Commentary: Signs of America’s Declining Power and the Emerging Multipolar World

President Biden walking in front of a line of international flags

During Bush’s years as president, Democrats frequently criticized his foreign policy, complaining that he acted like a cowboy, pursuing wars unilaterally without the imprimatur of the “international community.” Internationalism was a particular obsession of 2004 Democratic presidential nominee John Kerry, who lambasted the Bush administration for snubbing the United Nations and upsetting France with its Iraq policy.

Obama was mostly a darling of foreign leaders, as he ceded American power and prestige in a bid to right what he considered the historic wrongs of colonialism and western chauvinism. This was evident in his obsession with completing the Iran deal, participating in the Kyoto accords, assisting NATO attacks on Libya and Syria, and in the general tone of public diplomacy during the Arab Spring.

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Democrats Out-Fundraising Republicans in 2024 Election Cycle Despite Biden’s Poor Polling Numbers

Bill Clinton with Joe Biden

Despite President Biden’s poor polling numbers, Democrats are out-fundraising Republicans in the 2024 election cycle where the GOP could retake the White House and Senate.

The Republican Party is significantly behind the Democratic Party in fundraising as former President Donald Trump is facing criminal charges on state and federal levels and Biden is viewed very unfavorably by Americans. However, the new Republican National Committee chairman is hopeful for the 2024 election as donations are starting to pour in amid Trump’s trials.

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Commentary: If Republicans Want Better Legislative Outcomes, Trump Needs to Win Greater Majorities by Playing for the Popular Vote

Donald Trump at rally

Since 1960, Democrats have won the popular vote in 10 out of the last 16 presidential elections, and thanks to a combination of historical realignment (beginning during the 1930s), presidential coattails and the incumbency advantage, have also won U.S. House majorities in 11 out of those 16 contests, oftentimes with super majorities.

The modern story over U.S. House control, and therefore legislatively shaping the society of laws we live in presently, begins in 1932 when Franklin Roosevelt and Democrats utterly crushed Herbert Hoover’s reelection bid, winning 57.4 percent of the popular vote and 42 states to Hoover’s meager 39.6 percent and 6 states.

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Commentary: My Friend Joe

Joe Lieberman

I write now, in the worst pain and shock, with news of my friend Joe Lieberman’s death just moments ago. I write because I know what his critics will be quick to write, what news reports have already re-circulated. 

The same old attacks on Joe Lieberman, which he and I talked about so often, we both regarded as badges of honor: He often broke with his political friends and allies in the Democratic Party over matters of conscience. His critics did not just disagree with his positions. They had to attack him personally, call him names. But that didn’t dissuade him from sticking to his principles, regardless. 

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Commentary: In Prosecuting Trump, Democrats Have Exonerated Him

Trump Walking

Despite their best efforts, have Democrats begun an inexorable elevation of former President Donald Trump? For the better part of a decade, Democrats and the Left have thrown everything they could think of against the man they live to loathe. In the process, they have created a quasi-caricature that appears to be decreasingly believable to an increasing proportion of Americans. The question is whether these attacks have come full circle, accomplishing what Democrats most sought to avoid. Have they vilified Trump to victimhood and prosecuted him back into the presidency?

Since Trump burst on the political scene in 2016, Democrats and the Left have busted their guts laughing at him. When that didn’t work and he won, they burst all boundaries going after him. Their efforts have ranged from slights to a Russian dossier to two impeachments. Even after Trump left office, they refused to stop. Unquestionably, these efforts have had an effect — and equally unquestionably, Trump has given ample fodder to use against him: the result being that with Trump poised to win an unprecedented third successive major party presidential nomination (a feat last accomplished by Franklin D. Roosevelt 84 years ago), he has become a highly polarizing figure.

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Commentary: The Beltway Judge Hearing Trump Cases and Her Anti-Trump, Anti-Kavanaugh Husband

Washington glitterati assembled at the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in October to celebrate federal employees making a difference in government. Hosted by CNN anchor Kate Bolduan, the black-tie affair featured in-person appearances by top Biden White House officials including Chief of Staff Jeffrey Zients, Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco, and Secretary of Agriculture Thomas Vilsack.

