Biden Adds Obama Administration Veterans to Top Staff

President-elect Joe Biden is adding four Obama-Biden administration veterans to his top ranks as he continues to build out his White House team.

Cathy Russell, who was Jill Biden’s chief of staff during the Obama administration, will serve as director of the White House Office of Presidential Personnel, evaluating applicants for administration roles. Louisa Terrell, who served as a legislative adviser to the president in the Obama administration and worked as deputy chief of staff for Biden in the Senate, will be director of the White House Office of Legislative Affairs. Terrell has already been engaged in Capitol Hill outreach as part of Biden’s transition team.

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Loeffler Campaign Launches ‘Radical Raphael’ Website Detailing Warnock’s Policies and Past

Senator Kelly Loeffler (R-GA) launched a website, “Radical Raphael,” detailing her Democratic opponent Raphael Warnock’s policies and past. The homepage has a picture of Warnock, titled “Raphael Warnock: The Most Radical and Dangerous Candidate in America.”

The website is a hint of the contentious general election runoff between the two. 

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Commentary: Is China Funding the Phony Joe Biden Campaign?

Joe Biden is running a profoundly phony campaign. Hillary’s defeat is famously blamed on her low-energy decision to not show up in the Rust Belt. But Biden isn’t showing up anywhere.

No candidate since George Washington has campaigned so little and with so few live supporters. Joe Biden is no George Washington.

How can Biden be a contender when he gets 30 supporters at his rallies and Trump attracts 30,000? Biden attracted 130 cars to hear him in must-win Pennsylvania. In Miami, Latinos for Trump organized a 30,000 car parade on their own.

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TRUMPDATE: Latest from the Team Trump Virginia Campaign for October 22

Welcome to the Wednesday edition of our daily Virginia Trump campaign update! We will provide our readers with daily updates on the Trump Virginia campaign from today to November 3 (and after…if need be!).

It’s officially 12 days until the election on November 3 – and nine days until early voting in Virginia closes. President Trump meets Joe Biden in the final presidential debate TONIGHT. The deadline to request a mail-in ballot in Virginia is Friday.

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Brennan Personally Briefed Obama on Clinton Campaign’s Russia Collusion Operation in 2016

CIA Director John Brennan personally briefed former President Barack Obama on Russia’s knowledge of Hillary Clinton’s “plan” to smear then-candidate Donald Trump as a Russian stooge during the 2016 presidential election, newly declassified documents reveal.

Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe on Tuesday declassified Brennan’s handwritten notes from the briefing, as well as a CIA memo revealing that officials referred the matter to the FBI for potential investigative action. That referral was sent to then-FBI Director James Comey and then-Deputy Assistant Director of Counterintelligence Peter Strzok.

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Gov. Northam Criticizes President Trump’s ‘Don’t Live in Fear’ Message, Suggests Exercising to Help Fight COVID

Governor Ralph Northam criticized President Donald Trump’s statement preceding his release from Walter Reed National Military Medical Center.
“I will be leaving the great Walter Reed Medical Center today at 6:30 P.M. Feeling really good! Don’t be afraid of Covid. Don’t let it dominate your life. We have developed, under the Trump Administration, some really great drugs & knowledge. I feel better than I did 20 years ago!”

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Commentary: In 2020, Wallace Learned ‘Never Go Full Crowley’

In the second presidential election debate between President Barack Obama and Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney on October 16, 2012, CNN moderator Candy Crowley sensed that Obama, coming off a dismal initial September 26 debate, was again floundering.

Romney was driving home the valid point that the Obama Administration had inadequately prepared the American mission in Benghazi for likely terrorist attacks. And such laxity resulted in a horrific attack and the deaths of four Americans, including the U.S. ambassador.

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Sen. Marsha Blackburn Says James Comey Has ‘Memory Issues’ Because He Cannot Recall Details of Crossfire Hurricane Investigation

U.S. Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) appeared on Fox Business’ Morning with Maria on Thursday and asked how former FBI director Jim Comey and others could have been so oblivious about details on Crossfire Hurricane.

