Political Fissures Lead to the Rise of Trump-Aligned Activist Associations in Arizona

National Freedom Coalition meeting

In the wake of years-long friction between independent Right-of-center activists and Republican Party veterans, some Arizonans are forming stand-alone political groups. One recent clash in May gained national attention when a video recording surfaced of a Legislative District 2 (LD2) meeting that devolved into a physical altercation.

Interviews by The Arizona Sun Times of several of the individuals at that meeting revealed that the conflict was more about the discord between hundreds of newly-recruited, pro-Trump precinct committeemen (PCs) and the establishment PCs that have participated in and run the Republican party in the area for years.

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Commentary: 2024 GOP Nomination Is the Fight over America First vs. Global World Government

Trump Haley

Political commentators and talking heads of the established regime have been abuzz over a comment made by former Ambassador Nikki Haley following her drubbing in the South Carolina Republican presidential primary. Dana Bash of CNN asked Haley, “Isn’t it possible the party (GOP) has moved, and the party is about Donald Trump and not what you’re describing, which might be the party of yesterday?” Haley admitted that “It is very possible.”

Note the framing Bash set out. Either the Republican Party is the party of yesterday; or, it is nothing but a cult of personality around Donald Trump. Haley dutifully played the role of stooge and walked into it, agreeing “it is very possible” that is the situation.

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Commentary: America Leaving NATO Would Be Good for Itself and Europe


Donald Trump resumed his role as the “wise fool” in recent, off-the-cuff remarks about NATO. He suggested that free-riding NATO members who do not pay their fair share might have to fight Russia on their own. National security hawks and Trump’s media enemies responded with lots of pious talk about our sacred NATO obligations. Joe Biden even said Trump was “un-American.”

Trump is not the first to suggest NATO partners should pay their fair share. But unlike his predecessors, he is willing to employ some leverage to make it happen. The real dirty secret here, as evidenced by how long this situation has gone on, is that enabling the Europeans to neglect their own defense is a feature and not a bug of America’s dominance over the NATO organization.

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Top Contenders for Trump’s Running Mate Audition on CPAC Main Stage

Kristi Noem

Most of the top contenders for former President Trump’s 2024 running mate are auditioning for the position and trying to distinguish themselves with keynote speeches at this year’s Conservative Political Action Conference. 

Trump confirmed this week that his shortlist for the GOP vice presidential nomination includes Florida Rep. Byron Donalds, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, former Hawaii Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem, biotech entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy and South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott.

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Commentary: Eight Conservative House Candidates Who Must Win Their Primaries

GOP Congress Candidates

The 2024 election cycle will be about many things, from the Biden regime’s overt authoritarianism to retribution against political and legal persecution. President Trump’s comeback candidacy will be a perfect representation of these broader existential issues at the core of the campaign.

But the down-ballot races should be about something just as important as defeating our enemies on the Left. Just as in 2022, the races for Congress should be about an ideological purging of the Republican Party. As the already razor-thin majority in the House of Representatives has proven, a “majority” doesn’t mean much if we are still at the mercy of establishment moderates, RINOs, and outright NeverTrumpers.

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Trump Endorses ‘WARRIOR’ Abe Hamadeh for Congress

Former President Donald Trump on Friday issued his endorsement to Republican congressional candidate Abe Hamadeh, handing the former Arizona Attorney General candidate a likely boost in a contested GOP primary that also includes former Arizona GOP Senate candidate Blake Masters.

“Abe Hamadeh is a veteran, a former prosecutor and fearless fighter for our elections. He will be a true WARRIOR in Congress, and always put America First! As everyone knows, Abe fought for our Country overseas, and knows that the American people are demanding the kind of bold leadership that ushered in peace and prosperity just three years ago,” Trump posted on Truth Social.

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Ramaswamy Lays Out Recalibrated America First Foreign Policy Vision: ‘We Will be Uncle Sucker No More’

As he takes heat for proposing that the United States roll back aid to Israel in pursuit of stronger regional relationships for the key American ally, GOP top tier presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy says he wants a new approach to U.S. relations with friends and foes alike.

