Maine Secretary of State Appeals Superior Court Decision

Maine Secretary of State

Maine Secretary of State Shenna Bellows has appealed to the state’s Superior Court decision to pause on a ruling to remove former President Donald Trump from the primary ballot.

Bellows is appealing the Superior Court’s ruling to not decide on the ballot case to the Maine Supreme Court. The court is awaiting the U.S. Supreme Court decision on Colorado.

Earlier this week, Kennebec County Superior Court Justice Michaela Murphy issued the stay on the Maine secretary of state’s decision to disqualify former President Donald Trump from the primary ballot, citing the 14th Amendment. 

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Commentary: A Pointless Republican Primary

Trump AF1

President Trump will almost certainly be the Republican nominee. He is far ahead in every primary poll. His supporters originally worried that he would be too polarizing and would go down in flames in the general election, but it appears he will also win the general election against incompetent, unpopular, and increasingly demented Joe Biden.

Indictments, lawfare, media propaganda, and phalanx-style opposition from the organs of conservatism have all been arrayed against Trump. He has also earned the contempt of the managerial class’s elite: the judges, the academics, and the think tankers, as well as the GS and SES class around Washington, D.C.

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Gates Foundation Announces Intentions for Record-Breaking Donations in 2024

Gates Foundation

On Monday, the left-wing Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation announced from the annual World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, Switzerland that it intends to spend billions of dollars on left-wing causes in the year 2024.

According to the Daily Caller, the foundation’s board of trustees voted in favor of a record-high budget of $8.6 billion in 2024, up from the previous year’s $8.3 billion and $7 billion in 2022. The foundation has a history of spending millions on such causes as abortion, pro-Democrat nonprofits, and Chinese government entities.

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Commentary: Four Things People Can Do to Change the Culture in 2024

People Praying

Maybe I am on a new year high, but as I consider the West’s cultural renewal, I sense an optimism in the air I haven’t felt for years.

In 2023, we saw a growing public awareness about the dangers and futility of transgender surgery. Alongside that, many woke up to the hypocrisy of the climate alarmists. And building on the success of Roe v. Wade’s demise, many states have now passed heartbeat bills, providing robust protections for many of the nation’s unborn. Surprisingly, pollsters even picked up on a decline in support for same-sex relationships.

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Top Two Presidential Candidates, Relatives Facing Legal Woes as 2024 Voting Starts

The top two 2024 presidential candidates are running with lawsuits looming over them, as former President Donald Trump has multiple trials he faces this year while President Joe Biden’s son is having his own legal troubles.

On Thursday, both Trump and Hunter Biden were in court at opposite ends of the country, with the former president in New York and the first son in Los Angeles. Trump’s trial is a civil case brought by the state attorney general regarding alleged business fraud while Hunter Biden was in court for alleged tax fraud.

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Federal Judge Rejects Challenge to Trump’s Eligibility for Nevada Ballot

Trump Nevada

A federal judge rejected on Monday a challenge to former President Donald Trump’s eligibility to appear on the Nevada ballot.

U.S. District Court Judge Gloria Navarro found John Anthony Castro, a self-proclaimed Republican primary candidate who has filed challenges to Trump’s eligibility to appear on ballots across the nation, did not have standing to sue. Federal judges in West Virginia, Arizona and Rhode Island have made similar rulings, and the Supreme Court declined in October to take up Castro’s appeal of a case he filed in Florida.

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Commentary: Democrats Lie About Election Integrity as Republicans Work for It

A couple of months ago, Major League Baseball (MLB) announced that it would hold its 2025 All-Star Game in Atlanta, Georgia. This news is more than just a sports scheduling update: it represents the unraveling of Democrat conspiracy theories about election integrity in Georgia and across the country. 