Midway through the evening’s festivities, Max Stier, president of the group sponsoring the event – the Partnership for Public Service, a $24 million nonprofit based in Washington that recruits individuals to work in the civil service – took the stage to thank his high-profile guests. “Great leaders are the heart and soul of effective organizations,” Stier said, “which is why I am so thankful to see so many of our government’s amazing leaders here tonight.”

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Commentary: Trump Makes History by Winning Both Iowa and New Hampshire Primaries

Trump NH

Former President Donald Trump easily won the New Hampshire primary against rival former South Carolina Republican Gov. Nikki Haley with a record number of votes for the contest, 166,000 and counting with 92 percent of precincts reporting, and the third highest percentage total, 54.6 percent, for a Republican in a competitive primary after Richard Nixon’s 78 percent in 1968 and Dwight Eisenhower’s 56 percent in 1952.

The margin, Trump’s 54.6 percent to Haley’s 43.3 percent, was an 11-point rout leaving little doubt about Trump’s dominant position in the race, continuing to display all the elements of the incumbency advantage even though he is not in the White House.

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Obama, Bush and Clinton Have Started an NGO to Fly Migrants into America

Obama Bush Clinton

American Express Global Business Travel and Welcome.US have reportedly teamed up with former Presidents Obama, Clinton and George W. Bush’s nongovernmental organization (NGO) called Miles4Migrants to fly migrants to communities across the U.S.

Welcome.US is an NGO that was initially launched to work with President Joe Biden’s administration to facilitate some of the 85,000 Afghans who came into the U.S. in 2021 and 2022 after the debacle created when the U.S. evacuated from Afghanistan, according to Breitbart.

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Prosecutor on Special Counsel Jack Smith’s Team Shut Down FBI Investigation into the Clinton Foundation in 2016

Clinton Foundation

A top prosecutor on Special Counsel Jack Smith’s team recommended that the FBI shut down an investigation into the Clinton Foundation in 2016, despite ample evidence of suspicious activity related to hundreds of thousands of dollars in foreign transactions, Fox News reported.

In his May 2023 report on the FBI’s Crossfire Hurricane investigation, Special Counsel John Durham identified Ray Hulser, the former chief of the Department of Justice’s Public Integrity Section (PIN), as the official who “declined prosecution” of the Clinton Foundation. Hulser now serves on Smith’s team currently prosecuting former President Donald Trump for alleged crimes related to January 6.

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Bill Clinton Mentioned in Over 50 Filings in Jeffrey Epstein Document Dump: Report

Former President Bill Clinton was reportedly mentioned in more than 50 court documents set to be unsealed this year involving the late convicted child sex criminal Jeffrey Epstein. Clinton was identified as “Doe 36” by ABC News, and his name is reportedly among the 177 Epstein associates who are set to be publicly named with the release of records pursuant to a court ruling last month.

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Commentary: American Despotism and the Weaponization of the U.S. Constitution

Washington DC

America is now in the deepest, most dangerous constitutional crisis since the hostility in the 1850s that led to secession and civil war.

This constitutional crisis is so widespread and threatening that House Republicans must dramatically widen their investigations. Hunter Biden and President Joe Biden are only a tiny part of a spiderweb of corruption, dishonesty, criminal behavior, and state weaponization. The rule of law is steadily being replaced by a frightening new rule of power.

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Glenn Jacobs Commentary: With the Uniparty’s Indictment of Donald Trump, the Die is Cast

When Julius Caesar crossed the Rubicon with his army — an act Roman law strictly prohibited — he is reported to have said, “Alea iacta est,” Latin for “the die is cast.” Caesar, one of history’s most brilliant military and political minds, understood there was no turning back, even though the outcome was uncertain and quite possibly catastrophic.

History will question whether, during his occasional moments of lucidity, Joe Biden or his hubristic Justice Department experienced any such epiphany before crossing an American Rubicon, the indictment of a former President and Biden’s chief political rival, Donald Trump.

