Report: Increase in Virginia Traffic Fatalities Reflective of National Trends

First reponders

Virginia’s traffic fatalities decreased last year for the first time since the pandemic and after a significant increase from 2020-2021 — but they’re still up by 24 percent since 2013.

These trends generally mirror national traffic trends, with traffic fatalities up 25 percent nationally during that same period, according to TRIP, a national transportation research nonprofit. The U.S. saw a dramatic rise in traffic fatalities in 2021 and a “modest decrease” in 2022 and 2023. 

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Commentary: Project 2025 and the Continued Democrat Meltdown

Project 2025

Tying Donald Trump to Project 2025 is the latest desperation tactic from Democrats. But it’s likely to backfire. It might actually create a new generation of Conservatives in the process.

Last year, the Heritage Foundation published the Mandate for Leadership as assembled by a consortium of people and think tanks called Project 2025. It is a compilation of long-standing recommended Conservative policies for the next Republican administration. The Project 2025 group claims the document is “the Conservative movement’s unified effort to be ready for the next Conservative administration to govern at noon, January 20, 2025.”

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Trump’s Would Be Assassin Was a National Math and Science Initiative Student, Parents Both Worked in Mental Health Field: Report

Thomas Matthew Crooks

A campaign rally for former President Donald Trump faced a violent interruption due to an assassination attempt. The FBI identified the shooter as Thomas Matthew Crooks, a 20-year-old from Bethel Park, Pennsylvania. The attack, which occurred just as Trump began his speech, killed former fire chief Corey Comperatore and critically injured two others before U.S. Secret Service agents neutralized Crooks. Crooks had no social media presence, and very little is known about his life and possible motive.

According to state records, Crooks is a registered Republican but reportedly made a $15 donation to ActBlue as a 17-year-old after President Joe Biden’s inauguration. Despite this, the FBI has not identified any ideology that may have influenced his actions, as officials explained on a call with reporters.

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Trump Rally Attendee Confirms Pennsylvania U.S. Senate Candidate Dave McCormick ‘Definitely in the Line of Fire’ During Assassination Attempt

Brady Knox at the Donald Trump rally on July 13, 2024

An attendee who witnessed the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump at his Saturday campaign rally in Butler, Pennsylvania told The Pennsylvania Daily Star that Republican U.S. Senate candidate Dave McCormick was “definitely in the line of fire” as 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks opened fire before being killed by Secret Service.

Brady Knox told The Star he was seated in the second row, “about as close as you could possibly get” to the former president at just 15 feet away, when Trump’s supporters in the front rows began to take cover after the former president reached for his ear and ducked below the podium.

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Commentary: The Two Seconds That Define Donald Trump

Donald Trump

How many men have faced the crucible of a near-death experience and came out triumphant? America just watched Donald Trump’s great moment of testing and saw him prove his mettle.

When we tell our children about the assassination attempt on Trump’s lifein Butler, Pennsylvania, on July 13, 2024, we will remember the moment when a man, wounded and bloodied, raised his fist in the air and shouted, “Fight! Fight!”

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Trump Rally Attendee Describes How Former President’s Fist Pumps Energized Crowd After Attempted Assassination

Brady Knox at the Donald Trump rally on July 13, 2024

An attendee who witnessed the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump at his Saturday campaign rally in Butler, Pennsylvania told The Pennsylvania Daily Star that Trump’s fist pumps toward the crowd created a sense of calm in an audience that was on the verge of panic.

Brady Knox told The Star he was seated in the second row, “about as close as you could possibly get” to the former president at just 15 feet away, when Trump’s supporters in the front rows began to take cover after the former president reached for his ear and ducked below the podium.

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Corey Comperatore Former Fire Chief Dies Protecting Loved Ones in Trump Assassination Attempt

Corey Comperatore

Corey Comperatore, the man fatally shot at attempted assassination of President Trump, was a former fire chief from Butler, Pennsylvania. Comperatore was known for his dedication to his family, love of Jesus and service to the community. He was attending the rally with his family when the shooting occurred. Despite the immediate medical intervention by an emergency room physician, Dr. James Sweetland, Comperatore’s injuries were too severe. Comperatore was seated behind former President Trump at the rally.

