Soros Org Gave $500K to Activists Who Accosted Pam Bondi at Movie Theater

by Peter Hasson   The left-wing activist group that accosted Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi at a movie theater in June received half a million dollars in 2017 from an organization funded by left-wing billionaire George Soros in 2017, documents obtained by The Daily Caller News Foundation reveal. Organize Florida, the group that hounded Bondi from a Florida movie theater, received $500,000 last year from the Open Society Policy Center (OSPC), according to OSPC’s most recent tax forms. OSPC is the advocacy arm of Soros’s Open Society Foundations, which the billionaire uses to advance his left-wing worldview around the globe. OSPC awarded the grant to Organize Florida to “support policy advocacy,” according to the group’s tax forms. Organize Florida activists yelled at Bondi, a Republican ally of President Donald Trump, about the president’s immigration and health care policies during the protest in June. One of the protesters spit on Bondi’s head, she said afterwards. WATCH: Other targets of Organize Florida’s protests include women’s health centers that don’t perform abortions. OSPC did not respond to a request for comment regarding the grant to Organize Florida, and whether the activists’s actions toward Bondi are consistent with OSPC’s mission. – – – Peter Hasson…

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Nashville’s ‘La Raza Renata’ Endorses Phil Bredesen, Tweets in Spanish ‘Blackburn Me Da Heartburn’

Renata Soto, the immediate past chairman of the George Soros-supported national group formerly known as La Raza and founder of Nashville’s Conexion Americas, has endorsed Democrat Phil Bredesen for Senate, claiming in a Spanish language tweet that Republican nominee U.S. Representative Marsha Blackburn (R-TN-07) gives her heartburn. Soto is the immediate past chairman of the board of the Trump-bashing group now known as UnidosUS (the new name adopted by the George Soros-funded National Council of LaRaza in July 2017), and founder and head of Conexion Americas, the Nashville affiliate of UnidosUS. She was one of the featured speakers at the February kickoff of the Transit for Nashville campaign to support the passage of the tax increasing transit plan on the May 1 referendum in Nashville, The Tennessee Star reported at the time. Soto is also the leader of the Nashville “Indivisible” anti-Trump campaign, and a close ally of disgraced former Nashville Mayor Megan Barry. Democratic gubernatorial candidate Karl Dean and former gubernatorial candidate Randy Boyd have been huge fans of Soto’s. The same day the U.S. Supreme Court confirmed President Trump’s executive authority to restrict entry into the U.S. from designated countries, “La Raza Randy” Boyd’s collaborator Soto rallied…

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Commentary: Beware Soros’ ‘Rented Evangelicals’

by CHQ Staff   As Soros-funded “ministers” are on buses through swing states to “flip Congress,” our friends with the American Association of Evangelicals (AAE) have just put out a 3-minute video, Soros’s “Rented Evangelicals.”*  It provides a lot of info in a short time and is reaching many thousands of people each day through social media. “Soros’s Rented Evangelicals” is a  wake-up call that we urge you to share with your family, friends, church and club members to alert them to this assault on the Body of Christ. This is a very complex story, however, as leaked documents obtained by our friends at AAE confirm, and as Rev. Jim Wallis of Sojourners eventually admitted, wealthy, anti-Christian foundations, following the lead of billionaire George Soros’s Open Society Foundation, fund and “rent” curious “evangelical” and “Catholic” “mascots” serving as deceptive validators for their causes. The consequent realities include injury to countless people, the Church, the family, nation and the global Church including many martyrs. Consider some of the consequences of ‘Progressive’ political activism over the past few decades documented by AAE: A growth industry trafficking in human baby organs and body parts, funded and defended by the Democratic Party. The…

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Is Soros Money Floating Behind the Push For a Civilian ‘Police Oversight Board’ in Nashville?