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Former Presidents Obama, Bush, and Clinton Team Up with American Express and ‘Welcome.US’ to Fly Migrants into the U.S.

American Express Global Business Travel and Welcome.US have reportedly teamed up with former Presidents Obama, Clinton, and George W. Bush’s nongovernmental organization (NGO) called Miles4Migrants to fly migrants to communities across the U.S.

Welcome.US is an NGO that was initially launched to work with President Joe Biden’s administration to facilitate some of the 85,000 Afghans who came into the U.S. in 2021 and 2022 after the debacle created when the U.S. evacuated from Afghanistan, according to Breitbart.

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Commentary: The Democrats’ Trump Obsession Will Do Them In

In 2020, despite gaining control of the White House and the Senate, the Democrats suffered a net loss of 13 seats in the House and a comprehensive down ballot drubbing. This was hardly a mandate for radical change. Yet, upon taking office, President Biden immediately reversed former President Trump’s successful energy policies and incentivized illegal immigrants to invade our southern border. Meanwhile, congressional Democrats collaborated with Biden to pass inflationary spending bills and embarked upon an unconstitutional crusade to convict Trump of fictitious crimes against the state.

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Hillary Clinton’s ‘Fake Scandal’ Attack on Durham Probe Revives Strategy from Whitewater Era

Hillary Clinton

Aquarter century ago as Whitewater prosecutors closed in on evidence that Bill and Hillary Clinton both gave factually inaccurate testimony, the then-first lady unleashed a blistering attack that stunned a capital city that in those days was far less rancorous.

Mrs. Clinton called the Whitewater probe “an effort to undo the results of two elections,” claiming it was run by a “politically motivated prosecutor who is allied with the right-wing opponents of my husband.”

Prosecutors have been “looking at every telephone call we’ve made, every check we’ve ever written, scratching for dirt, intimidating witnesses, doing everything possible to try to make some kind of accusation against my husband,” she declared in that 1998 interview with NBC’s “Today” show.

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Commentary: America Gone Mad

After three weeks in Europe and extensive discussions with dozens of well-informed and highly placed individuals from most of the principal Western European countries, including leading members of the British government, I have the unpleasant duty of reporting complete incomprehension and incredulity at what Joe Biden and his collaborators encapsulate in the peppy but misleading phrase, “We’re back.”

As one eminent elected British government official put it, “They are not back in any conventional sense of that word. We have worked closely with the Americans for many decades and we have never seen such a shambles of incompetent administration, diplomatic incoherence, and complete military ineptitude as we have seen in these nine months. We were startled by Trump, but he clearly knew what he was doing, whatever we or anyone else thought about it. This is just a disintegration of the authority of a great nation for no apparent reason.”

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Mollie Hemingway Commentary: Taking on the Establishment

Before the 2018 midterm elections, Trump’s political advisors were thinking about the president’s re-election bid and noticed a curious commonality among incumbent presidents who didn’t get re-elected: they all faced challengers from within their own party.

Five U.S. presidents since 1900 have lost their bids for a second term. William Taft lost to Woodrow Wilson, Herbert Hoover lost to Franklin Roosevelt, Gerald Ford lost to Jimmy Carter, Jimmy Carter lost to Ronald Reagan, and George H. W. Bush lost to Bill Clinton. While each election is determined by unique factors, all five of these failed incumbents dealt with internal party fights or serious primary challenges.

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Biden’s Job Approval Rating Falls to 43 Percent, Lowest in Presidency, Gallup

President Biden’s job-approval rating has fallen six percentage points, to 43%, since August. The number is the lowest of his roughly eight-month presidency, and now for the first time, a majority, 53%, disapproves of his performance, according to a Gallup poll released Wednesday.

The poll was conducted from Sept. 1 to 17, after the U.S. military left Afghanistan in late August. The military’s departure after 20 years in the country included the chaotic evacuation of 120,000 people that was overshadowed by a suicide bomber killing 13 U.S. service members.

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Commentary: The Puppet Master of the Republic

“Ya know, reality has a way of intruding. Reality eventually intrudes on everything.”

