Ilhan Omar Faces Backlash for Refusing to Support Bill Recognizing Armenian Genocide

  Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN-05) was one of three U.S. representatives to vote “present” on a bill recognizing the Armenian Genocide and the only member of Minnesota’s congressional delegation to not support the bill. The bill passed Tuesday in a non-binding vote of 405-11 and affirms that it is “the policy of the United States to commemorate the Armenian Genocide through official recognition and remembrance.” Those who supported the bill agreed to “reject efforts to enlist, engage, or otherwise associate the United States Government with denial of the Armenian Genocide or any other genocide.” The resolution calls for “education and public understanding of the facts of the Armenian Genocide, including the United States’ role in the humanitarian relief effort, and the relevance of the Armenian Genocide to modern-day crimes against humanity.” Omar was joined by Reps. Paul Gosar (R-AZ-04) and Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-TX-30) in voting “present” on the resolution. “I believe accountability for human rights violations—especially ethnic cleansing and genocide—is paramount. But accountability and recognition of genocide should not be used as a cudgel in a political fight. It should be done based on academic consensus outside the push and pull of geopolitics,” Omar said in statement released Tuesday…

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Rand Paul Offers to Buy Omar Ticket to Somalia So She Would ‘Appreciate America More’

  Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) said he’s willing to contribute to travel expenses for Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN-05) to visit Somalia so she would “appreciate America more.” “I’m in a town where we have a lot of people who are refugees. Some come from Somalia, some from Bosnia. I’ve never heard one of them say that America is a terrible place or be unappreciative of our country. Most of them are thankful,” Paul told Breitbart News this week. Paul joined President Donald Trump earlier this month in criticizing Omar for her “bitterness and anger toward the country.” “I think she does deserve a rebuke over trying to say we have a rotten country,” Paul said of Trump’s comments, according to the Washington Examiner. “I’m sort of dumbfounded how unappreciative she is of our country.” The Kentucky senator elaborated on those comments when speaking with reporters from Breitbart News this week. “She came here and we fed her, we clothed her. She got welfare. She got school. She got healthcare. And then, lo and behold, she has the honor of actually winning a seat in Congress and she says we’re a terrible country. I think that’s about as ungrateful as you…

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FLASHBACK: Mark Dayton Tells Minnesotans to ‘Find Another State’ If They Aren’t Happy

  Former Minnesota Gov. Mark Dayton, a Democrat, once told a crowd of frustrated residents to “find another state” if they weren’t happy with Minnesota. The comments were made during an October 2015 forum in St. Cloud hosted by the local chapter of the NAACP. Dayton was responding to concerns some residents had about the large number of refugees settling in the area. “Minnesota is not like it was 30, 50 years ago. But this is Minnesota and you have every right to be here. And anybody who cannot accept your right to be here and that this is Minnesota should find another state,” Dayton said, calling the behavior of some St. Cloud residents “unacceptable, un-Minnesotan, illegal and immoral.” “If you are that intolerant, if you are that much of a racist or a bigot, then find another state,” he continued. “Find a state where the minority population is one percent or whatever. It’s not that in Minnesota. It’s not going to be again. It’s not going to be that in St. Cloud, or Rochester or Worthington.” Video of Dayton’s comments were circulating in conservative Twitter circles Tuesday in response to the mainstream media’s coverage of President Donald Trump. As…

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Multiple Requests Filed for Formal Investigation Into Ilhan Omar’s Alleged Criminal Conduct

  State Rep. Steve Drazkowski (R-Mazeppa) announced Tuesday that he’s submitting a formal request for a full investigation of Rep. Ilhan Omar’s (D-MN-05) wrongdoings to the U.S. House Committee on Ethics. Drazkowski made the announcement during a press conference Tuesday at the Minnesota State Capitol, where he said Omar “may be the most corrupt politician in Minnesota history.” “Had it not been kept from the public she likely would not be a member of Congress today,” he said. “Representative Omar deceived the IRS in filing her taxes when she filed jointly with someone who she was not legally married to. She deceived the voters, she lied to them about her sham marriage to Ahmed Elmi.”   As The Minnesota Sun reported, Drazkowski had previously asked Rep. Angie Craig (D-MN-02) to request an ethics investigation into Omar, but Craig allegedly dismissed the request and its importance. “I believe there is sufficient evidence to warrant an investigation. Congresswoman Omar has demonstrated a consistent pattern of deceptive and criminal conduct. The facts laid out in this request clearly show that there is probable cause for such an investigation,” Drazkowski writes in his letter to the U.S. House Committee on Ethics. “The United State…

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The Tennessee Star Report Talks to ‘Point of View’s’ Chris Berg About the Tangled Web of Ilhan Omar’s Background