In 2021, a host of leading Democrats – from Stacey Abrams, to Raphael Warnock, to Joe Biden – spread rampant misinformation about election integrity in Georgia, aided by a sympathetic mainstream media. The MLB was bullied into moving its game out of Atlanta, costing local businesses $100 million in projected revenue. They were lying about Georgia’s Senate Bill 202, which strengthens voter ID protections, expands early voting hours, and protects bipartisan poll watching, among other common sense functions. Polling shows that a strong majority of Americans support the measures contained in Senate Bill 202. However, Democrats saw an opportunity to unfairly demonize their political opponents and claimed, with no evidence whatsoever, that the law was aimed at suppressing minority voters. 

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Commentary: Biden Lashes Out at the Half of the Country That Refuses to Vote for Him

Joe Biden

Neither gender policy, nor multiculturalism, nor climate change. It’s all nonsense that entertains politicians but is useless for winning elections, because voters see it as just that: nonsense. The Democrats have already realized this and have a new reason for you to vote for them: saving democracy. It is funny that the Left, the ideology that has caused more poverty, crimes, and totalitarianism in history, comes to save democracy. But Joe Biden’s speech on Jan. 5 left no room for doubt. It’s your choice: Democrats or chaos. 

The only thing they show with this change of direction (they don’t so much as mention Bidenomics anymore) is that they are desperate. After all they’ve committed against Donald Trump, after all they’ve done to muddy the playing field, with all the traps laid out and all the lies, the guy is still leading in the polls, while the zombie in the White House is becoming more and more zombie-like and less and less in the White House.

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Republicans Threaten to Remove Biden from 2024 Ballot, Mirroring Efforts to Jettison Trump

Biden Voting

Republicans are calling for President Joe Biden to be removed from the 2024 primary ballot as former President Donald Trump is facing challenges to remove him from ballots in multiple states.

As challenges are brought to disqualify Trump from 2024 GOP primary ballots in more than 30 states for allegedly instigating an insurrection on Jan. 6, 2021, Republicans are suggesting that Biden should be removed from the ballot in response, but because of the increased volume of illegal immigrants entering the U.S. through the southern border.

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Haley Cuts into Trump’s Lead in New Hampshire: Poll

Haley Trump NH

Former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley is cutting into former President Donald Trump’s lead in the key early primary state of New Hampshire, polling behind him by only single digits for the first time this cycle, according to a Tuesday survey.

Trump is ahead of Haley 39% to 32% among likely Republican primary voters in the first-in-the-nation primary state, with all other GOP hopefuls garnering 12% support or less, according to a CNN/University of New Hampshire poll. The figures represent a 12-point increase in support for Haley since the same poll was conducted in November.

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Commentary: America’s Last Stand Is the Most Important Book in America

Thomas Paine

Nearly two and a half centuries ago, the 18th-century American colonists were confronted with a choice: whether or not to continue living their lives as British subjects and supporting the crown or to sever their ties with Great Britain and declare their independence. The choice may seem obvious and easy today, but at the time—circa 1776—a great many colonists were hesitant to choose freedom, and others even supported the crown. They needed persuading.

Fortunately, a virtually unknown immigrant named Thomas Paine felt compelled to persuade the American colonists to choose freedom. His pamphlet, Common Sense, was published on January 10, 1776, and its influence cannot be overstated. It was read by the modern equivalent of 15 million people at the time and provided the fuel the colonists needed to choose independence.

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Commentary: 2024 Will Test the Longevity of the Civil Society

Trump Biden 2024

Unlike in 2020, when then-candidate Joe Biden was leading almost all of the polls — out of 293 national polls taken during that cycle compiled by, Biden led 285 of them, or 97 percent of them — this time around, former President Donald Trump has an observable advantage in the polls, leading President Biden in 103 out of 214 polls taken, or 48 percent of them. Biden has only led 81, or just 38 percent, and 30 are tied, or 14 percent.

Since, given Democrats’ historical advantage in the popular vote — Republicans have not won the popular vote since 2004 but still managed to eke out Electoral College wins in 2000 and 2016 without it — any potential tie in the popular vote would still bode well for Trump and Republicans in 2024. So, really, about 62 percent of the polls (and rising) showing that at this point in the race, with less than a year to go until November, Trump definitely has an advantage.