– Joe Biden

During last year’s Democratic primaries when everyone fumbled the ball, the leftist voters turned to socialist Bernie Sanders. Although the DNC figured Sanders would fizzle with baseline Democrats, they misread their comrades. When Sanders won California and Nevada, they hurriedly regrouped. Their strategy was to pair Joe Biden with a babysitter VP, and use them as their progressive shills.

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Youngkin Campaign Blasts McAuliffe for Upcoming Fundraiser with Bill Clinton

Terry McAuliffe

Former Virginia governor and current gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe, a Democrat, is heading to New York to fundraise with former President Bill Clinton. 

The exclusive $1,000 per plate fundraiser will take place later this week, as the race between McAuliffe and his Republican counterpart, businessman Glenn Youngkin, enters its crucial final two months. For $50,000, donors can be listed as a “co-host” of the event. For $100,000, they can be listed as a “host.” 

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Trump Calls Democratic VA Candidate Terry McAuliffe Bill Clinton’s ‘Bagman’ in Youngkin Endorsement

Donald Trump

Former President Donald Trump endorsed Republican nominee for governor Glenn Youngkin in a Tuesday message that called Democratic candidate Terry McAuliffe Bill Clinton’s “bagman.”

Trump’s endorsement comes after Youngkin, the former CEO of the private equity giant Carlyle Group, won the Republican nomination for Virginia governor Monday, the New York Times reported. The Virginia election will be one of only two state elections choosing governors in 2021.

“Congratulations to Glenn Youngkin for winning the Republican nomination for Governor of Virginia,” the former president said. “Glenn is pro-Business, pro-Second Amendment, pro-Veterans, pro-America, he knows how to make Virginia’s economy rip-roaring, and he has my Complete and Total Endorsement!”

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CNN and The Washington Post Issue Corrections After Misquoting Trump in Phone Call with Georgia Election Official

CNN and the Washington Post issued corrections on Monday, revealing that they “misquoted” some of former President  Trump’s comments in a December phone call with Frances Watson, Georgia’s top election investigator.

In their original reports, CNN and the Post claimed Trump ordered Watson to “find the fraud,” and if she succeeded, she would be a “national hero.”

The media outlets were forced to issue mea culpas after the Georgia secretary of state released an audio recording of the December 23 phone call, laying bare what was actually said versus what their anonymous sources claimed was said.

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Newly Released Photos Show Bill Clinton Enjoying Massage from an Alleged Jeffrey Epstein Victim: ‘Would You Mind Giving It a Crack’

Ahead of Bill Clinton’s scheduled Democratic National Convention speech tonight, The Daily Mail published explosive, never-seen photos of the former president enjoying a neck massage from an alleged Jeffrey Epstein victim.

Some of the photos published by The Daily Mail show Chauntae Davies, who was 22 years old at the time, giving Clinton, then 56, a back massage. These photos were taken during an African humanitarian event in 2002. Clinton and Davies accompanied Epstein on the visit.

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Military’s Top Catholic Prelate: Navy’s Indoor Religious Services Ban ‘Odious’

The leader of the Archdiocese for the Military Services compared the Navy’s banning sailors from attending religious services to the treatment of the Catholics in 17th century Japan depicted in the movie “Silence.”

“The persecution was systematic and destined to eradicate the faith from the islands,” wrote Archbishop Timothy P. Broglio, who has led the Catholic military chaplaincy and its programs since 2008, in a public letter posted Sunday.

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UPDATED – The Deep State Strikes Again as a Clinton-Appointed Federal Judge Halts President Trump’s Refugee Resettlement Executive Order

Judge Peter Messitte and President Trump

In a statement from the White House Wednesday evening, Press Secretary Stephanie Grisham called this ruling “preposterous” and yet another example of a lawless district court asserting its own immigration policy in front of standing US law. Furthermore, she says this ruling “robbed” millions of Americans from having a direct say in something that directly affects their communities.