And he’s harkening back to the founders’ vision of avoiding “entangling alliances” to get there. 

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Commentary: Globalists Refuse to Acknowledge Their Grasp on Young People Is Weakening

The self-congratulating globalists controlling the Democratic Party persist in perpetuating the outdated notion that “young people” are predominantly aligned with leftist ideologies, even when all data points to the contrary.

Not only are Millennials growing more conservative as they age – the oldest Millennials are in their early forties and many of them are now parents with mortgages, crime concerns, and increasing tax burdens – but certain members of Gen Z are becoming conservative in a reaction to cultural Marxism.

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EXCLUSIVE: Vivek Ramaswamy: ‘I’m Running to a Vision for What This Country Was Founded on, Revive the Idea of the Individual over Group Identity’

Live from Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Thursday morning on The Jay Weber Show – weekdays on News/Talk 1130 WISN, guest host Matt Kittle, National Political Editor of The Star News Network, welcomed Republican presidential candidate, Vivek Ramaswamy to the show to discuss why he’s running and how he plans to move the America First movement further.

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Commentary: Why Not ‘America First?’

It’s challenging to say something original about the Ukraine war. It’s been debated now for more than a year, and it’s not over yet. But that’s bad news for those supporting the war. Most Americans’ interest in foreign policy matters is limited, and many expect quicker favorable results than are probably ever possible in war. A year of war in a far-off land – another war in another far-off land – is not something Americans are likely to support for long, especially if it’s led by a stumble-bum president who picks incompetents for cabinet secretaries, campaigned for a mentally challenged stroke victim, and may be compromised by his son’s business dealings. 

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Commentary: Ohio Train Derailment Shows We Need an America First Infrastructure Policy Now More than Ever

After the massive train derailment in East Palestine, Ohio, on Feb. 3, our nation’s infrastructure issues are now top of mind for many American citizens. While East Palestine experienced a landmark environmental disaster after nearly 50 train cars were derailed, Biden administration officials remained silent for weeks. The derailment demonstrated a fact that is all too apparent in recent months: America’s infrastructure is being neglected, and the Biden administration’s policies are not the answer to the problems we face.

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Commentary: Mark Kelly Is Too Far Left for Arizona

The U.S. Senate election in Arizona this year is not simply a choice between a Democrat and a Republican: It’s a choice between a dangerous, far-left radical in Mark Kelly, who does not represent the voters of his state, and Blake Masters, a patriotic America First conservative who will represent the people of Arizona in Washington.

When Mark Kelly first ran for the Senate in 2020, he labeled himself as a moderate who would continue the Arizonan tradition of “political mavericks” representing the state in the upper chamber of Congress. He largely rode into Congress by building a larger-than-life persona for himself from his time as an astronaut, and he also leaned heavily on sympathy votes as a result of the assassination attempt on his wife, former Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords.

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America First Legal Sues 14 Federal Agencies for Not Disclosing the Biden Regime’s Election Administration Takeover

The America First Legal Foundation (AFL) has sued fourteen federal agencies for concealing a secretive Biden regime plan to take over election administration ahead of the 2022 midterm elections.

In March of 2021, Joe Biden signed Executive Order 14019, “Promoting Access to Voting,” which called for all 600 federal agencies to submit to a “Strategic Plan” to “expand access to voter registration and election information.”

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Commentary: GOP’s New Plan Proves America First Policies Are Making a Huge Comeback

In 1994, it was called the Contract with America. Between 2016 and 2020, it was just known as America First. If you want to return to the policies that worked, there is a simple solution — the policies of the newly released “Commitment to America.” Simply put, it is the policies that put America First.

When people look at the current state of our country, most don’t like what they see. Inflation is the highest it has been in 40 years. The price of eggs, milk, and groceries has increased by double digits. Many people must decide whether to fill their gas tank or buy food. Some are cutting back on travel and entertainment. Many wonder if they will have to cut back on Christmas gifts for their children this year.