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Commentary: Post-Election Audits Should Be the Norm for Every State

I may be dating myself, but the old saying goes, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”

We can get much more than an ounce’s worth of prevention by engaging in post-election process audits. It is much easier to fix process problems early before they blow up and become problems that require litigation and other nasty fixes. Ahead of the 2024 election, state legislatures should require full process audits to ensure transparency and build trust in our elections.

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Commentary: Only Citizens Should Vote in America


The next step in radically changing America is now underway. City officials in our national capital plan to allow non-citizens to vote next year. 

President Joe Biden let millions of illegal immigrants cross the border. Then he bussed them to Washington DC. The city’s Democratic machine now wants to let them vote – knowing they will almost certainly vote Democrat for all the support and assistance.

This policy is a clear threat to American nationalism.

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Poll: Trump Leads Biden Among Hispanics and Younger Voters

Students for Trump

A new poll suggests that President Donald Trump is gaining significant ground with two key voter blocs that he previously lost in 2016 and 2020, improving his odds of a comeback victory in 2024.

As reported by The Hill, the poll was conducted by USA Today and Suffolk University. Its findings reveal that in a hypothetical rematch between Trump and Joe Biden, Trump receives 39% of Hispanic support while Biden is at 34%. The same poll showed President Trump with 37% support among voters under the age of 35, whereas Biden is supported by 33% of the same group; in 2020, Biden’s margin against Trump with this demographic was 24%.

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Market Share for Green Bonds Slumped for Another Year Following Backlash

New York Stock Exchange

Bonds that consider environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors for their investors made up just 2% of all bond issuance in the U.S., the lowest point in terms of market share since 2020 after also declining in 2022, according to Bloomberg.

ESG bond issuance as a percentage of the market reached an all-time high in 2021 and is not expected by analysts to reach that same high in 2024 as interest rates make the bond market pricier and backlash to the ESG label inhibits sales, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. ESG has come under fire by conservatives who see it as a left-wing initiative infecting the financial world, most recently leading Ohio Republican Rep. Jim Jordan, chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, to send subpoenas to financial firms Vanguard, Arjuna Capital, BlackRock and State Street Global Advisors over alleged ESG collusion, arguing it violates antitrust law.

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Commentary: Trump Is Correct About Presidential Immunity

Trump Mount Rushmore

The media has driven itself into a tizzy in recent days, claiming that despite serving as president of the United States (and being poised to reclaim that office in less than a year’s time), Donald Trump should not be granted the same kinds of immunity and executive privilege that every other chief magistrate enjoyed before him. Showcasing their ignorance of both the Constitution and history, the mainstream media has framed the concept as something of a novel innovation for President Trump’s lawyers, who are advocating for “broad immunity,” implying that no other presidential officeholder has ever made that claim. Nothing could be further from the truth.

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Commentary: Biden’s Sliding Poll Numbers

Joe Biden Miguel Cardona

President Biden’s sliding poll numbers have set off alarm signals among Democrats who are beginning to see that he might lose the 2024 election to Donald Trump. Those polls have also gotten the attention of pundits who have confidently said for three years now that Trump could never again win a national election. The polling results published over the past few months suggest otherwise: Trump is currently the favorite to win next year’s election.

The most recent RealClearPolitics Average has Trump leading Biden by 2.6 percentage points, a switch of about four points since late summer when Biden led 45%-43%, and in a long-running decline of seven points for Biden since he won the 2020 election with 51% percent of the popular vote.

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California Secretary of State Keeps Trump on Ballot as Dems Call for His Removal

CA Secretary of State

California’s Secretary of State has decided to keep former President Donald Trump on the state’s presidential primary ballot as other states are disqualifying him based on the U.S. Constitution’s 14th Amendment.