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Commentary: The Poison Legacy of ‘Low-Bar’ Impeachment

Since the embarrassing impeachment and failed conviction of President Andrew Johnson in 1868, Americans more or less had avoided that ultimate constitutional method of removing a chief executive from power. The Johnson impeachment had been so steeped in personal hatred, political rivalry, and post-war agendas that the failure by one vote in the Senate to remove the impeached Johnson more or less discredited the process for a century.

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Ross Perot Has Died

by Evie Fordham   Texas billionaire and two-time independent presidential candidate Ross Perot died Tuesday at 89 after a five-month battle with leukemia. Perot is probably best known for his presidential runs in 1992 and 1996, reported the Dallas Morning News. Perot garnered 19% of the popular vote but no electoral college votes in 1992 and was viewed as a spoiler who helped then-candidate Bill Clinton defeat President George H.W. Bush. Perot nearly died from an infection in March following his leukemia diagnosis, his family said. But he recovered and continued going into the office almost daily. He celebrated his 89th birthday in June with family, according to the Dallas Morning News. Perot campaigned as a populist who stood against government waste. He turned his eye toward politics after becoming a self-made billionaire ranked as the 478th-richest person in the world by Forbes. His estimated net worth was $4.1 billion. Perot was born in Texarkana, Texas, in 1930 and went from paper boy to entrepreneur by age 32. He founded two pioneering computer services companies, Electronic Data Systems Corp. and Perot Systems Corp., according to the Dallas Morning News. Perot will also be remembered for being endlessly quotable, both on politics and general success…

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Memphis’ Rep. Steve Cohen Uses Rape Analogy to Describe President Donald Trump

  U.S. Rep. Steve Cohen, D-Memphis, has reportedly made yet another remark that some people might take offense to, this time involving the topic of rape. According to various news outlets, Cohen recently complained that Republicans impeached former Democratic President Bill Clinton “over sex.” Cohen then accused U.S. Republican President Donald Trump of “raping” the country. Cohen’s office did not respond Wednesday to The Tennessee Star’s request for comment as to whether Cohen’s latest remark might have gone too far. Cohen reportedly made these comments during a recent Democrat Steering and Policy Committee meeting where Cohen demanded that Democrats impeach Trump. This calendar year alone, Cohen has already expressed his delight over the Democrat-controlled U.S. House of Representatives no longer requiring people to say “so help me God” under oath. At the time of the Notre Dame Cathedral fire in France earlier this year, Cohen used the occasion to say Trump is “torching the entire structure of government.” Among other outbursts over the past several months, Cohen has also: • Said the Founding Fathers created the nation’s Electoral College as a way to hurt black people. • Pushed for a formal study on slavery reparations. • Co-sponsored the Green New…

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Bill Clinton Has 2020 Advice but Few Candidates Are Seeking It

Bill Clinton

Nearly 20 years after he left the White House, Bill Clinton is still sought after for advice by some Democrats running for president. But the names on his dance card in recent months underscore how much his standing in the party has changed. So far, none of the party’s early front-runners has had a formal meeting with Clinton. Nor have the women who are running in the historically diverse primary field. Instead, Clinton has spoken mostly with male candidates who are considered longshots for the Democratic nomination, including Montana Gov. Steve Bullock, former Housing secretary Julian Castro and former Maryland Rep. John Delaney. Clinton remains one of Democrats’ most successful politicians of the last half-century and one of its strongest messengers on the economy. Yet the party has shifted considerably to the left since his two terms in White House, and his personal baggage – as well as lingering hostilities from his wife Hillary Clinton’s failed 2016 campaign – make him an awkward adviser for some in his party’s next class of presidential hopefuls. Tensions run particularly deep between the Clintons and Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, who has launched another bid for the White House. The Clintons blame Sanders for…