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Commentary: An America First Family Policy

A startling new study by the Pew Research Center reveals a staggering statistic. The United States is No. 1 globally . . . but in a shameful category. Of the 130 nations surveyed America, by more than a factor of three, had the greatest number of fatherless homes: “The U.S. has the world’s highest rate of children living in single-parent households. Almost a quarter of U.S. children under the age of 18 live with one parent and no other adults (23%), more than three times the share of children around the world who do so (7%).” 

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Commentary: Trump Took a Sledgehammer to the Establishment. America Needs Him to Do It Again in 2024

Tucker Carlson, who seems to have his finger on the pulse of the America First movement, signs off his nightly Fox News show as “the sworn enemy of lying, pomposity, smugness and group think.”

The “lying” and “pomposity” surely represent the tactics of a Democrat/media complex who will stop at nothing — including using the power of the state to persecute their political enemies. President Joe Biden’s reprehensible speech in Philadelphia all but confirmed it.

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State Rep. Parker Blasts Ousted Arizona Speaker Bowers for Calling GOP ‘Fascist’

Republicans furious with Arizona House Speaker Rusty Bowers (R-Mesa), mainly over denying election fraud and blocking election integrity bills, voted him out of office earlier this month, choosing a Trump-endorsed candidate instead. Bowers lost by almost 30 points to former legislator David Farnsworth, who he was running against for Senate (Bowers was term limited in the House). Bowers spoke out about his massive loss during an interview with The Guardian. 

He compared being voted out of office to “fascism.” He said, “The thought that if you don’t do what we like, then we will just get rid of you and march on and do it ourselves — that to me is fascism.” Bowers was referring to voters being upset about a multifaceted election integrity bill he killed using a technical maneuver. Among other things, HB 2596 would have given the legislature the power to reject election results, allowing an elector to call for a new election. 

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Commentary: Senator Josh Hawley Is a True National Conservative

In a vote of 95-1, the United States Senate approved the expansion of NATO (North American Treaty Organization) by allowing membership to two new nations Sweden and Finland. The only Senator to vote “no” was Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO). Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) voted “present.” In his floor speech before the vote Sen. Hawley made a powerful argument that expanding NATO is not in America’s national interest. Whether in foreign policy, trade policy and trying to resurrect manufacturing, fighting against the radical woke social agenda, defending our borders, or defending the Constitution, Sen. Josh Hawley is demonstrating that he is not only a conservative leader, but is truly fighting to place America First and protect our nation’s sovereignty.

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Commentary: The MAGA Book of Political Offense

by Theodore Roosevelt Malloch   Too many conservatives constantly stay on the defensive. They have no strategy, let alone tactical plans or a complete gamebook to go on offense and run up points. You don’t win by playing defense. You win by scoring points and controlling – dominating – the opponent or opposing team. In recent articles in this publication, I have suggested we need to get serious and take back the four corners of deceit we have been dealt by progressive liberalism: in government, academia, media, and science. Precisely how should we go about doing that? Here is the beginning of a plan to do nothing less than dominate, starting in January 2023 and earnestly after the 2024 presidential election. Doing this, as someone you all remember once said, “will make you get tired of winning.” Let’s start with a definition, so we are all on the same page. In sports and in politics, offense, from Latin offendere, means to attack or strike against. It is the action of attacking or engaging an opponent. Republicans, at least conservative ones, need to capture and live by this definition. By going on the attack, we can pick our battles and accomplish our goals. This is not a…

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Commentary: America’s Future Is America First

The Biden administration promised to “Build Back Better,” but for ordinary Americans, this is a broken promise.

Every day, our nation’s citizens must make ends meet with gas and groceries they increasingly cannot afford, often seeking goods they cannot find. As Americans watch inflation hit a 40-year high, they see glimpses on television of the devastation in war-torn Europe and the trafficking of innocent children across America’s southern border.

