds.

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Commentary: Five Ways Campus Turmoil Hurts Democrats and America

Campus protesters

Higher education is sinking lower and lower. That’s bad news for our country, which has benefited enormously from having the world’s best system of higher education. And it’s bad news for Democrats, who face a tight election. Their party is closely tied to education at all levels, especially at elite universities. It is the party of experts, after all, and the party of the left. Universities are both. Moreover, since the Democrats control the Executive Branch, the public holds them primarily accountable for ensuring social order. Their failures are obvious to the average voter. That’s bound to hurt Democratic Party candidates in November.

Parents with children in college or expected to matriculate soon have every right to expect their kids can learn in peace, hear diverse viewpoints, and speak freely without threats, intimidation, or indoctrination. That’s true whether the parents are Jewish or not. Decent Americans won’t tolerate threats against Jewish students any more than they would tolerate them against blacks, Muslims, Christians, or Asian Americans. Yet they now see those threats against Jewish students every day, and, at many universities, they don’t see administrators standing up for their rights.

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Maricopa County School Superintendent Faces Primary Challengers After Numerous Allegations of Financial Misconduct

Maricopa County

The Festival Ranch Republican Club recently hosted an educational forum, inviting the three Republican candidates in the primary running for Maricopa County School Superintendent to speak. This race holds significant importance amidst allegations of financial mismanagement and an intense focus on education in Arizona. The incumbent, Steve Watson, and challenger Nickie Kelley attended the forum. The second challenger, Shelli Boggs couldn’t attend due to a conflict, but The Arizona Sun Times interviewed each candidate for this article.

Nickie Kelley previously told the Sun Times, that the stakes were high for  Republicans to maintain control of this office. Kelley tracked the data and  in 2016 Watson beat the incumbent Democrat by about 36,000 votes. In 2020, he defeated the Democratic candidate by only 11,000 votes. But this year, Democrats have a formidable candidate running and Watson has battled negative allegations for years regarding mismanagement of funds.

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Tennessee U.S. Rep. Tim Burchett Requests ‘Full Investigation’ into the CIA Based on Claims Made in Undercover Video

Tim Burchett CIA

Tennessee U.S. Representative Tim Burchett (R-TN-02) sent letters to the chairmans of the House Judiciary Committee and House Oversight Committee on Thursday requesting that the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) be investigated after an employee of the CIA’s Cyber Operations Division made bombshell accusations about the intel agency when it comes to its covert relationship with former President Donald Trump – both during and after his presidency.

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Congressman Andy Ogles Among House Republicans Seeking to Prevent the Resettling of Palestinians into the U.S.

Andy Ogles

Tennessee U.S. Representative Andy Ogles (R-TN-05) is among a group of House Republicans requesting that a provision be included in the Fiscal Year 2025 spending bill to prohibit Palestinian refugees from being imported and resettled into U.S. communities.

Ogles, along with U.S. Representatives Tom Tiffany (R-WI-07) and Scott Perry (R-PA-10), are specifically seeking a provision in the funding bill that “prohibits expenditures of any funds to issue a visa or grant parole to any alien holding a passport issued by the Palestinian Authority.”

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Swing States Using Taxpayer Dollars to Turn Out Democratic Voters

Arizona Secretary of State Adrian Fontes

Election officials in two key swing states are using taxpayer money to register and turn out voters who will most likely vote for Democrats in the November election.

As reported by The Federalist, Democratic officials in the states of Arizona and Nevada have announced initiatives to turn out younger voters, who overwhelmingly lean Democratic, with roughly 6 months to go before the election in the fall. Arizona Secretary of State Adrian Fontes (D-Ariz.) announced that his office will partner with the ALL IN Campus Democracy Challenge to promote the “Arizona Campus Voting Challenge,” which Fontes falsely claims is a “nonpartisan initiative.”

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Emails Show Facebook Chafed at Biden White House Pressure to Suppress COVID-19 Lab Leak Story

Facebook on a smartphone

The preliminary staff report is the result of a months-long investigation into the alleged coercion, where President Joe Biden’s White House reportedly pushed social media platforms such as Facebook, Amazon, and YouTube, to censor books, videos, and posts.

Emails released Wednesday show Facebook officials chafed at the Biden White House pressure campaign to censor reports that the COVID-19 pandemic came from a lab leak in China.

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U.S. Senate Candidate Kari Lake Offers Paid Summer Internship to Flag-Defending Fraternity Brothers amid UNC Protests

Kari Lake UNC

Arizona Republican U.S. Senate candidate Kari Lake extended a paid summer internship to the fraternity brothers who defended the U.S. flag during the University of North Carolina (UNC) at Chapel Hill protests, where pro-Palestinian demonstrators attempted to remove it.