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Elon Musk Endorses Trump After Assassination Attempt, Leads Flood of Calls for Secret Service Resignations

Elon Musk, Donald Trump

Billionaire Elon Musk, the CEO of Tesla and owner of the social media platform X, endorsed former President Donald Trump on Saturday after a gunman attempted to assassinate the former president during a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania. Musk later called for Secret Service resignations in the wake of the shooting, which left one rally attendee dead and a second injured.

Musk posted a video of the attempted assassination in to X, where he received more than 55 million views at press time, and wrote, “I fully endorse President Trump and hope for his rapid recovery.”

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Alejandro Mayorkas Ordered to Provide Key Documents on Terror Threat from Border Crisis

Mayorkas Border Crisis

A top Republican lawmaker is ordering Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas to provide key documents pertaining to illegal migrants encountered at the southern border who have potential ties to terrorism.

House Homeland Security Chairman Mark Green issued the subpoena to Mayorkas on Friday, requiring him to hand over all “documents and communications” since Jan. 20, 2021, that could shed light on the matter. The chairman is accusing Mayorkas of slow-walking requests for information about the number of suspected terrorists illegally crossing the U.S.-Mexico border, according to a letter from Green.

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Elon Musk Reportedly Makes ‘Sizable’ Donation to Pro-Trump Super PAC

Donald Trump and Elon Musk

Billionaire Elon Musk reportedly made a “sizable” donation to a super political action committee (PAC) helping to elect former President Donald Trump for the 2024 race, according to sources speaking on anonymity to Bloomberg.

The alleged super PAC donation from Musk was to a low-profile group known as America PAC, sources familiar with the matter told the outlet. While it is not confirmed how much the reported donation was for, the PAC is expected to reveal its list of donors on July 15.

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Commentary: Noncitizens Get to Vote in U.S. Elections and How to Stop It

Voting Station

Most countries allow only their own citizens to vote in national electionsand require voters to prove their eligibility to vote through photo identification when they register and before they cast their vote. Here in the U.S., verifying eligibility and registering voters is left to the states. You would hope that the federal government would want to assist the states, especially when it comes preventing foreign interference, and that election integrity would be a bipartisan issue.

You’d think that a bill requiring U.S. states to obtain proof of citizenship before registering voters would have wide support. Such a proposal, the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility, or SAVE, Act (H.R. 8281), passed the House of Representatives Wednesday—but with only five Democrat votes. And the Biden administration “strongly opposes” it.

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Former CDC Director Says FDA Underreported Adverse Side Effects of COVID Injections to Prevent Vaccine Hesitancy

Robert Redfield

Dr. Robert Redfield, the former director of Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said Thursday that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) pushed a false “safe and effective” COVID vaccine narrative by underreporting adverse events. The mRNA shots “never should have been mandated,” Redfield told the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee on Thursday.

The Democrat-controlled Senate oversight hearing entitled “Risky Research: Oversight of U.S. Taxpayer Funded High-Risk Virus Research,” included witnesses  Dr. Gerald Parker, Dr. Carrie Wolinetz, Dr. Kevin Esvelt, and Redfield.

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One Attendee and Shooter Dead, Trump Fine After Assassination Attempt at Pennsylvania Rally

Trump Bleeding from Ear at Rally

Former President Donald Trump survived an attempted assassination in Butler, Pennsylvania, on Saturday, reportedly suffering only a grazing wound to his ear after apparent gunshots interrupted his campaign rally.

The violence claimed the life of one rally attendee, and the shooter was confirmed dead at the scene, according to The Associated Press, which obtained the information from Butler County District Attorney Richard Goldinger. A second attendee at the rally is reported to be in serious condition, according to The Washington Post reporter Meryl Kornfield.

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Comer Subpoenas Three White House Staffers for Allegedly Covering Biden Mental Decline

James Comer and Joe Biden

The House Oversight Committee subpoenaed three White House staffers on Wednesday alleging they are “running interference” for President Joe Biden over his perceived mental decline.

Biden left many Democrats concerned over his performance at the first presidential debate last month, after he stumbled his way through his responses, which raised questions about his ability to serve as commander-in-chief for another four years.