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How Many Times Trump’s Predecessors Declared a National Emergency

by Fred Lucas   The push for a border barrier marks President Donald Trump’s fourth declaration of a national emergency—about a third as many as his three immediate predecessors in their two terms. The number of declared emergencies puts Trump on a par with Presidents Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush. President Gerald Ford, who signed the 1976 National Emergencies Act, did not declare an emergency under it. His successor, Jimmy Carter, made two such declarations during his single term—one of which is still in effect. In all, 32 presidential declarations of a national emergency remain in effect, counting Trump’s action Friday, while 21 expired or were canceled. The overwhelming majority of national emergencies involved either blocking access to U.S.-held assets for bad actors on the world stage or preventing financial transactions with those countries or with international entities and individuals. Trump’s three immediate predecessors—Barack Obama, George W. Bush, and Bill Clinton—each served two four-year terms. Obama declared a national emergency 13 times and nine of those emergencies are still in effect, according to the Congressional Research Service. The younger Bush declared a national emergency 14 times, and 10 are still in effect. Clinton made 14 declarations, six of which…

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Commentary: The Party of Death, Out in the Open

by Ned Ryun   Safe, legal, and rare was a lie. President Bill Clinton in 1996 told Americans abortion should be “safe, legal, and rare.” That was then. Now the cult of death, pro-abortion movement has taken over the Democratic Party whole-cloth, and the result is the infanticidal law passed in New York on the anniversary of Roe v. Wade. Now the party line has shifted to abortion on demand, paid for by taxpayers, at any time, even up until moments before birth: witness what just took place in New York state. The Empire State no more; New York is now the Abortion State. The laws just signed by Governor Andrew Cuomo are as vile as they are expansive. New Yorkers are now legally able to end the life of their unborn child up until the moment of birth. In cases which threaten the health (even the mental health) of the mother or when the unborn child isn’t considered “viable,” a woman now has the right to have lethal injection performed on the child, ending its life just moments before it would enter the world. And you don’t even need a doctor to conduct this abortion; New Yorkers can have…

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Ticket Prices Plummet for Bill and Hillary Clinton Tour

by Joe Simonson   Ticket prices for the Clintons’ world tour have bottomed out, with prices as low as $11 at some locations. Both Bill and Hillary Clinton have been trekking across the United States and Canada over the past few months and have dates set through May 2019. Audience members can pay to hear the power couple opine on current events and reflect on their legacy in American politics. The New York Times’ Maureen Dowd paid $177 for her ticket, yet prices for future events have plummeted. [ RELATED: Should Hillary Run In 2020? ] Seeing the duo at the Financial Centre in Sugar Land, Texas, on Dec. 4 runs anywhere from $11 to $80 depending on the seat quality. On resale sites, some sellers are asking for as much as $531 a ticket — although it’s unclear if they’ll be able to find a buyer at that price. In contrast, former first lady Michelle Obama is on her own speaking and book tour. Tickets for that event range anywhere from $300 to $2,500. – – – Joe Simonson is a reporter for the Daily Caller News Foundation. Follow Joe on Twitter.                …

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Phil Bredesen Admired Ted Kennedy, Called Barack Obama ‘A Rock Star’

Singing the praises of Barack Obama. Drowning himself in affection for the late Democratic U.S. Sen. Ted Kennedy of Massachusetts. Pining away for the good old days of Bill Clinton and Al Gore. A sampling of some of Democratic U.S. senatorial candidate Phil Bredesen’s past speeches and media interviews indicate he is a loyal and faithful servant to the Democratic Party. At a 2009 Tennessee Democratic Party Jackson Day event, Bredesen spoke of Kennedy, who died four days prior. “Everyone’s hearts are a little heavier when we think about the loss of Senator Ted Kennedy, who cared so much about so many issues, including those of health care,” Bredesen said to audience members, adding Kennedy pushed for health care reform in a civil manner. “I had the honor of meeting him 40 years ago when I made my very first run for public office. I was naïve about politics, but he made a deep impression on me.” Bredesen praised former President Bill Clinton at the event and said good things about Clinton’s tenure in office. At the same event, Bredesen referred to Obama, in only his first year as U.S. president, as “a transformational political figure.” After a 2008 U.S.…