Internal documents from George Soros’ Open Society Foundation (OSF) and an admission from an OSF representative about their grants addressing “police brutality,” should leave no one surprised that Soros money is floating behind the push in Nashville to establish a civilian oversight board. “Community Oversight Nashville,” (the Coalition), is the coalition which succeeded in bringing the question of a civilian community oversight board to a referendum. On November 6, 2018, Davidson County voters will decide whether to permanently embed the police oversight board into the governing charter. According to the “Vote No” campaign, this board would require a $10 million dollar tax hike over the next five years to pay for the $1.5 million dollar annual expenditure required by “Amendment #1” on the ballot. If the police oversight board initiative referred to as “Amendment #1” is passed, civilians appointed by Metro Council members would have broad authority to investigate and punish Metro Nashville police officers. Opponents of the initiative point out that at least eight layers of bureaucracy which include both civilians and government officials, are already in place to hold MNPD officers accountable. Organizations that have joined the Coalition and others that support passage of “Amendment #1” have either been…

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EXCLUSIVE: Soros-Backed Activists Slip Cash To Anti-Kavanaugh Protesters Before Arrests

by Peter Hasson and Joe Simonson   Left-wing groups funded by George Soros and other major Democratic donors hand out cash to protesters arrested for disrupting Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearings, the activists revealed Monday night. A coalition of left-wing activist organizations including Women’s March, the Center for Popular Democracy (CPD) and Housing Works have scheduled the near-constant disruptions at the Kavanaugh hearings as part of an organized effort to derail the confirmation process in a series of meetings since he was first nominated. The cash from the donor-funded groups goes toward the protesters’ post-and-forfeit payments — a small cash sum paid to resolve low-level misdemeanor crimes and avoid jail time. Those are just some of the details representatives from the three groups revealed in a Monday night conference call planning their next two anti-Kavanaugh protests, one on Thursday and one next Monday. The Daily Caller News Foundation received a tip with the dial-in code for Monday’s conference call and was present on the call in its entirety. One reporter, who asked questions, revealed his name during the introductions portion of the meeting. Protesters only need a government-issued ID and “your cash for the post-and-forfeit,” CPD national field organizer Darius…

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Soros-Linked Group Will Spend Millions To Stop Kavanaugh

Donald Trump, Brett Kavanaugh, George Soros

by Kevin Daley and Andrew Kerr    – Progressives have formed a new political outfit to mobilize left-wing energy on judicial confirmations, including Judge Kavanaugh  – The group, Demand Justice, is financed and administratively supported by the Sixteen Thirty Fund  – George Soros’ advocacy network has given millions to the Sixteen Thirty Fund in recent years A new political advocacy group that vowed to put $5 million behind an effort to stop Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation to the U.S. Supreme Court has significant ties to the liberal financier George Soros. A Daily Caller News Foundation review has found that the group’s primary financial supporter is a nonprofit to whom Soros has given millions. The group, Demand Justice (DJ), is organized and financed by a 501(c)(4) called the Sixteen Thirty Fund, which collected some $2.2 million in contributions from the Open Society Policy Center (OSPC), one of Soros’ primary donation vehicles, between 2012 and 2016. The Soros Connection The Fund is largely financed by a handful of donors. Financial statements filed with state oversight officials in 2014 show just three contributors accounted for 70 percent — or some $11.5 million — of the Fund’s total donations and grant revenue. Disclosure forms filed with the same agency…

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‘La Raza’ Randy Boyd’s Beneficiary, Conexion Americas, Supports ‘NoMuslimBanEver’ and ‘NoBanNoWall’