For his actions in Washington, D.C. on Jan. 6, 2021, Trump has been disqualified by two states, Colorado and Maine, with the former temporarily reversing its decision pending a ruling from the Supreme Court on the matter. On Thursday, California’s Democratic Secretary of State, Shirley Weber, announced the state’s presidential primary ballot with Trump included.

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Poll: Trump Leads Biden in Arizona, Other Swing States

Trump Biden

Former President Donald Trump is leading President Joe Biden in a head-to-head matchup poll in several swing states, including Arizona. 

A Morning Consult poll among registered voters shows Trump with 46% and Biden with 42%. Their numbers are the same in Michigan and similar in Wisconsin. But Trump leads Biden by 9% in North Carolina, 6% in Georgia and 3% in Nevada. However, Trump only leads Biden by 2% in Pennsylvania. The margins of error in polls range from 3-5% and asked at least 437 people per state from October to December. 

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Commentary: Trump’s Margin Widens in Battlegrounds and Gets Boost from Voters Who Sat Out 2020 in Two States

Trump Podium

Former President Donald Trump’s lead against President Joe Biden has widened in the latest poll of seven battleground states, with the latest Morning Consult poll showing Trump beating Biden by five percentage points, 47% to 42%. This is a slightly wider lead than Trump had over Biden in swing state polling conducted in early November that showed Trump ahead of Biden by four percentage points, 44% to 48%.

Meanwhile, new polling conducted for CNN by SSRS shows Trump’s margins widening specifically in Michigan and Georgia, buoyed by voters who sat out the 2020 election but plan to vote in 2024.

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Federal Judge Rejects Bid to Remove Trump from West Virginia Ballot

Trump Happy Courtroom

A federal judge rejected a bid Thursday to remove former President Donald Trump from the ballot in West Virginia.

Obama-appointed District Judge Irene Berger ruled that John Anthony Castro, the little-known presidential candidate who brought the lawsuit to remove Trump, lacked standing to sue. The decision comes days after Colorado’s Supreme Court found Trump was ineligible to appear on the state’s ballot under Section 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment, likely setting up Supreme Court review of the issue.

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Commentary: Trump Should Love the Colorado Ruling

Trump Colorado Supreme Court

The Colorado Supreme Court, acting as supplicants for the enemies of Donald Trump seeking the most extreme remedy for driving the former president into the ditch, may have just unwittingly gifted the former president a Rocky Mountain high – in the polls. 

This time, four left-wing Colorado justices attempting to kneecap Trump were not even going to wait on due process – the very foundation of law – to effectively declare Trump guilty of insurrection, a crime for which he has not, repeat not, even been charged. After believing their attempts to wipe Trump off the ballot would be a knockout punch, it is the left that is about to get walloped to the canvas with a right hook. 

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Wisconsin Supreme Court Orders Redrawing of State Legislative Maps

The Wisconsin Supreme Court on Friday rejected the Republican-drawn legislative district maps and demanded that the creation of new electoral lines ahead of the 2024 contests.

The left-leaning court ruled 4-3 in ordering the new maps, which Democrats had sought to overturn over claims of gerrymandering, according to the Associated Press. The maps included non-contiguous districts.

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Supreme Court Hands Jack Smith a Major Defeat in Trump 2020 Election Case

The Supreme Court declined special counsel Jack Smith’s request Friday for it to quickly consider a key question in former President Donald Trump’s election interference case without letting the lower court weigh in first.

Smith asked the justices last week to hear former President Donald Trump’s bid to have his election interference case dismissed based on presidential immunity without allowing the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals to first consider the issue. In an unsigned order Friday, the justices shot down his request.

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Commentary: Straw Poll Shows Young Trump Voters Want Carlson or Vivek as VP

Tucker Vivek

Young Republican voters overwhelmingly want Donald Trump to be the GOP nominee in 2024, and they only disagree on whether he should choose Tucker Carlson or Vivek Ramaswamy as his running mate, according to a straw poll of participants who attended Turning Point Action’s annual AmericaFest.