Crossfire Hurricane refers to the FBI investigation of alleged collusion between President Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign with Russia.

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Steve Bannon on The John Fredericks Show: How Democrats Plan to Steal the Election

Former White House Chief Strategist Steve Bannon appeared on The John Fredericks Show (JFRS) to share how Democrats are undermining the election. The exchange is part of Bannon’s newest national tour, “Plot to Steal 2020.”
Bannon unveiled the tour in his first interview since his arrest. The War Room – Pandemic host claimed that the fraud charges against him are part of a bigger plan targeting Trump’s associates ahead of the election. 

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Commentary: President Trump Is Ending the Obama-Biden Regulation to Rezone Neighborhoods Along Income and Racial Guidelines

President Donald Trump is ending the 2015 Obama-Biden era regulation Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH) regulation, and has removed requirements that more than 1,200 cities and counties make changes to local zoning in order to qualify for $3 billion of annual community development block grants.

Appearing at the White House Rose Garden on July 14, President Trump called enforcement of this regulation was a “key element” of former Vice President Joe Biden’s platform for president, saying it would “abolish the suburbs…”

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Biden, Gates, Other Twitter Accounts Hacked in Bitcoin Scam

Unidentified hackers broke into the Twitter accounts of technology moguls, politicians, celebrities and major companies Wednesday in an apparent Bitcoin scam.

The ruse included bogus tweets from former President Barack Obama, Democratic presidential front-runner Joe Biden, Mike Bloomberg and a number of tech billionaires including Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates and Tesla CEO Elon Musk. Celebrities Kanye West and his wife, Kim Kardashian West, were also hacked. The fake tweets tweets offered to send $2,000 for every $1,000 sent to an anonymous Bitcoin address.

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Former Obama Official Asks Walz to Reclose All Bars for Indoor Service in Minnesota

One of former President Barack Obama’s top health care officials said he asked Gov. Tim Walz to reclose all bars in Minnesota during a Sunday phone call.

Andy Slavitt, the former acting administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, said he urged Walz and Department of Health Commissioner Jan Malcolm to close “all of the bars to indoor service across the state of Minnesota” to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

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Hundreds of Bush Administration Officials Declare Support for Joe Biden

A large group of officials who worked for former President George W. Bush will endorse the former Democrat Vice President Joe Biden.

The group formed a super PAC Wednesday, called “43 Alumni for Biden,” a reference to Bush, the 43rd president and described its formation as an effort to restore “the principles of unity, tolerance and compassion to the greatest elected office in the world,” according to Reuters.

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Commentary: Obama-Biden Knew the FBI Was Investigating Flynn and Trump in January 2017 for Russia Conspiracy Theory and Didn’t Stop It

A newly released hand-written note by former FBI agent Peter Strzok from early Jan. 2017 confirms knowledge and direction of the investigation of former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn by former President Barack Obama and former Vice President Joe Biden.

The note was submitted as evidence by Flynn’s lawyers Jesse Binnall and Sidney Powell on June 24 just as the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals issued a rare writ of mandamus ordering Judge Emmet Sullivan to dismiss the case against Flynn.

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During Obama-Era CIA, Unit Specializing in Hacking Failed to Protect Itself from Secrets Being Leaked

A specialized CIA unit that developed sophisticated hacking tools and cyber weapons didn’t do enough to protect its own operations and wasn’t prepared to adequately respond when the secrets were stolen, according to an internal report prepared after the worst data loss in the intelligence agency’s history.

“These shortcomings were emblematic of a culture that evolved over years that too often prioritized creativity and collaboration at the expense of security,” according to the report, which raises questions about cybersecurity practices inside U.S. intelligence agencies.

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AG Barr Appoints Federal Prosecutor to Review Obama Admin ‘Unmasking’ of Trump Associates

Attorney General William Barr appointed a federal prosecutor to review so-called “unmasking” requests that Obama administration officials submitted against Trump associates, a spokeswoman for the Justice Department said Wednesday.