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Rate of Office Vacancy Reaches Record High

Empty Office

The second quarter of 2024 saw the rate of office vacancy in the United States hit a record high total of 20.1 percent, according to Moody’s tracking.

As reported by Axios, the rise in office vacancy in the last several months has been unusual compared to past trends, as such rates usually only rise during economic downturns. Thus, the rate continuing to increase despite the economy remaining relatively stagnant is an indication of consumers’ and business owners’ ongoing negative sentiments about the current state of the economy.

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Commentary: The Reason Biden Is So Insistent on Running

Joe Biden

We all come to a time when it is time to take stock. During my years at three major law firms, I barely remember any attorney there who was late into his or her sixties. The hours are demanding and grueling. If the attorney is not that good, he or she would not still have been there past the early forties anyway. The firms are not shy about handing out walking papers because long lines of applicants await a chance at those same high-paying jobs. Moreover, because those lines of vultures are so long, and those applicants are so hungry, the pressure on those with the jobs is intense because “One wrong move, and out you go.” But unlike the aphorism: “and do not turn the lights off, nor close the door behind you, because your replacement is sitting in the reception area ready to pounce in the moment you leave.”

So, if the weaker attorneys are gone by their forties or fifties, that would leave only the strong ones to be there into the sixties. But the strong ones make boatloads of money, in the many millions, and the cost-benefit analysis weighing the hours and pressure versus the opportunity to retire with millions and while still in reasonably good health leads the rest of them to retire by their early sixties. Among the few elders still hanging around at the mega firms, there are only three types of exceptions:

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McCormick Campaign Ties Casey to Biden with Pennsylvania Billboards as Democrats Rollout Signs Featuring Project 2025

McCormick Bill Board

The U.S. Senate campaign of Republican Party nominee Dave McCormick on Thursday confirmed it is behind new billboards, displayed throughout Pennsylvania, which tie Senator Bob Casey (D-PA) to President Joe Biden amid calls for the president to step aside due to concerns about his fitness following the June 27 presidential debate.

McCormick’s billboards juxtapose a photo of Casey, wearing a face mask emblazoned with the Biden campaign logo, next to the an image of the 81-year-old president, alongside the words, “Same old, tired ideas.”

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Group Funding Lawsuit by Georgia Realtor Vows to ‘Stop Cancel Culture’ by Helping Americans ‘Defend Themselves’

Doug Turpin

The founder of Coalition for Liberty, the organization funding a lawsuit brought by a Georgia realtor who was fired after making a public speech about sexually explicit materials in public libraries, told The Georgia Star News that cancel culture will be defeated when activists learn “everyday Americans” have the support of groups like his.

Coalition for Liberty is funding the lawsuit filed by Julie Mauck against LGBT activists and an activist organization, which she states made false claims about her July 2023 speech in opposition to the reading materials.

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The Rise of Conservative Support Among Hispanic Voters in Arizona

Yelin Snyder

In exclusive interviews with The Arizona Sun Times, conservative activists Gary Garcia Snyder and Monica Yelin unveiled the Republican Party’s progress in engaging Hispanic voters as the 2024 elections draws near. Stressing the necessity of understanding the community’s intricacies and advocating for involvement beyond political realms, Snyder and Yelin emphasized a strategic shift towards sustained, organic outreach efforts over sporadic election-focused approaches.

Their observations from the 2022 midterm elections, revealed a noteworthy trend: a growing inclination towards the GOP among Hispanic voters. With 39 percent aligning with Republican candidates — an incremental rise compared to previous elections — Snyder and Yelin emphasized the potential significance of even minor shifts in Hispanic voter sentiment within Arizona’s fiercely competitive political arena.

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Commentary: Addressing the Root Cause of Our Veterans’ Suicide Epidemic


On June 27th, I hosted a Special Order speech on the House floor to raise awareness of veteran Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). I chose this date for a reason: June was National PTSD awareness month, and June 27th was National PTSD Awareness Day.

According to the National Center for PTSD, ten percent of all Veterans suffer from PTSD. PTSD is the leading cause of the Veteran suicide epidemic, claiming between 17 and 44 Veteran lives each and every DAY – a cumulative loss of nearly 150,000 Veteran lives since 9/11. This figure is 21 times greater than the 7,000 servicemembers we lost in post-9/11 warzones, making PTSD exponentially more lethal than combat.