Obtained exclusively by RealClearPolitics, the results provide a snapshot of the youth vote just weeks before the Iowa caucuses. The online poll was conducted by Turning Point Action Dec. 17-18 and surveyed 1,113 attendees at the TPUSA conference in Phoenix, Ariz.

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Commentary: Biden Is Not the Democrats’ Biggest Problem

Biden Bidenomics

President Joe Biden is not the Democrats’ biggest problem; they are. The greatest misperception in the 2024 presidential race is that Biden is causing Democrats’ poor performance. On the contrary, Biden is an effect. The real cause is that Democrats are wildly out of touch with America.

Biden’s bad polling numbers are well known. According to Real Clear Politics’ Dec. 18 average of national polling, Biden’s job approval rating is 40.8–56.0 percent; he trails former President Donald Trump in a head-to-head rematch 43.7 to 47.2 percent, and his favorability rating is 39.4–56.0 percent.

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More than 175 of Jeffrey Epstein’s Associates to Be Revealed in Court Documents in 2024

A federal judge ordered the names of 177 associates of the late convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein to be made public in 2024 with the unsealing of court documents.

The judge on Monday ordered the names to be unsealed in connection to a defamation case brought by Prince Andrew accuser Virginia Roberts Giuffre against Ghislaine Maxwell, Epstein’s former girlfriend who was sentenced to 20 years in prison for sex crimes.

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Trump Dominates in Swing States Against Biden for 2024: Poll

Former President Donald Trump is dominating in seven crucial battleground states against President Joe Biden ahead of a potential 2024 head-to-head rematch, a Thursday poll found.

Trump is leading Biden 47% to 42% across Arizona, Georgia, Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Nevada and North Carolina, according to a Morning Consult/Bloomberg survey. The former president held his largest leads against Biden in North Carolina and Georgia by 9 and 6 points, respectively, and Trump’s smallest margin of victory came in Pennsylvania by 2 points.

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Georgia U.S. Rep. Drew Ferguson Will Not Seek Re-Election in 2024

Georgia U.S. Representative Drew Ferguson (R-GA-03) announced on Thursday that he will not seek another term in office, and will instead resign from Congress when his term ends in January 2025.

Ferguson announced his decision to retire from Congress in a Thursday post to X, formerly Twitter. He called his time in the U.S. House “the honor of a lifetime,” while complimenting his staff as “talented and dedicated” and constituents as “wonderful.”

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Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Will Return to Arizona with Phoenix Rally for Independent Campaign

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. will return to Arizona for a political rally in Phoenix as his supporters gather signatures to gain ballot access in 2024.

Kennedy Jr. will hold his “Voter Rally” at the Legends Event Center in Phoenix on December 20 from 4:30 p.m. until 7:30 p.m., and the registration page on his campaign website includes a link to a video about the Kennedy campaign’s efforts to secure ballot access in all 50 states as an independent candidate.

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Commentary: As Inflation Cools, Fed Keeps Rates Steady, Slowdown Expected in 2024

The Federal Reserve on Dec. 13 held the Federal Funds Rate—the rate at which banks lend to each other—steady at 5.25 percent to 5.5 percent, as the consumer inflation once again cooled to 12-month average level of 3.1 percent, according to the latest data compiled by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Leading the cooldown were drops in energy prices as gasoline dropped 6 percent in November, following a 5 percent drop in October.

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Another Poll Shows Biden Struggling with Crucial Voting Bloc Ahead of 2024

President Joe Biden’s reelection campaign faces headwinds ahead of 2024 among a crucial voting bloc that typically backs Democrats by huge margins, a new poll found.

Biden garnered only 63% support from black voters in a GenForward survey from the University of Chicago, while former President Donald Trump received 17% of the share and 20% said they wouldn’t back either candidate, Politico reported Tuesday. Several other recent surveys have also found Biden struggling among the black electorate, with support for the former president surging.