In her X post, she extends a direct invitation: “If any of these GREAT Young Men want a PAID summer internship with my campaign, consider yourself HIRED. Reach out to me, or someone on my team, and we’ll ensure your resume is at the top of the stack, with my approval attached to it.”

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Congressional Republicans’ Bill Seeks to Crack Down on DEI in Med Schools

Congressman Greg Murphy

Bills that seeks to block med schools from receiving federal funds if they maintain diversity equity and inclusion mandates are winding their way through Congress.

“Embracing anti-Discrimination, Unbiased Curricula, and Advancing Truth in Education,” or the EDUCATE Act, would limit the availability of funds for medical schools that “adopt certain policies and requirements relating to” DEI, it states.

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Records Show Archives Official Met With Biden White House Counsel Day of Indictment Against Trump

Richard Sauber

On June 8, 2023, Gary Stern, the General Counsel of the National Archives arrived at the White House for a meeting with Special Counsel to President Biden Richard Sauber. The meeting reportedly took place in the Navy Mess, a “nautical” themed dining room run by the seafaring military branch, according to White House records.

It is not known what Stern and Sauber discussed, but the very same day, the Justice Department filed its indictment against former President Donald Trump alleging he “unlawfully” retained classified documents.

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Knox County Mayor Glenn Jacobs Most Proud of Not Raising Taxes During His Tenure, Says ‘We Have to Make Sure Our People Are Being Taken Care Of’

Glenn Jacobs

Knox County Mayor Glenn Jacobs said the accomplishment he’s most proud of since assuming office in 2018 is his and his team’s work to avoid raising taxes for county residents.

Jacobs said that while it is becoming “more difficult” to construct a budget amid economic challenges resulting from decisions made at the federal level, his administration is “doing everything that we can to be creative and think outside the box” to avoid raising taxes.

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State Senate Passes Repeal Amidst Fierce Battle, the Future of Abortion in Arizona Still in Limbo

State Senators Anthony Kern, TJ Shope, and Jake Hoffman

Republican Senators Shawnna Bollick and T.J. Shope voted with Democrats to approve the repeal of the current abortion law in Arizona.  Senator Jake Hoffman, Chair of the Arizona Freedom Caucus, asserted that Republicans “got rolled” as Democrats expedited the repeal of the 1864 law through strategic tactics aimed at bypassing procedural rules. Hoffman stated that Republicans “don’t roll their colleagues” very often, but when they do, it’s always to the detriment of Arizonans. Hoffman said that the 1864 law was “one of the best, strongest pro-life measures in the country.” He added that it is reflective of our founding fathers’ intent: the right to life. Republican Sonny Borelli criticized the decision, stating that bringing this vote forward was a violation of the process. He emphasized the lack of debate, committee involvement, or discussion, noting that everything was bypassed.

Senator Bolick, married to Arizona Supreme Court Justice Clint Bolick, who ironically is part of the majority on the Court that upheld the current law, faced disruptions from both the gallery and fellow Senators as she spoke for over twenty minutes. She detailed her personal experiences with pregnancy complications while emphasizing that “every pregnancy is different.” Abortion has become a rallying cry for Democrats seeking to enshrine abortion rights until birth in the state constitution through a November ballot measure. Bolick stated that she “wants to protect our state constitution from unlimited abortions up until the moment of birth” and said her vote was to protect “more babies.” T.J. Shope did not comment on his vote. Senator Anthony Kern strongly stated, “we are voting for death.”

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Flight Docs Reveal Which Cities are Receiving Migrants Under Biden’s Parole Program

Passengers on a flight

Nearly 200,000 migrants from four countries have flown into America’s biggest airports under a Biden administration parole program, Department of Homeland Security (DHS) documents reveal.

The House Homeland Security Committee on Tuesday publicized documents, obtained through a subpoena to DHS, that identifies over 50 airport locations used by the federal government to process hundreds of thousands of foreign nationals via a parole program between January-August 2023. About 200,000 foreign nationals were processed under the program — known as the Humanitarian Parole for Cubans, Haitians, Nicaraguans, and Venezuelans, or CHNV — which was initially launched in October 2022 and grants a two-year parole period as well as work authorization eligibility.

