Arizona Attorney General Brnovich Sues Biden Administration over Student Loan Debt Cancellation Program

Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich filed another lawsuit against the Biden administration on Thursday, this time challenging the president’s authority to cancel student loan debt. He argued that it goes contrary to several recent Supreme Court decisions striking down federal agencies’ assertion of power never granted to them by Congress. The Biden administration intends to cancel $10,000 to $20,000 of student loan debt for people who make less than $125,000 annually, or $250,000 annually for a married person filing jointly.

In his lawsuit, Brnovich said, “This loan cancellation … is a naked handout by one administration and one party to favored political classes (college graduates and those employed by the higher education industry) at the expense of taxpayers everywhere.”

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At White House Conference, Biden Appears to Search for House Rep. Who Died Last Month

Joe Biden on Wednesday appeared to commit an awkward gaffe when at a White House conference he apparently attempted to search for a Republican representative who died last month. 

Biden was giving an address at the White House Conference on Hunger, Nutrition & Health, during which at one point he commended organizers for “including bipartisan elected officials” in the event. 

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Sen. Roger Marshall Leads Republican Call to End Biden’s COVID National Emergency

Senator Roger Marshall (R-KS) introduced a resolution Thursday to end the COVID-19 national emergency declaration that is still in effect under the National Emergencies Act (NEA) despite Joe Biden’s comments that the pandemic is “over” in the United States.

“Since President Biden used his appearance on 60 Minutes to declare COVID is over, he must immediately terminate the COVID-19 national emergency declaration and wind down other emergency authorities that his Administration continues to force us to live under,” Marshall said in a statement released by his office.

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New Docs and Whistleblowers Reveal Joe Biden’s Involvement with Selling U.S. Natural Gas to the ChiComs

Republicans on the House Oversight and Reform Committee have obtained bombshell documents proving that Joe Biden was deeply involved in the family business of selling American natural gas to the Chinese–while he was planning to run for President. According to multiple whistleblowers, the Biden family made promises to those who worked with them in 2017 and onward that they would “reap the rewards in a future Biden administration.” These explosive revelations “pose national security concerns,” Oversight Republicans proclaimed Tuesday night.

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New York City Education Department Fires 850 More Teachers for Refusing COVID Vaccine

The New York City Department of Education has fired another 850 teachers and aides for refusing to comply with its COVID vaccine mandate, bringing the total number of school staff terminated over the mRNA shots that have not prevented the spread of infection to 2,000.

Some 1,300 department employees agreed to comply with the vaccine mandate by September 5 after taking a year of unpaid leave with benefits, the New York Post reported. The department informed personnel they would have to be vaccinated by that date or be “deemed to have voluntarily resigned.”

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‘Arizona Sun Times Sunday’ Debuts on AZTV 7

On Sunday evening, “Arizona Sun Times Sunday,” a half-hour news show produced by The Star News Network, debuted on AZTV 7, the state’s largest independent broadcast entity. 

Michael Patrick Leahy, editor-in-chief at Star News and its Arizona Sun Times newspaper, hosts the new Phoenix-based program at 10 p.m. on Sundays. Episodes can also be seen on demand at The Sun Times’s website. 

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Biden Says COVID Pandemic Is ‘Over’ in the United States

President Joe Biden said the COVID-19 pandemic is “over” in the United States.

“The pandemic is over. We still have a problem with COVID. We’re still doing a lotta work on it. It’s– But the pandemic is over,” Biden said during a pre-recorded CBS “60 Minutes” interview aired Sunday.

“As you notice, no one’s wearing masks. Everybody seems to be in pretty good shape, and so I think it’s changing,” he said.

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91 Percent of Warnock’s Staff Could Be Eligible to Receive Up to $490,000 in Loan Forgiveness

The vast majority of Hill staff could fall under President Joe Biden’s qualification threshold for his loan forgiveness plan, making them eligible to receive a minimum of $10,000 in debt repayment. According to salary data, nearly 91% of Sen. Raphael Warnock’s staff could qualify.

This percentage is merely an estimation as there are several unknown factors, including whether or not the staffers went to college, if they took out loans, if they still have loans or if they had a full-ride scholarship, as well as the total household income of Hill staffers.

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Concerns Mount over John Podesta Appointment

Joe Biden announced Friday that former Obama Administration adviser John Podesta would join the White House to oversee the spending of $370 billion for the purpose of addressing so-called “global warming.” His appointment, however, has led to criticism from China hawks who warn that Podesta is too close to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

According to the Washington Free Beacon, Podesta had previously called for more Chinese investment in American infrastructure as far back as 2013, claiming that there are “great opportunities for Chinese firms to directly invest in this nation, to build American infrastructure, to create American jobs, and generate steady and handsome returns.”