Kerri Kupec, the Justice Department spokeswoman, said on Fox News that Barr appointed John Bash, the U.S. attorney for the Western District of Texas, to conduct the review.

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Commentary: Liberal Group ‘Veterans Education Success’ Seeks to Re-Instate Obama-Era Education Policy Targeting Private Colleges

A new TV ad campaign seeks to overturn a key reform of the Trump administration. In the name of veterans, the campaign attempts to lure President Trump into breaking his word, endangering educational institutions in a difficult time.

In an ad by “Veterans Education Success,” we see servicemembers in uniform, overseas, and hugging their children, and shaking hands with President Trump. The images remind me of the strong support the President has had among active and retired military, who voted for him by 60-34 percent in 2016.

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Commentary: Time for Trump and Barr to Declassify Everything the Obama White House Knew About Michael Flynn

The Justice Department has dismissed all charges against former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn, after spying on his Dec. 22, 2016 conversation he had with Russian ambassador Sergei Kislyak, leaking it to the Washington Post on Jan. 12, 2017, sending the FBI to ask about it on Jan. 24, 2017—all resulting in Flynn’s firing, prosecution and guilty plea, that he has since motioned to withdraw.

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Commentary: The Political Elite Plays Its Last Card

Every day, the battle lines are drawn more clearly for what promises to be a memorable election. The Democrats infamously lumbered the president with an investigation into his relations with Russia that they knew to be unfounded. Then they attempted a completely spurious impeachment proceeding (with no believable evidence that he had committed the alleged offenses which, in any case, were not impeachable).

And now, in response to a fortuitous virus pandemic, they purport to require President Trump to commit political suicide by shutting down the economy for so long that the soon-to-be 30 million unemployed will turn him out on election day.

It is another phantasmagorical expedition of a desperate political elite playing its last card, but it is an engrossing spectacle.

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Al Gore Thinks Barack Obama Could Assist with the Coronavirus

Tennessee native Al Gore said late last week that as President, Joe Biden, could appoint former President Barack Obama as a “Coronavirus Czar.”

Gore said this from an undisclosed location in Nashville when he appeared on Real Time with Bill Maher.

Maher began the interview by noting that Bernie Sanders dropped out as a Democratic presidential candidate. Biden, Maher said, is the likely nominee.

“What would you think about Biden naming Obama the coronavirus czar right now? He did really good with the Ebola virus,” Maher asked Gore.

“Do you think that would excite people to get to the polls, knowing that Obama was going to be in charge of handling this disease, as opposed to the way it’s being handled at the top right now?”

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Commentary: New Impeachment Rules Would Snare Obama

Barack Obama’s eight-year tenure was detrimental to the United States, but like most of his nonbelievers, I harbor no animosity for his person.

Few critics that I know advocated that Obama be impeached, much less removed from office, before his reelection bid – even amid his worst scandals and dangerous policies. But we are now in a new age, whose protocols might have made it impossible for the Obama Administration to have finished two terms.

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Commentary: The Poison Legacy of ‘Low-Bar’ Impeachment

Since the embarrassing impeachment and failed conviction of President Andrew Johnson in 1868, Americans more or less had avoided that ultimate constitutional method of removing a chief executive from power. The Johnson impeachment had been so steeped in personal hatred, political rivalry, and post-war agendas that the failure by one vote in the Senate to remove the impeached Johnson more or less discredited the process for a century.

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Commentary: Obama Is Wrong About America Leading the World in Mass Violence

The predictable has followed the atrocities in El Paso and Dayton. Barack Obama raised the standard when he issued a statement condemning “language coming out of the mouths of any of our leaders that feeds a climate of fear and hatred or normalizes racist sentiments.” This is a bit rich coming from someone who sat with his wife contentedly in the pews of Jeremiah Wright’s Chicago church for 20 years listening to his white-baiting apologia for black violence and international terrorism, including the 9/11 attacks.