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Sen. Tom Cotton Endorses Kari Lake, ‘The Fighter Arizona Needs’

Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR) endorsed Kari Lake to represent Arizona in the U.S. Senate on Monday, stating the former newswoman and gubernatorial candidate “will stand up to the Biden agenda and put Arizonans first” if elected.

Lake wrote on X, formerly Twitter, that she was grateful for Cotton’s endorsement, calling him “a conservative warrior in the Senate.” Lake wrote that she looks “forward to working with Senator Cotton to secure the border” in a future Republican Senate majority.

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Commentary: The Liberal Media’s Desperate New ‘Trump Will Be a Dictator’ Narrative

The leftwing media recently got its orders from the Biden campaign on a new narrative to smear Donald Trump in the 2024 presidential campaign. Because their previous narrative of Trump colluding with Russia and Vladimir Putin has been discredited, they are promoting anew one: if Donald Trump wins the November 2024 presidential election, he will become a dictator similar to Hitler or Napoleon.

This fear-mongering theme appeared in similar articles within days of each other in The Washington Post and The New York Times. The Atlantic is promoting the theme in a January/February special issue with 16 essays where liberal elite authors warn how a dictatorial Trump presidency in 2025 would threaten America and the world on issues ranging from abortion, NATO, climate, the courts, immigration, etc. The Atlantic has posted online 16 of these anti-Trump essays and plans to add more.

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Enthusiasm Plummets Young Voters Ahead of 2024

A majority of young voters are not planning on voting in the 2024 presidential election, according to a new Institute of Politics at Harvard Kennedy School poll published Tuesday.

The number of Americans under 30 “definitely” planning to vote dropped from 57% in 2020 to 49%, according to the poll. Democrats, who typically receive the most support from young voters, suffered the smallest drop from 68% to 66%, but young Republicans dropped 10 percentage points from 66% to 56%, with independents having similar results, going from 41% to 31%.

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Election Irregularities, Fraud Have Led Courts to Overturn, Order Several New Elections in 2023

At least four elections in the U.S. have been overturned by courts this year after voting irregularities and fraud were discovered, prompting new balloting in most of those races. 

In 2020 and 2022 general elections, numerous lawsuits were brought challenging results amid alleged irregularities. This year, a few lawsuits have been decided on 2023 elections and on a 2022 election, which resulted in the initial results being overturned.

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Rick Santorum Says 2024 GOP Presidential Campaigns Are Seeking His Advice Ahead of Iowa Caucus

Former Republican presidential candidate and Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum said 2024 GOP campaigns have reached out to him ahead of the Jan. 15 Iowa caucus, Politico reported Thursday.

Santorum narrowly won Iowa in 2012 after polling in the low-single digits for much of his campaign, inching out ahead of the eventual GOP nominee, Mitt Romney. The former candidate told Politico that at least two Republican presidential campaigns have sought his advice in recent weeks as candidates are running out of time to take down former President Donald Trump, who is currently leading the field by nearly 50 points nationally.

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‘I Don’t Think He Makes It’: Trump Doubts Biden Will Be Democratic Nominee in 2024

Former President Donald Trump on Tuesday suggested that President Joe Biden’s physical health and mental capacity might prevent him from becoming the eventual Democratic nominee in 2024.

“I don’t think he makes it. I think he’s bad shape physically,” Trump said during an Iowa forum with Fox News’s Sean Hannity. “I watched him at the beach, he wasn’t able to lift a beach chair which is meant for children.”

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Liz Cheney Considering Third-Party Presidential Bid

Former Wyoming Republican Rep. Liz Cheney is considering running as a third-party presidential candidate in 2024, citing her commitment to do “whatever it takes” to prevent former President Donald Trump from returning to the White House, The Washington Post reported Tuesday.

Cheney, who lost her 2022 reelection bid to the Trump-backed Harriet Hageman by over 37 points, warned of what she views as dangers a second Trump administration could bring during an interview with the Post. The former congresswoman would add to an already crowded field of third-party candidates, including independents Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Cornel West, Green Party candidate Jill Stein and a potential No Labels ticket with West Virginia Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin.

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