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Wind Energy Industry Produced Less Power in 2023, Despite Having Increased Total Generation Capacity

Wind Farm

The wind industry produce 2.1 percent less electricity in 2023 compared to the previous year. Total wind capacity in the U.S. has tripled from 47 gigawatts in 2010 to 147.5 gigawatts by the end of 2023.

The wind energy industry managed to increase total generation capacity by 6.2 gigawatts in 2023, but the actual electricity generation decreased.

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Companies are Slashing Away at Debt as Surging Inflation Casts Shadow over Interest Rate Cuts

Business meeting

Many companies are looking to cut down on their debts as recent high inflation reports have made borrowing more expensive as the prospect of interest rate cuts by central banks diminishes, The Wall Street Journal reported Wednesday.

Even companies with already high credit outlooks are deleveraging to boost their rating with top agencies and reduce debt costs that have increased along with interest rates, while firms with lower ratings are needing to cut debt to maintain profitable operations, according to the WSJ. Investors have had to adjust their view about when interest rates might decline in recent weeks as persistently high levels of inflation have made it less likely that central banks around the world, including in the U.S., will cut interest rates, reducing the cost of holding debt.

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Oklahoma Just Became the Latest State to Take Immigration Enforcement Into Its Own Hands

Oklahoma Gov. Kevin Stitt

Oklahoma’s Republican governor signed a sweeping immigration enforcement bill into law, making the Sooner State the latest to confront the border crisis through legislative action.

Gov. Kevin Stitt signed House Bill 4156 into law on Tuesday, one week after the Republican-controlled legislature sent it to his desk. The law, which is set to take effect on July 1, makes it illegal to reside in Oklahoma without legal authorization to be in the U.S.

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Georgia State Ethics Commission Claims Fani Willis Ally Spent Campaign Funds at Dollar Tree, Title Max, and Georgia Power

Khadijah Abdur-Rahman

The Georgia State Ethics Commission referred Fulton County Commissioner Khadijah Abdur-Rahman to Attorney General Chris Carr after the commission determined she likely used campaign money for personal expenses, a Tuesday report exposed.

Abdur-Rahman, who is an ally of District Attorney Fani Willis, allegedly made purchases or payments with campaign funding to Dollar Tree, Title Max, Georgia Power, and a chiropractor, according to Fox 5 Atlanta.

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Pennsylvania State Sen. Amanda Cappelletti Claims 80 Abortion Clinics Now Closed in ‘Short Period of Time’

Amanda Cappelletti

State Senator Amanda Cappelletti (D-Philadelphia) claimed as part of a Monday push to create a federal law to enshrine abortion access that 80 Pennsylvania abortion clinics have closed “in a relatively short period of time” since the overturning of Roe v. Wade.

Cappelletti made the remarks to the Pennsylvania Capital-Star, and additionally claimed abortion access has fallen in the commonwealth since the landmark decision by the U.S. Supreme Court.

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Commentary: Republicans Should Stop Complaining About Their Opportunities and Take Advantage of Biden’s Failures

Joe Biden

After I offered a perfectly accurate negative summation of current market/industry conditions when speaking on a business venture I can’t yet discuss (but that will be quite relevant indeed to the interests of our readers), I received an admonishment from my business partner: “Stop complaining about your opportunities!” It’s an even more accurate response than mine.

All too often we spend our time grousing about the state of the world, and yet, the worse things get, the greater the opportunity grows to take control and make them better.

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Commentary: Abortion Once Again at Forefront of Election

The prevailing belief in the Democratic Party is that abortion will again be a potent issue against Republicans in this year’s election cycle just as it was in 2022 – and that this time it will not just cost the GOP gaining the majority in the U.S. Senate, but also give Democrats the upper hand in retaining the presidency and winning back the House.

Abortion rights put the brakes on the Republicans’ chances in 2022 when the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, eliminating the constitutional right to abortion after almost 50 years; a decision that transformed American politics that year, benefiting Democrats who were on their way to a bruising midterm election defeat.

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‘Would Be Unacceptable’: Blinken and Netanyahu Meeting Hits Crossroads as Israeli Invasion of Rafah Looms

Secretary of State Antony Blinken with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Israeli Prime Minister met in Tel Aviv on Wednesday to discuss the ongoing Israel-Hamas war — and disagreements over the next phase of conflict.

The Biden administration is backing an effort to reach a deal between Israel and Hamas for a temporary ceasefire and the delivery of humanitarian aid to Gaza in exchange for the release of hostages. During their meeting on Wednesday, Blinken discussed the ceasefire deal with Netanyahu and “the need to avoid further expansion of the conflict,” underscoring the Biden administration’s “clear position” on opposing an Israeli invasion of Rafah, the southernmost region of Gaza, according to a readout of the meeting.