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Biden in Ohio: ‘Bury’ the ‘Rust Belt’

Speaking on Friday at the groundbreaking of Intel’s new semiconductor factory in Licking County, Ohio, President Joe Biden said that “it’s time to bury the label ‘rust belt…’” when describing the region in which he stood.

The ‘rust belt’ is a term often used to denote an area extending from western New York through the midwest that saw heavy industrial activity from the late 19th century to the mid-20th century, particularly concerning steel production and automobile manufacturing. The region suffered significant economic decline by the late 20th century and many communities therein have struggled since.

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Review: Publicist to the MAGA Stars Unleashes Hell on the Left in New Book ‘The Woking Dead’

In a world in which our own government is out to lock us in our homes, kill our jobs, infest our cities with criminal gangs, and make the shining light on a hill we know as America weaker than we have ever been before, we need leaders to step up and fight back without fear. Thanks to Joe Biden and his so-called 81 million voters we live in such a world right now. Just look around. Every major U.S. city is overrun with crime. A tank of gas costs a fortune. The young can’t afford an apartment anymore and older Americans can’t reach the dream of retirement. The American dream is dying and it’s all happened in under two years. That’s how fast leftwing ideologues can transform America into Venezuela.

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Leahy and Carmichael Discuss Jon Meacham’s Appointment to University of Tennessee’s Institute for American Civics

Wednesday morning on The Tennessee Star Report, host Leahy welcomed the original all-star panelist Crom Carmichael to the studio to discuss their efforts to verify that historian Jon Meacham penned Joe Biden’s hate speech last week and his recent appointment to the board of taxpayer-funded Institute for American Civics at University of Tennessee.

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New Poll Shows Joe Biden’s Approval Rating at 45 Percent

While still underwater, Joe Biden’s approval rating has surged to 45.1 percent in the latest poll conducted by Insider Advantage for the Center for American Greatness. The national survey of 500 likely voters showed that 53.8 percent of respondents disapproved of Biden’s job performance, and 1.1 percent had no opinion or were undecided. Specifically, only 26.8 percent said they wholly “approved” of the job Biden is doing, while another 18.3 percent said they “somewhat approve.”

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Anti-Science Biden Administration to End Protections for Girls Title IX Ensured in 1972

The Biden administration is determined to undermine the science of biology in order to prop up an activist political agenda that will serve up a manufactured concept of limitless “genders” with a side order of government-approved child grooming opportunities.

The proposed Title IX rule, announced in June by Education Secretary Miguel Cardona, is designed to overturn the Trump administration’s desire to continue enforcement of Title IX’s protections for girls and women in education. Former President Donald Trump also ensured due process rights protections for those students accused of sexual misconduct.

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Trump to Hold Mid-September Ohio Rally with J.D. Vance

Former President Donald Trump announced on Tuesday he will hold a rally with Republican Ohio Senate candidate J.D. Vance at the Covelli Centre at 229 East Front Street in Youngstown in the afternoon and evening of Saturday, September 17.

Trump’s arrival on behalf of Vance, who the ex-president strongly endorsed in the primary, comes as the candidate maintains a slight polling lead against Democratic opponent Tim Ryan, a congressman representing the Buckeye State’s 13th District. An August Emerson College survey showed Vance, an attorney, venture capitalist and author, with the support of 45 percent of Ohio voters while Ryan had the support of 42 percent. Another poll from the Trafalgar Group later that month showed the Republican with a four-point lead. 

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Biden Makes Surprising, Garbled Deficit Reduction Claim

President Joe Biden is being mocked after he made a garbled claim that he is reducing the deficit this year by one trillion, five hundred thousand dollars, with the number being especially awkward given the vast difference between trillions and hundreds of thousands.

“You know how much, how much I’m reducivethedefcit this year? One trillion, five hundred thousand!” Biden said during a Labor Day speech in Milwaukee, Wisc. It appears the president was attempting to say he’s “reducing the deficit this year.”

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Gas Prices Continue Decline, Still Much Higher Than Last Year

Gas prices have continued a steady decline in recent weeks, coming down from record-high gas prices this summer, but the Congressional Budget Office says natural gas prices may see an increase from the recently passed Inflation Reduction Act.

According to AAA, the current national average price for a gallon of regular gasoline is $3.78, down from $4.08 a month ago and down significantly from earlier this summer when prices surpassed $5 per gallon. Prices have dropped about a nickel in the past week.

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Leftist Author Jon Meacham Named to Board of University of Tennessee’s Institute for American Civics

Author and former MSNBC contributor Jon Meacham was named to the Board of Fellows of the University of Tennessee’s newly established Institute for American Civics last week by University of Tennessee President Randy Boyd.

German-owned Politico reported that Meacham helped President Joe Biden “frame” his now infamously divisive “speech from hell” delivered in Philadelphia last week in which he attacked the 74 million Americans who voted for former President Donald Trump as a “threat to American democracy.”