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VIDEO: Washington Post Spikes Interview with Dayton Resident Who Opposes Gun Control

Bryan St. John lives near and frequents the Oregon District, a quaint neighborhood in Dayton where the shooting took place. A journalist from The Washington Post asked St. John for his opinion on the various sides of the gun debate.

“Well, when people say you should ban guns, to me it goes back to 1991 and the Killeen Luby shooting there where the lady was under the table and had to watch her parents get shot and followed the law and left her gun in the car,” St. John replied to one question.

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Neil McCabe From OANN Joins the The Tennessee Star Report After Touring Elijah Cummings Baltimore District

  On Tuesday’s Tennessee Star Report with Steve Gill and Michael Patrick Leahy – broadcast on Nashville’s Talk Radio 98.3 and 1510 WLAC weekdays from 5:00 am to 8:00 am – Gill and Leahy talked to One America News Networks Neil McCabe about the disgusting conditions in Elijah Cummings Baltimore district after he toured the areas yesterday. Towards the end of the segment, the team questioned where $1.8 billion went from then-President Barack Obama’s stimulus law, which was allocated to Baltimore in 2015. Leahy: Steve, we are joined now by our good friend, Neil McCabe from One America News Network. Neil, you were in Baltimore yesterday. Tell us about that. Did you have to take a passport and did you get any inoculation shots? McCabe: Ah, you know I’ve had great times in Baltimore in the past but this is kind of a scary tour. We kind of went into some of the neighborhoods that are Elijah Cummings’s represents and it was really made me sort of uncomfortable. You see the filth. You see the garbage piling up. You know, not just in these neighborhoods but there’s a war memorial, it’s like a museum, it’s directly opposite of city hall and the trash…

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Media Requests for EPA Records Soar Under Trump

by Kevin Mooney   Major news outlets, seemingly more prone to investigative reporting in the Trump era, are much more aggressive in seeking records from the Environmental Protection Agency than they were in the final years of the Obama administration, The Daily Signal has learned. ABC News, CBS News, the Associated Press, The New York Times, The Washington Post, and Politico are among 20 news organizations showing a large increase in Freedom of Information Act requests, according to EPA numbers obtained by The Daily Signal. The 20 media outlets include not only news organizations with liberal perspectives but some, such as CNN, BuzzFeed, Mother Jones, and Huffington Post, that freely mix news coverage and left-leaning opinion. According to the data, the biggest percentage increase in FOIA requests to the EPA by the 20 media outlets occurred between 2016, Barack Obama’s last year as president and 2017, Donald Trump’s first year as president. The organizations made a total of 626 FOIA requests to the EPA in 2017, more than doubling the 249 requests in 2016. Dating to 1967, the federal Freedom of Information Act requires disclosure, upon written request and with exceptions, of previously unreleased information and documents controlled by the…

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#WalkAway Family Targeted by Activists, Doubles Down on Trump Support

  Tyrone and Marcella Jackson are an African-American couple and small business owners of The Good Frank in Columbus. They were not politically active, but believed the Democratic talking points. Now they are conservative Trump supporters. The Jacksons are part of the #Walkaway movement. #Walkaway is a movement siphoning away support from the Democratic Party. It began in New York in May 2018. Brandon Straka, a hair stylist and self-professed liberal, founded the organization. Disenchanted by the far-Left’s takeover of the Party, Straka spoke out against the extreme policy positions of the Democrats and urged others to do the same. “(The Left) will blacklist and destroy anyone who dares to fight back,” Straka said in a video explaining his decision to cut ties with Democrats. “They’ll come for me, and then they’ll come for you.” They came for Tyrone and Marcella Jackson. And the Jacksons wanted to share their story with The Ohio Star, which, like The Tennessee Star, is owned by Star News Digital Media. The attacks against the Jacksons began shortly after a Trump rally in August 2018 at Orange High School in Delaware County. Marcella and her oldest daughter, who was wearing a MAGA hat, were clearly visible…

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