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Kari Lake Responds to Gov. Doug Ducey’s Criticism, Notes RINOs ‘Travel in Packs’ Citing Rival’s Pence, Christie Endorsements

Early ballots for Arizona’s primary election were mailed last week, prompting a flurry of last minute endorsements for candidates. Gov. Doug Ducey, former Vice President Mike Pence, and former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie endorsed Karrin Taylor Robson in the gubernatorial race, and Ducey took it a step further, criticizing Trump-endorsed gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake during a CNN appearance, prompting a sharp response from Lake. 

Lake, who is leading by a substantial amount in recent polls, has portrayed Robson and those endorsing her as RINOs. She told The Arizona Sun Times, “Doug Ducey, Chris Christie and Mike Pence are all herding around Karrin Taylor Robson. It turns out RINOs travel in packs.”

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Commentary: Trump’s Endorsement Record Shows the Pieces Line Up Ahead of 2024

Despite the best efforts of the mainstream media and establishment RINOs, President Donald Trump’s primary endorsement record in 2022 is stronger than ever before. With his support, many effective “America First” candidates line up for a solid and consequential Republican majority of patriotic populists that could make all the difference looking toward 2024.

Although there have been a small handful of setbacks in certain primary races, President Trump’s record is still much stronger than any other political figure in America today, with a 94% win rate among his endorsements in primary contests. With over 140 successful primary endorsements this year alone, some of the most important races have been decided entirely on Trump’s selection.

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Arizona Republican Gubernatorial Primary Race Reveals Divide Between Moderates and Conservatives as Ducey Endorses Robson

The race for the Republican gubernatorial nomination has intensified over the recent days, as key candidates and political players make their moves to influence the outcome of the upcoming primary election. Former Congressman Matt Salmon’s exit and subsequent endorsement of Karrin Taylor Robson was followed by Gov. Doug Ducey, who offered the Phoenix-area businesswoman a full-throated statement of support of his own.

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Veterans For America First Endorses Andy Ogles for TN-5 Seat

Formerly known as Veterans for Trump, the group Veterans For America First endorsed Maury County Mayor Andy Ogles in the race for Tennessee’s 5th Congressional District seat, announced the Ogles campaign in a statement.

The statement notes that, “The organization has already endorsed conservative candidates Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (GA), Rep. Lauren Boebert (CO), Sarah Palin (AK), Herschel Walker (GA), and Kari Lake (AZ), among others.”

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Kari Lake Sits Down with Brandon Straka to Discuss Plans If Elected as Arizona Governor

SCOTTSDALE, Arizona – Kari Lake, the Trump-endorsed Republican candidate for Arizona governor, sat down for a Saturday interview with #WalkAway Campaign PAC (WACPAC) founder Brandon Straka about how she will handle important policies if elected. It was the first-ever such event.

“It’s like we’ve [America has] got wounds and we’re bleeding; we’ve got to stop the bleeding. But the thing that caused the wounds and the bleeding is a stolen election,” Lake said when asked by Straka about election integrity. “Let me tell you, none of these people I’m running against on the Republican ticket even wanted to touch that. It’s the third rail. And I even had people in politics say, ‘Don’t mention the 2020 election.’ I said, ‘Are you kidding me?’ I went out, I touched that rail, and I have not stopped talking about it because that’s the reason we have the problems we have.”

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Vance Reacts to Ryan’s Vote to Send $40 Billion to Ukraine

Ohio’s Republican U.S. Senate nominee Thursday raised against a bill that will send $40 billion to Ukraine, citing problems that the United States has domestically. 

“I don’t think we should be spending any more money, unless it’s on America’s problems here at home,” J.D. Vance said Thursday. “I would make any additional aid for the Ukrainians conditional on sending money to the American southern border, on actually trying to fix this terrible shortage of baby formula and hospital supplies.”

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Commentary: The True Origins of ‘America First’

What were America’s founders and their followers trying to foster and preserve by their conduct among nations? What were they trying to put first? Why did the Progressives turn away from these concerns? What did they put first? How dismissive were they of reality? What have been Progressivism’s effects on how America has fared among nations? How have changes in the world and in America itself made it impossible to continue on the Progressive’s course? How would John Quincy Adams and those following his principles manage America’s present international situation?  