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House Probe into January 6 to Expand, Seek Interviews with Pentagon Officials and Democrat Staff

Rep. Barry Loudermilk

House Republicans are expanding their investigation into the January 6 Committee and the security failures that led to the Capitol breach, planning to add staff and pursue new lines of inquiry, the Chairman of the subcommittee leading the investigation told Just the News.

Rep. Barry Loudermilk, Chairman of the House Administration Subcommittee on Oversight, told the “Just the News, No Noise” TV show on Tuesday that he aims to publish a final report by this summer after seeking interviews with top Pentagon officials and any former January 6 committee staff willing to come forward.

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Congressional Probe Opened on ‘Mealy-Mouthed, Spineless College Leaders’

US Rep Virginia Foxx

For “mealy-mouthed, spineless college leaders,” actions will have consequences, the North Carolina congresswoman leading a key U.S. House of Representatives committee said Tuesday amid ongoing college campus disruptions.

The war between Israel and Hamas has led to significant demonstrations or encampments on at least four dozen campuses nationwide, a national observer of such activity reports. U.S. Rep. Virginia Foxx, R-N.C., with support of House Speaker Mike Johnson, R-La., said the Committee on Education and the Workforce she chairs has opened a congressional probe and on May 23 will hear from presidents of Yale and Michigan and the chancellor of UCLA.

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Tennessee U.S. Sen. Marsha Blackburn Rips Rep. Ilhan Omar over Past Anti-Israel Statements amid Democrat’s ‘Genocide’ Claims

Marsha Blackburn and Ilhan Omar

U.S. Senator Marsha Blackburn debunked a series of claims about Israel and Jewish students made by Representative Ilhan Omar (D-MN-05) after the Democrat claimed her rhetoric was “insanely dangerous” to anti-Israel protesters on college campuses.

Following a nationwide spate of anti-Israel encampments on university campuses, Blackburn posted to the social media platform X on Monday that students who have “promoted terrorism” or engaged in terrorist activities “on behalf of Hamas should be immediately added to the terrorist watch list and placed on the TSA No Fly List.”

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Arizona State House Hosts Drag Queen Story Hour

Drag Queen Story Hour at the Arizona Capitol

On Tuesday, April 30th Arizona Representative Lorena Austin(D) in conjunction with Planned Parenthood Action hosted a Drag Story Hour at the Arizona State Capitol.

An assistant for Rep. Austin informed The Arizona Sun Times that the Drag Queen read the book “Queer and Fearless: Poems Celebrating the Lives of LGBTQ+ Heroes.”  In an official statement, the Representative declared “this is the people’s house, that includes LGBTQ+community.” Rep. Austin further claimed that there were no minors present and it was an educational event and within the mission of the LGBTQ+ Caucus.

In a statement on X, House Majority Leader Representative Ben Toma declared that “Democrat Rep. Lorena Austin deliberately misled House leadership to reserve a conference room to host a drag story hour with Planned Parenthood.” The Speaker said that the “use of House facilities for radical activism to promote dangerously perverse ideology will not be tolerated while I am Speaker.” In a bold move, he ordered that all “Democrats have lost the privilege of accessing House meeting rooms until trust can be restored.”

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Trump Leads Biden in Seven Swing States Including Pennsylvania, Georgia, Arizona: Poll

Trump Biden

Former President Donald Trump has now pulled ahead of President Joe Biden in seven battleground states, including Pennsylvania, Georgia and Arizona, according to polling released Tuesday.

Pollsters found Trump beat Biden by two percent in Pennsylvania, with the former president garnering the support of 47 percent of those polled compared to Biden’s 45 percent. Eight percent of Pennsylvania respondents told pollsters they are undecided.

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Top Democratic Leaders Say They Will Save Speaker Johnson from MTG-Led Ouster

Congressman Hakeem Jefferies with Speaker Mike Johnson (composite image)

Democratic leaders in the House indicated Tuesday that if Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., attempted to oust House Speaker Mike Johnson, they would work against such a move.

“We will vote to table Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Motion to Vacate the Chair,” House Democratic Leader Hakeem Jeffries, Democratic Whip Katherine Clark, and Democratic Caucus Chair Pete Aguilar said in a statement, according to CBS News. “If she invokes the motion, it will not succeed.”

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Feds Warn Employers Can Be Punished for Failing to Use Preferred Transgender Pronouns, Restrooms

Gender Neutral Restroom

In landmark guidance, the federal commission created to fight racial and sexual discrimination declared Monday that employers that fail to use a worker’s preferred pronoun or refuse them the chance to use the restroom of their choice will be engaging in prohibited harassment.