Randy Boyd

The same day the U.S. Supreme Court confirmed President Trump’s executive authority to restrict entry into the U.S. from designated countries, “La Raza Randy” Boyd’s collaborator Renata Soto, founder and director of Conexion Americas spoke to a group organized by Tennessee’s American Muslim Advisory Council (AMAC), rallying against the court’s decision and in support of the “NoMuslimBanEver”-“NoBanNoWall” campaign: …while we are at a really low point and a sad, sad day for this country’s history I know that we are more powerful than one directive from the courts. And if each of us help one person register to vote for all of us who have migrated from other countries and took the step to become a U.S. citizen, if we find one or two people who are already registered  or are actually eligible to become U.S. citizens and we encourage them to take that step and we encourage them to make sure that they claim their place in this country not only because it feels good, but also because we need to expand and amplify our voice and we do that through political power and through votes… I know with the young and beautiful people and diverse voices gathered here…

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The Tennessee Education Association Embraces the Union Label in Washington D.C., Denies It in Nashville

NEA headquarters

JC Bowman writes: “There are many other completely, independent non-union organizations now in America that represents public school educators, giving them a clear, non-union voice.  This means they do not spend a large portion of their lobbying efforts and their political funds focusing on bills and causes that fall outside the scope of education.”

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Soros Funded Southern Poverty Law Center Challenging Governor Haslam on Anti-Sanctuary City Legislation

The Soros funded Southern Poverty Law Center has issued a legal throw-down to Governor Haslam challenging his campaign promises to “do everything within my authority to be sure that Tennessee does not attract illegal activity.” Working with the TN Immigrant & Refugee Rights Coalition (TIRRC), another Soros funded amnesty-for-lawbreaker advocacy organization, the SPLC has promised to provide legal representation to  illegal aliens arrested in the Bean Station workplace raid who are in detention and facing possible deportation. TIRRC and its allies want to stop federal immigration authorities from detaining and/or deporting criminal illegal aliens and instead, have them released from ICE detention and returned to Tennessee communities. Shortly after the election of President Trump, TIRRC issued a public call to all Tennessee communities to refuse cooperation with ICE. In other words, TIRRC wants Tennessee to operate as a sanctuary state. Approximately half of the 100 workers taken into custody in the Bean Station raid are in detention and 10 of them face federal charges for evading prior orders of removal. The FY2016 DOJ Executive Office for Immigration Review data for illegal aliens who were never detained, immigration court hearings held in absentia, meaning when the illegal alien fails to show up to court, increased…

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University of Tennessee Knoxville Students Want to Challenge ‘Christian Privilege’ on Campus

The student leader of a soon-to-be established student group calling itself the “Interfaith Network UTK” says the organization is needed at the University of Tennessee because “there’s been a lot of anti-Muslim rhetoric (and) Christian ideological privilege on campus.” According to leaders of the new group, two campus events this year sparked the idea of creating an interfaith group that would focus on service projects to demonstrate shared “core values” and is open to both those who hold specific religious beliefs and those who do not. In February, Eboo Patel, founder of the national Interfaith Youth Core lectured about his organization and how religion can be used to build bridges in a diverse community. Days later, Matthew Heimbach, leader of the Traditionalist Worker Party  which ascribes to while nationalist ideology, launched his campus speech tour at UTK. During the campus demonstration organized by UT Knoxville’s Progressive Student Alliance to protest the administration’s decision allowing Matthew Heimbach to speak at the university, Drost Kokoye, a founding and current board member of the American Muslim Advisory Council (AMAC), Tennessee’s most prominent Muslim organization, added a police shout-down to the protest. Kokoye’s tweet described the police assigned to protect the protestors as the “KKKPD.”…

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Renata Soto, Chair of George Soros-Funded UnidosUS (AKA ‘LaRaza’), Featured Speaker at ‘Transit for Nashville’ Campaign Kickoff Supporting $9 Billion Transit Plan