By what principles might today’s statesmen put America First?

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Commentary: Mirroring Communist China

In the intensifying great power contest between the United States and genocidal Communist China, it is imperative to devise a strategy for victory, not one for subservience and appeasement.

As Ronald Reagan proclaimed as he ended the myth of détente and commenced the drive for an irenic victory over the USSR’s evil empire: “We win, they lose.” Ultimately, through our nation and our allies’ perspicacious strategic and morally courageous policies, we won and the Soviets lost.  (And all of this without so much as a “snowflake” of the “nuclear winter” the accommodating, appeasing domestic Left had virtually guaranteed would occur under the leadership of the “amiable dunce” and “nuclear cowboy,” “Ronald Ray-Gun.”)

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Commentary: ‘America First’ Has Answers for U.S. Crisis of Confidence

Joe Biden

A majority Americans begin 2022 full of worry and dread. During President Biden’s first year in the White House, societal anxiety surged, including among voters who identify as independents and Democrats. In the newest Axios/Momentive year-end survey, 2021 saw a 50% increase in fear about what 2022 will bring among independents. Democrats weren’t much more sanguine. They began last year with refreshing optimism as their party took control of the White House and Congress, with only 19% of Democratic voters declaring themselves fearful about 2021. By year’s end, that number had surged to 45%.

Reflecting this dour assessment, the RealClearPolitics polling average of Joe Biden’s approve/disapprove ratio also receded sharply for the last year, from a stellar 20-percentage-point surplus in his favor on Inauguration Day, to a minus- 10-point rating.

Given this environment, Republicans naturally grow more confident about the midterm elections. But taking nominal control of Capitol Hill won’t be enough. Will Mitch McConnell and Kevin McCarthy and their lieutenants be content with stopping the woke and socialist-inspired agenda of progressives? Or will they boldly implement a full-throttle populist nationalist “America First” agenda?  

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Commentary: Unions Aligning with America First

After intense negotiations, the United Auto Workers secured a new agreement with Ford, General Motors, and their suppliers that effectively prohibits a vaccine mandate for employees by requiring only “voluntary” disclosure of vaccination status for union members. This hard-won validation for workers points to a larger opportunity for the America First movement and organized labor to acknowledge that they are natural allies.

On critical issues ranging from medical privacy to border security and foreign trade, the emerging populist and nationalist consensus of the New Right creates an obvious home for unionized Americans. The America First cause can, in turn, help revitalize private-sector unions and guarantee a more prosperous society for our country, with a stronger middle class through a better diffusion of economic and political power.

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Commentary: Will Republicans Run as American First in 2022?

Republican leaders are salivating over their prospects for retaking Congress in 2022. Populists need to be even more fired up about the primaries. Getting involved now is the only way to ensure an America-first victory. Some quality candidates are already in the fight.

There’s a reason Democrats in Congress and even Joe Biden immediately glommed onto hyperpartisan issues from the get-go. They saw the red wave in down-ballot races in 2020, and they know another tide is coming in 2022. 

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Trump’s Post-D.C. Plan Takes Shape with Rollout of America First Funding, Policy, Messaging Arms

Donald Trump smile

Nearly three months after Donald Trump’s departure from the White House, his plans for a politically active post-presidential role are coming into public focus

After a comparatively quiet first five weeks in Palm Beach, Fla., following a final five in Washington plagued by all sorts of chaos, Trump stirred up excitement in late February at the annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), where he addressed an enthusiastic crowd for 90 minutes about moving forward with the America First agenda. That plan is now moving into its operational stages, with the launch of a network of political funding vehicles and public messaging platforms.

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Commentary: Donald Trump is The Essential Man

Once upon a time, there was a president called Ronald Reagan – a model of decency and probity, at once great and self-effacing, who, above all, was truly in love with America and saw it as his sacred mission to preserve and strengthen American freedom. During his eight-year tenure, he revitalized the U.S. economy, snapped us out of what his disastrous predecessor had referred to as “our malaise,” and helped bring down the Soviet Union.