The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission published the new harassment guidelines Monday after voting along partisan lines on Friday to approve them, even in the face of opposition from nearly two dozen red states. Three Democratic appointees approved the rules while two Republicans opposed them.

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One Month After Announcing, TN-5 GOP Primary Challenger Courtney Johnston Still Has Not Told Voters Where She Stands on the Issues

Courtney Johnston

Metro Nashville Councilwoman Courtney Johnston has yet to offer her positions on top issues to voters nearly one month since declaring her primary challenge to U.S. Representative Andy Ogles (R-TN-05) in Tennessee’s 5th Congressional district.

Johnston declared her candidacy on April 4, but the website for her campaign remains devoid of issues statements and policy positions at press time. Without policy positions, the only campaign information available on Johnston’s campaign website are a donation link, her announcement video and a form to submit contact details.

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Pentagon Says It Can’t Calculate Diversity Training Costs Because Congress Defunded DEI Offices


The Pentagon told Congress it could not provide a required accounting of diversity training to Congress because it didn’t have enough people working in Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) positions, the Daily Caller News Foundation has learned.

Congress mandated the Pentagon compile a report detailing how much the entire military spent on diversity training, salaries for DEI administrators and any impacts on recruiting and retention across the force that was due March 1, according to last year’s National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which sets defense policy for the next fiscal year. But the Pentagon is nearly two months behind the due date for the report after the same defense authorization act for fiscal year 2024 slashed the salaries of DEI personnel, effectively gutting the departments, the DCNF learned.

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Several GOP-Led States Ban DOJ Election Monitors From Polling Sites in 2024 Presidential Election

Missouri Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft

Several Republican-led states said that they are banning U.S. Department of Justice election monitors from entering polling sites in the November general election after the agency sent observers to various states in the 2022 midterms.

When the DOJ announced that it was sending election monitors to polling sites in multiple states for the 2022 midterm elections, Florida and Missouri said that the department employees would not be permitted to observe the polls. Now, eight other states have said that they will also not allow DOJ election monitors to enter polling sites during the election this November, with some saying that banning them prevents federal interference in elections.

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Commentary: Efforts to Control Gaza Protests Threaten Free Speech and Academic Freedom

Pro-Palestine protest

When I was in college, one of my professors had written her PhD thesis on the cultural aspects of the post-civil-war militias, organizations that would evolve into the National Guard of today. These units proliferated at the time to give men, who lived in the shadow of their fathers’ and grandfathers’ Civil War service, a chance to emulate their exploits. When the Spanish-American War began in 1898, the men of these militias volunteered en masse. They finally had a chance to prove themselves worthy of their forbears and do something daring and dangerous.

My professor suggested that she and other academics were in an analogous situation. For them—and they were almost all on the left—missing out on the 1960s meant they missed out on a period of revolutionary change and ferment. For left-leaning academics, the 1960s was the era of breaking rules, smashing idols, and inventing new ideas and methods to address the abandonment of the old authorities. This period featured the debut of influential prophets of “unmasking” so prevalent in academic life today, such as Michel Foucault, Jacques Derrida, and Herbert Marcuse

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Kari Lake, Ruben Gallego Statistically Tied in First Poll of Arizona U.S. Senate Race Since Abortion Law Decision

Kari Lake and Ruben Gallego

Republican U.S. Senate candidate Kari Lake is statistically tied with Representative Ruben Gallego (D-AZ-03) in the first New Emerson College poll of the contest since the Arizona Supreme Court enacted a 19th century law that bans abortion without exceptions for rape or incest.

The pollsters found Lake has the support of 43.1 percent of Arizonans, leaving her just behind Gallego, who polled at 45.3 percent. In the wake of the confirmation Senator Kyrsten Sinema (I-AZ) will not seek another term, an additional 11.6 percent of respondents told pollsters they remain undecided.

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Democrat Nicole Mitchell Returns to Minnesota Senate After Arrest, Casts Votes on Her Own Fate

Nicole Mitchell

It’s been just more than one week since police found Sen. Nicole Mitchell hiding in the basement of her stepmother’s Detroit Lakes home before dawn on April 22 and subsequently arrested her on suspicion of felony burglary.

The first term DFLer from Woodbury — who says she doesn’t intend to resign her District 47 seat — appeared on the Senate floor Monday for the first time since she was charged with first-degree burglary seven days ago.

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