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Ohio Senate Candidate Vance Denounces Biden’s Slight Against MAGA Republicans

Ohio Republican Senate candidate J.D. Vance on Friday denounced President Joe Biden for an oration he gave at Independence Hall in Philadelphia, PA the night before in which the president castigated pro-Trump Republicans as a danger to democracy. 

Vance, an attorney, venture capitalist and author, blasted the speech as disuniting and inflammatory. He said Biden should instead turn to problems of consequence to Americans including crime, inflation and the educational and social compromises children have endured as a result of COVID-19 countermeasures. 

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Commentary: Joe Biden’s Antifa Politics

Joe Biden’s recent declaration that “MAGA Republicans” are motivated by an ideology of “semi-fascism” may come off as merely the sort of off-hand slander Biden is sometimes known to utter.

But while assailing a random crowd member as a “lying dog-faced pony soldier” is merely offensive, Biden’s “semi-fascism” smear, aimed at the tens of millions of Americans who identified with former President Trump’s slogan of “Make America Great Again,” reveals a disturbing truth about the direction of both the Biden Administration and his perceived base.

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Biden Education Secretary Miguel Cardona Blames Abysmal U.S. Student National Test Scores on Trump

The Biden education department announced Thursday that U.S. students’ plummeting scores in reading and math during the COVID-19 pandemic is all due to former President Donald Trump.

“Today’s data confirm the significant impact the prior Administration’s mismanagement of the pandemic has had on our children’s progress and academic wellbeing,” said Biden Education Secretary Miguel Cardona Thursday, following the report that U.S. students showed their steepest decline in decades in math and reading scores during the COVID school shutdowns.

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Former Ohio Congressman Renacci Rebukes White House for Calling MAGA Movement an ‘Extreme Threat to Our Democracy’

Former U.S. Representative Jim Renacci (R-OH-16), who now chairs American Greatness PAC, on Thursday castigated the Biden administration for its recent attacks on pro-Trump Republicans as an “extreme threat” to American governance. 

Renacci lamented the White House’s reprehension toward its political opponents and asserted that the only danger posed by the the MAGA [Make America Great Again] movement, was to the president’s own electoral prospects.

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House Republicans Make Plans to Impeach Biden

Many conservative Republicans in the House of Representatives are already drafting plans to formally impeach Joe Biden next year, after the party presumably regains a majority in the lower chamber this November.

According to The Hill, while previous resolutions to impeach Biden quickly died in the House due to Democrats currently holding the majority, such efforts may be far more successful in a Republican-led House next year.

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Budget Group: Student Loan Payment Deferments Cost Taxpayers $155 Billion, Benefits Doctors, Dentists More than Most

Estimates vary widely on how much President Joe Biden’s $10,000-20,000 per borrower cancellation of student loans will cost taxpayers, but a new analysis estimates the significant cost of a less-covered aspect of Biden’s plan.

When Biden announced the debt cancellation, he also announced an extension of student loan repayments “one final time” through Dec. 31 of this year. In March of 2020, then-President Donald Trump first suspended the repayments citing COVID-19. Since then, the suspension has been extended several times. Interest does not accrue while the payments are suspended.

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Border Chief in Sworn Testimony: Southern Border ‘Is Currently in a Crisis’

As part of ongoing litigation against the Biden administration, Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody continues to uncover what she calls “damning evidence” about the consequences stemming from Biden administration policies changing federal immigration laws.

Moody’s chief deputy on July 28 deposed U.S. Border Patrol Chief Raul Ortiz, who testified under oath that the Biden administration purposely reduced U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s detention capacity and changed the removal process of people illegally in the U.S.

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Connecticut U.S. Senate Candidate Leora Levy: Biden’s and Blumenthal’s ‘Inflation Reduction Act’ Is ‘Gaslighting Americans’

Joe Biden’s “Inflation Reduction Act,” which seeks to “gaslight Americans into thinking it is something that it is not,” will allow Biden and Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) “to tax middle-class American families, to the tune of $10.6 billion in new taxes,” wrote Connecticut Republican candidate for the U.S. Senate Leora Levy in an op-ed Sunday at the Hartford Courant.

Levy, who emerged the victor in the Connecticut GOP primary race to unseat career Democrat Blumenthal, put Biden’s signature legislation into perspective.

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Commentary: The Deep State, Party Establishment, and the Left Accuse Trump of the Shameful Fascism They Proudly Practice

For the Left, Donald Trump is synonymous with “fascism” (or “semi-fascism,” as Joe Biden put it the other day). And for Liz Cheney and most of the NeverTrumpers, he remains an existential threat to democracy. 

But to quantify those charges, what exactly has Trump done extralegally—as opposed to his bombast and braggadocio about what he might have wished to have done? 

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