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‘I Stand In Solidarity’: Karen Monahan Tosses Support Behind Juanita Broaddrick

by Chris White   A woman accusing Minnesota Rep. Keith Ellison of assaulting her when the two were in a relationship has come out in support of Juanita Broaddrick, who accused former President Bill Clinton of assault in the 1990s. Karen Monahan, an activist who claims the Democrat assaulted her during a years-long relationship, tweeted support Sunday morning after Broaddrick demanded an “immediate FBI investigation against @keithellison for his assaults.” “I am so sorry for what you went through. Thank you for being a voice for women around the country,” Monahan wrote in a Twitter post Sunday morning. “I stand in solidarity with you and survivors all around the world.” I am so sorry for what you went through. Thank you for being a voice for women around the country. I stand in solidarity with you and survivors all around the world. #MeToo — Karen Monahan (@KarenMonahan01) September 30, 2018 Investigations into Monahan’s accusations are ongoing. Minnesota Democrats’ self-described “independent” investigation into domestic abuse allegations against Ellison is being handled by the party attorney’s legal partner. Ellison, the deputy chair of the Democratic National Committee and nominee for Minnesota attorney general, has repeatedly denied the accusations. Minneapolis lawyer Susan Ellingstad took over…

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The U.S. Senate Is Killing State Welfare Reform

US Senate

by Jameson Taylor   Few policy reforms have been as popular as welfare-to-work. Why, then, is the U.S. Senate trying to kill state efforts at encouraging able-bodied adults to get a job? Welfare-to-work was one of the signature policy wins of the 1990s, resulting in the 1996 Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act. The legislation was signed by President Bill Clinton after being shepherded through Congress by House Speaker Newt Gingrich and Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott, who recognized welfare had become a trap for many Americans. The two most important features of the federal law were time limits on how long recipients could remain on welfare and work requirements for those on welfare. Both of these reforms were targeted at able-bodied, working-age adults on cash assistance (TANF) and food stamps (SNAP). [ The liberal Left continue to push their radical agenda against American values. The good news is there is a solution. Find out more ] The positive impact of federal welfare reform is well documented. A 2004 report by the left-of-center Brookings Institution states: “The welfare-to-work objective was predicated on a simple proposition: poor families are better off employed than on welfare.” Jobs are the best antidote to poverty. The…

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Commentary: Democrats’ Cultural Vulnerabilities to Produce November Reckoning

Bill Clinton

by Jeffery Rendall   I think most people (even liberals) would agree – someone like Bill Clinton shouldn’t be talking about how to treat women and the “Me too” movement. After all, guys such as philandering ‘ol Bubba Bill are more or less responsible for starting the phenomenon having moved on practically every female of childbearing age during his years in elected office. Bill’s well-documented prurient history isn’t preventing him from snapping back at critics questioning his character these days, however. Jim Geraghty wrote in National Review, “Bill Clinton assures us that he was the hero during the impeachment and scandal relating to his affair with Monica Lewinsky: ‘Former President Bill Clinton spoke out about the MeToo movement and the Monica Lewinsky scandal as NBC’s Craig Melvin sat down with him and author James Patterson, saying, ‘If the facts were the same, I wouldn’t’ act differently today than he did at the time. ‘A lot of the facts have been conveniently omitted,’ he says. ‘I defended the Constitution.’ “Rarely do you see such a symphony of hypocrisy and not-so-suppressed rage. “’I think partly they’re frustrated that they’ve got all of these serious allegations against the current occupant of the Oval Office,…

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Family’s Illegal Control of Clinton Charity Violates Multiple State Laws, Regs

New Hampshire Attorney General Gordon MacDonald should do what his Republican counterpart in Arkkansas, Leslie Rutledge, and his Democrat counterparts Eric Schneiderman in New York and Xavier Becerra in California seemingly won’t – investigate the required state public filings of the charity started Oct. 23, 1997, and originally known as “The William J. Clinton Presidential Foundation.”

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Meet the Clinton Charity They Didn’t Want You to Know About

Though much has been said concerning the Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation, analysts have not trained enough attention yet on another tax-exempt organization the Clintons control, The Clinton Family Foundation. Unlike the better known charity started almost 21 years ago as an archive and research center for presidential records created during Bill Clinton’s eight-year- White House tenure, the second entity — a grant-making charity whose Employer Identification Number is 30-0048438 — was formed in December 2001 and can only make donations to validly organized and operated public charities.

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