  During a specific interview discussion Monday morning on The Tennessee Star Report with Steve Gill and Michael Patrick Leahy – broadcast on Nashville’s Talk Radio 98.3 and 1510 WLAC weekdays from 5:00 am to 8:00 am – Leahy talked to good friend and host of Fargo, North Dakota’s Point of View about Ilhan Omar’s alleged illegal immigration into the United States and her questionable political affiliations associated with her background. Towards the end of the segment, the three men dissected whether or not there was enough speculation to pursue a DOJ or US Attorney General investigation into Omar’s past. They also noted that this issue could potentially be investigated at the federal level. Leahy: Our good friend Chris Berg who is the host of Point of View at the top television affiliate in Fargo, North Dakota caught that clip and sent it to us. And Chris, welcome to the Tennessee Star Report. Our story on that has over six thousand Facebook shares. Berg: (Chuckles) Thanks for having me Mike. Great to have you and happy Monday. Leahy: So tell us about Ilhan Omar. Ilhan was from Somalia. Came to the United States when she was twelve. Lived in Virginia for a couple of years.…

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Steve Cohen of Memphis Compares Republicans to Nazis Yet Again

  U.S. Congressman Steve Cohen, a Democrat representing Tennessee’s Ninth Congressional District, reportedly warned that U.S. Republican President Donald Trump’s recent rally in North Carolina was on par with Nazism. Cohn reportedly made these remarks on an MSNBC interview this past week. Cohen took issue with Trump’s criticism of U.S. Congresswoman Ilhan Omar, representing Minnesota’s Fifth Congressional District. “It was more reminiscent of Germany during the beginnings of the Hitler regime. People yelling send her back. That was un-American,” The Washington Times quoted Cohen as saying. “Republicans should stand up and let people know they are for the security of all Americans, for all American citizens, and nobody should be sent back. Nobody should be encouraged to be sent back.” As The Tennessee Star has reported, these are not the only hyperbolic remarks Cohen has made this year. This calendar year alone, Cohen has already expressed his delight over the Democrat-controlled U.S. House of Representatives no longer requiring people to say “so help me God” under oath. At the time of the Notre Dame Cathedral fire in France earlier this year, Cohen used the occasion to say Trump is “torching the entire structure of government.” Among other outbursts, Cohen has also: • Said the…

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Ilhan Omar Begins to Refer to Somalia as ‘My Country’ Before Catching Slip-Up

  Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN-05) began to refer to Somalia as “my country” before catching herself and calling it the “country I came from” during a recent speech. The slip-up came during her remarks to a crowd of supporters gathered to greet her Thursday night at the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport. “We have always been about creating a more perfect union, an inclusive one. One that is not just tolerant, but accepting. And so since the first day this president introduced the Muslim ban knowing my coun—the country I came from was on that and that my country now was on the track of implementing fascist laws, I knew that I had to speak up,” Omar said. The comments drew criticism from some conservative journalists, who questioned if Omar identifies “as an American or a Somalian.” LISTEN CLOSELY to @IlhanMN freudian slip here when she got back to MSP last night. So does she identify as an American or a Somalian? What say you? Plz share your Point of View — Chris Berg (@chrisbergpov) July 19, 2019 Omar made similar remarks during a 2015 speech to the Revolution Somali Youth League before she was elected to the Minnesota House.…

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Commentary: President Trump’s Tweets Were in Response to U.S. Reps’ Past Racist and Anti-American Statements

by Robert Romano   “Go wherever they want them, or they can stay. But they should love our country. They shouldn’t hate our country. You look at what they’ve said. I have clips right here. The vilest, most horrible statements about our country, about Israel, about others. It’s up to them to do what they want. They can leave, they can stay. But they should love our country, and they should work for the good of our country.” That was President Donald Trump’s response on July 16 to the flap over his tweets blasting U.S. Representatives Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.), Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.), Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) and Ayanna Pressley (D-Mass.). Trump had tweeted on July 12, “So interesting to see ‘Progressive’ Democrat Congresswomen, who originally came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe, the worst, most corrupt and inept anywhere in the world (if they even have a functioning government at all), now loudly… and viciously telling the people of the United States, the greatest and most powerful Nation on earth, how our government is to be run. Why don’t they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came. Then…

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Omar Silent on New Claims That She Has a Different Real Name and Entered Country Fraudulently

  A bombshell report released Thursday claims that Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN-05) entered the country fraudulently in 1995 as a member of the “Omar” family, which allegedly isn’t her real family. The article was published Thursday at Powerline by David Steinberg, formerly an editor of PJ Media who has written extensively on Omar over the past three years. In his article, Steinberg claims: “In 1995, Ilhan entered the United States as a fraudulent member of the ‘Omar’ family. That is not her family. The Omar family is a second, unrelated family which was being granted asylum by the United States. The Omars allowed Ilhan, her genetic sister Sahra, and her genetic father Nur Said to use false names to apply for asylum as members of the Omar family.” He goes on to claim that Omar’s real name, before applying for asylum, was Ilhan Nur Said Elmi. The family split up in 1995 when three of her siblings were granted asylum by the United Kingdom, including Ahmed Nur Said Elmi, whom Omar allegedly married in 2009 and divorced in 2017. As The Minnesota Sun has previously reported, this alleged marriage to her brother occurred at a time of massive immigration fraud. Steinberg cites…

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