Then he walked off into the sunset. And for the next seven presidential terms, we had to make do with mediocrity and self-dealing. Both parties were dominated by crime families – sorry, I mean political dynasties. The Bushes were uninspiring. The Clintons were pure slime.

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Commentary: Will America’s Politically Disenfranchised Unite Against the Corporate Elites Bend on Ruling Them?

By now most America First conservatives have recognized the common agenda of libertarians and progressives. These two groups have significant differences, of course. For example, progressives are pro-union while libertarians prefer employee choice. But on most of the biggest issues, their agendas now align.

The alliance is a mismatch, however, for two reasons. First, because progressives have far more money and institutional power, and second, because progressives are serious, whereas libertarians tend to favor symbolic gestures.

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Commentary: Will the Future of the GOP Be Corporatism or America First?

Regardless of how this election finally turns out—and we’re still weeks away from knowing the answer with certainty—it should be noted what President Trump was able to do in the last four years regarding the conservative narrative of the past several decades.

From what really was nothing more than an appendage of corporatism and vulture capitalists, Trump took the Republican Party and helped shape it into a broad coalition of workers and patriots that really does transcend race and ethnicities; call it America First Republican Populism.

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Rebuilding America’s Economy for American Workers with American Workers

Years ago, news stories began to surface about qualified American workers being forced to train their less-expensive foreign replacements. Those stories seemed too absurd and flat-out un-American to be real, but, in fact, it was happening. In some cases, employees were forced to go through a humiliating process just to receive their severance packages. Stories like these have illustrated in clear terms how America’s H-1B foreign worker visa program was being manipulated to the detriment of American workers. Now, however, the Trump Administration has taken significant action to stop this abuse, ensure America’s businesses have the specialized workers they need, and deliver an economy that serves American workers first.

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Bishop Aubrey Shines Tells Sebastian Gorka Why Conservative Clergy of Color Demands Meeting with CEO of Nike to Stop Support of BLM

During Saturday’s podcast of America First with Sebastian Gorka, host Gorka welcomed Conservative Clergy of Color member Bishop Aubrey Shines to the show to discuss his recent announcement that takes the CEO of Nike to task for contributing to a communist country and using slave labor for production while using his athlete foot soldiers to promote divisiveness in America.

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Commentary: Unlike Joe Biden, President Trump Actually Puts America First on Jobs, Trade and Immigration

This past week at the Democrat’s low energy Zoom convention, we heard a lot about what a good guy former Vice President Joe Biden is, that he’s a man of “faith” and “character.” We heard almost nothing about his accomplishments. That’s because after fifty years as a politician, Biden has accomplished almost nothing of significance.

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President Trump Fires Tennessee Valley Authority Chair Over Hiring of Foreign Workers, Caps TVA CEO Pay at $500k

President Donald Trump said Monday that he had fired the chair of the Tennessee Valley Authority, criticizing the federal-owned corporation for hiring foreign workers.

Trump told reporters at the White House that he was formally removing chair Skip Thompson and another member of the board, and he threatened to remove other board members if they continued to hire foreign labor. Thompson was appointed to the post by Trump.

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Commentary: USMCA Begins New Trump-Led Era of America First on Trade in July

President Donald Trump was elected in 2016 on the very important promise of implementing an America first posture on trade, promising to renegotiate the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) with Mexico and Canada, and to begin to restore hundreds of billions of trade balances with China using pressure and tariffs China after more than a decade of being treated unfairly.

President Trump succeeded on both counts, winning adoption of the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) earlier this year and achieving the first ever U.S.-China trade deal that was completed right before the COVID-19 pandemic became public knowledge.

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Commentary: China’s Post-Virus Plan to Destroy America’s Economy

The virus that originated in Wuhan, China poses a double threat to America.

The first is to our health as the virus spreads through the U.S. population. The second is to our economy as more businesses, schools, and events shut down to slow the spread of the contagion.

We must not underestimate the economic threat because the Chinese Communist Party is using the pandemic to achieve its goal of supplanting the United States as the world’s leading economic, diplomatic, and military power.

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