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Steve Cortes Reveals Three Points GOP Should Focus on If Joe Biden Remains in Presidential Race

Steve Cortes

Steve Cortes, former senior spokesman and strategist for the 2016 and 2020 Trump campaigns and current head of the League of American Workers, said Republicans should focus on three specific key points leading up to the November 5 presidential election if President Joe Biden remains the Democratic Party’s nominee and refuses to be pushed from his post as commander in chief.

While some Democrats have called on Biden to step aside and not run for reelection, it appears the president is adamant about staying in the race to serve another four years.

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Inflation Falls Below Expectations as Economy Cools

People in grocery checkout line

Inflation ticked down slightly year-over-year in June as rising prices continue to weigh on average Americans’ finances, according to the latest Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) release on Wednesday.

The consumer price index (CPI), a broad measure of the price of everyday goods, increased 3.0 percent on an annual basis in June and decreased 0.1 percent month-over-month, compared to 3.3 percent in May, according to the BLS. Core CPI, which excludes the volatile categories of energy and food, remained high, rising 3.3 percent year-over-year in June, compared to 3.4 percent in May.

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Biden Admin Cuts Another Huge Check for Automakers to Go Electric as Electric Vehicle Market Struggles

Tesla being assembled in factory

The Biden administration announced Thursday that it is spending billions of dollars more to help automakers mass-produce electric vehicles (EVs).

The Department of Energy (DOE) is spending $1.7 billion to help manufacturers convert closed or struggling manufacturing facilities to produce EVs or EV components in eight states, including swing states like Pennsylvania and Georgia, as the American EV market struggles. The funding complements $12 billion the DOE unveiled in August 2023 to help major manufacturers retrofit plants for EV production, and the agency projects that the cash announced Thursday will allow for the retention of 15,000 union workers while creating nearly 3,000 jobs.

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Liberal Nonprofit Spins Up Multi-Million Dollar Campaign to Scare Moms into Backing Biden

Demand Justice

A liberal nonprofit will spend millions feeding information about the Supreme Court to swing state moms in an effort to turn them against former President Donald Trump, The Washington Post reported.

Demand Justice, an organization founded to oppose Trump’s judicial nominations, will spend $2 million on mobilization efforts and advertisements in Arizona, North Carolina, Georgia, Nevada, Michigan, Ohio, Montana, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin aimed at convincing mothers not to support the former president, the Post reported. The campaign will focus on how a Supreme Court made up of Trump appointees could impact issues related to abortion, firearms and healthcare in the coming years.

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Warning Signs Flash for Biden as Trump Gains Ground in Empire State

Donald Trump and Joe Biden in front of New York skyline (composite image)

Amid the intense scrutiny over whether Democrat President Joe Biden is mentally and physically fit for a second term, he appears to be losing ground in the Democratic stronghold New York – which hasn’t voted in favor of a GOP presidential candidate since Ronald Reagan in 1984.

Polls over the past four months show presumptive GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump has cut Biden’s lead to just 8 points across New York, where Democrats outnumber Republicans 2-to-1.

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Biden Campaign Memo Declares Disastrous Debate a ‘Setback,’ Claims President’s ‘Pathways to 270 Electoral Votes’ Include Pennsylvania

Joe Biden PA

A Biden campaign memo made public on Thursday described the poor debate performance by President Joe Biden as a “setback,” but claimed the president has a “path to victory” that includes Democratic “Blue Wall” states including Pennsylvania.

The memo acknowledged Biden’s debate performance resulted in “increased anxiety,” and caused “real movement” away from Biden in the polls, but asserted the race nonetheless “remains a margin-of-error race in key battleground states.”

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Commentary: Republicans Must Stop Retreating on Abortion

While President Joe Biden’s halting performance in the first 2024 presidential debate generated the most significant commentary, it was some of former President Donald Trump’s remarks that raised concerns for pro-life voters. Those remarks ended up foreshadowing the recently proposed Republican platform’s surrender on the abortion issue.