Renata Soto, the Donald Trump-bashing chairman of the board of UnidosUS (the new name adopted by the George Soros-funded National Council of LaRaza in July 2017), and founder and head of Conexion Americas, the Nashville affiliate of UnidosUS, was one of the featured speakers at Saturday’s kickoff of the Transit for Nashville campaign to support the passage of the tax increasing transit plan on the May 1 referendum before Nashville/Davidson County voters. Soto was joined by former Nashville Vice-Mayor Howard Gentry and Rep. Jim Cooper (D-TN-05) as the featured speakers in the 22 minute kickoff event. Notably, embattled Nashville Mayor Megan Barry, who two weeks ago admitted to conducting a two-year-long extramarital affair with her bodyguard, was not one of the event’s featured speakers, though she was, apparently, in attendance. “My name is Renata Soto and I am with Conexion Americas, one of almost 120 coalition members who are so excited to get this campaign kicked off today,” Soto began. “Are we ready for transit?” she asked the crowd “Our coalition represents almost 300,000 Nashvillians. We have collected more than 30,000 signatures. We have hosted more than 200 community events. And we know that with your support, your enthusiasm, your…

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George Soros Money Funneled to Tennessee Organizations

The TN Immigrant & Refugee Rights Coalition (TIRRC) and the American Muslim Advisory Council (AMAC) each received grants from the Proteus Fund, itself a recipient of millions of dollars from the George Soros Open Society Foundations. The grants to the two Tennessee organizations were made through the Proteus “Security & Collaborative Rights” (SCR) initiative. TIRRC received a $40,000 grant: To support TIRRC’s leadership development and civic engagement work with MASA [Muslim, Arab and South Asian] communities. This will include public education on immigrant and refugee policies at the local, state, and federal level and building MASA immigrant civic engagement through naturalization, voter engagement, and policy advocacy. AMAC received a $7,000 grant: Given the recent uptick in Immigrations and Customs Enforcement targeting and detaining Kurdish community members in Tennessee, SRC support will allow AMAC to implement plans to continue to provide a hotline, media outreach, and Know Your Rights seminars for the community. Shireen Zaman is Proteus SCR’s Program Director. Named by the Obama White House as a “Champion of Change, Zaman is also the former Executive Director of the Institute for Social Policy and Understanding (ISPU). With offices in Dearborn, Michigan and Washington, D.C., the ISPU works to promote the interests of…

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Commentary: George Soros Puts $18 Billion Into Radically Transforming America

by George Rasley, Editor   On Tuesday, the Wall Street Journal’s Juliet Chung and Anupreeta Das detailed how Nazi collaborator and Far-Left billionaire George Soros has transferred some $18 billion – the bulk of his fortune – to his Open Society Foundations. Chung and Das report that with this move Open Society has vaulted to the top ranks of philanthropic organizations, appearing to become the second largest in the U.S. by assets after the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, based on 2014 figures from the National Philanthropic Trust. Conservatives should take particular note of the new structure reported by Chung and Das: Soros now shares influence over the firm’s strategy with an investment committee of Open Society. Mr. Soros set up the committee and is its chairman, but it is meant to survive him, people familiar with it said. A new chief investment officer at the Soros firm is less a trader than an allocator of capital to various internal and external asset managers reported Chung and Das. Unlike past investment chiefs, the official, Dawn Fitzpatrick, doesn’t report to Mr. Soros or others at his firm but to the philanthropy’s investment committee. “It’s an ongoing process of migration from…

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Petition Asking White House to Declare George Soros a Terrorist Garners Enough Signatures for Reply

A petition asking the White House to declare liberal bankroller George Soros a domestic terrorist has garnered over 100,000 signatures, or more than enough to necessitate a response from the Trump administration. The petition was posted on the “We the People” section of the White House website Aug. 20 and needed to crack the 100,000-signature threshold…

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Soros-Funded Groups Fight to Stop Trump’s Voter Fraud Commission

President Donald Trump’s voter fraud commission announced late Monday it’s temporarily suspending its collection of voter data from states following a lawsuit by the Electronic Privacy Information Center. The Electronic Privacy Information Center had asked for a temporary restraining order in its July 3 suit, saying the commission should have had a plan to protect the…