Trump’s first misstep was his contention that “everybody” wanted abortion regulated at the state level. “Fifty-one years ago you had Roe v. Wade,” Trump argued, “and everybody wanted to get it back to the states, everybody, without exception, Democrats, Republicans, liberals, conservatives. Everybody wanted it back… Ronald Reagan wanted it brought back” (emphasis added).

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Biden Has ‘A Lot to Do’ to Beat Age Concerns in Reelection Bid, According to Hobbs

Governor Katie Hobbs

Gov. Katie Hobbs carefully measured her words of support for President Joe Biden’s re-election campaign, as polls show the president could potentially dash her hopes of a Democratic trifecta in swing-state Arizona.

“That’s up to the president,” was her answer when asked Monday morning in Phoenix about whether Biden should drop out of the race.

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House Republicans Demand Michigan Secretary of State Explain Work with SBA on Elections

Jocelyn Benson

Republican members of the House Small Business Committee demanded Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson (D) provide an explanation over working with the U.S. Small Business Administration to allegedly aid President Biden’s reelection campaign.

The letter, sent Monday from committee chairman Roger Williams, R-Texas, and Michigan representatives on the committee, demanded documents from the secretary of state’s office regarding voter registration efforts the federal agency is implementing with the state, Fox News reported.

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Commentary: The Elites Abandon Biden

George Clooney and Barack Obama

The New York Times op-ed dropped just minutes before President Biden headed for his motorcade, and as he was driving across town to meet with union workers, all of Washington devoured the words of George Clooney, the movie star publicly calling on the president to step aside.

“It’s devastating to say it, but the Joe Biden I was with three weeks ago at the fundraiser was not the Joe ‘big F-ing deal’ Biden of 2010. He wasn’t even the Joe Biden of 2020,” Clooney wrote, setting up a betrayal worthy of the big screen. “He was the same man we all witnessed at the debate.”

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Senate Committee Votes Against Biden-Nominated Judge Who Allowed Male Rapist in Female Prison

Senate Committee

The Senate Judiciary Committee voted on Thursday against a judicial nominee who had allowed a male serial rapist, who identifies as a woman, to be housed in a female prison.

President Joe Biden nominated Sarah Netburn to the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York, but the nomination was blocked by the Senate Judiciary Committee in a 10-11 vote. In August 2022, Netburn recommended the transfer of male inmate William McClain, who goes by July Justine Shelby, into a female prison despite his record of sex crimes, according to the Washington Free Beacon.

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Ohio Representatives Vote to Save U.S. Attorney General Garland from Inherent Contempt of Congress

Dave Joyce and Mike Turner in front of US Capitol building (composite image)

Two House of Representatives from Ohio voted against a bill that would have imposed a $10,000 daily fine on Attorney General Merrick Garland for his refusal to provide audio recordings of President Joe Biden’s interviews with Special Counsel Robert Hur.

Representatives Dave Joyce (R-OH-14) and Mike Turner (R-OH-10), along with Tom McClintock (R-CA-05 ) and John Duarte (R-CA-13), voted against this bill.

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Conservative Organization Investigating Biden Admin’s ‘Partisan’ Voter Registration Push in Key Swing State

Voter Registration

The America First Policy Institute (AFPI) launched an investigation Wednesday into a Biden administration program aimed at registering voters in a key swing state, the Daily Caller News Foundation has learned.

AFPI is demanding documents from the Biden administration regarding the Small Business Administration’s (SBA) voter registration efforts in Michigan, an operation it suspects could disproportionately benefit Democrats in November’s election, the organization exclusively told the DCNF. The SBA’s voter registration operations in Michigan are part of Executive Order 14019, which compels federal agencies to develop a plan to promote voter engagement and participation, sparking concerns from some conservatives that public funds may be used to help Democrats in the looming general election.

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Far-Left Nonprofit That Inspired Shooting at Family Research Council Claims ‘Hate Groups’ are Growing in Number in Tennessee

Tennessee Welcome Sign

A far-left Alabama nonprofit best known for inspiring a shooting at the conservative Family Research Council in Washington, D.C., claims that “Hate Groups” are on the rise in Tennessee. 

The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), which inspires violence itself by labeling conservative nonprofits as “Hate Groups,” claimed in its 2023 annual report that the number of “Hate Groups” in Tennessee increased from 33 in 2022 to 37 in 2023. 

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