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Judicial Watch Sues State Department, USAID for Documents on Funding to Soros’ Foreign Campaigns

Judicial Watch filed a lawsuit against the Department of State and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) for records on funding awarded to George Soros’ Open Society Foundation-Albania, the conservative nonprofit watchdog announced Wednesday. The suit was filed May 26 after both government agencies failed to respond to Judicial Watch’s Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)…

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Open Borders La Raza Affiliate Adds Office in Memphis

Tennessee Star

Nashville based TN Immigrant & Refugee Rights Coalition (TIRRC), a formal affiliate of the National Council of La Raza (NCLR), recently opened an office in Memphis. They are sharing office space with the Mid-South Peace and Justice Center (MSPJC), a “multi-issue, multi-race organization whose mission is to engage, organize, and mobilize communities to realize social justice through nonviolent action.” TIRRC has been the lead organization lobbying for “tuition equality” (meaning citizens and illegal immigrants get the same state benefit), when the first bill was introduced in 2014.  MSPJC, itself a coalition of member organizations was an early supporter of the campaign for “tuition equality.” Establishing a store-front in Memphis brings TIRRC back to its roots since it’s first executive director, David Lubell started his advocacy career with Latino Memphis as a community organizer, leaving in 2001, to start TIRRC in Nashville with an early infusion of funding from a U.S. Office of Refugee Resettlement grant to the Nashville Chamber of Commerce for the Building the New American Community initiative, a pilot program designed to facilitate immigration and integration in non-traditional gateway cities like Nashville. The grant emphasized training new immigrants how to be civically engaged which translated into working for political power…

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Local Group With Alleged Ties to George Soros Protests MTSU College Republican Event

“Rutherford Indivisible” staged its first protest outside of a town hall meeting organized by the MTSU College Republicans on Thursday. The Capital Research Center, a conservative think tank that investigates nonprofits has alleged that at least three of Indivisible’s principals “have ties to organizations funded by George Soros.” U.S. Rep. Diane Black, and state legislators Sen. Jim Tracy, Rep. Bryan Terry and Rep. Mike Sparks were the invited panel.  Joining in the protest was the Green Party, Planned Parenthood and MTSU’s College Democrats. Members of the audience got a little heated at times with questions and comments about the planned repeal and/or replacement of Obamacare. “Indivisible” makes no pretense about its goal as posted on its website: A PRACTICAL GUIDE FOR RESISTING THE TRUMP AGENDA Former congressional staffers reveal best practices for making Congress listen. The Guide, authored by self-described progressives intending to stop President Trump, provides what is claimed as insider information about everything from “How to Have a Successful Town Hall” to how to start organizing for action, to scripted messages on everything from “Oppose Steve Bannon’s Role on the National Security Council” and “Combat Donald Trump’s Arch-Conservative SCOTUS Pick.” Seventy-three Indivisible affiliated groups are listed within 100…

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Commentary: New George Soros Scheme Coming to Your Town

In January George Soros’s secretive Open Society Foundations (OSF) began passing out 10 million dollars in a brand-new grant intended for non-profits who will, according to its website, “document and aggregate incidents of hate as they happen, and categorize them by type of offense, targeted community, and geographic location.” In “resisting the spread of hate” the Soros group wants “to ensure that incidents are included, tracked and aggregated in local and national data-bases”. I attended the “We the People” immigration conference in Nashville, December 2016 brought to you by The National Partnership for New Americans and others – a showcase of the close cooperation between the professional left and U.S. corporate executive suites. As one Walmart executive noted there is a “mind-blowing” number of groups representing immigrant rights today “and on any given day they are asking us for money”. He then went on to recount how Walmart and these groups work together on common goals. A ‘break-out’ session was devoted to the soon-to-be launched OSF hate-fighting grant. The money, to be parceled out in amounts ranging from $15,000 to $150,000, was available to anyone who promised to report hate incidents according to OSF staff. There was assurance that the…

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