Dominion Server Crashed in Fulton County, Delaying Recount Results

On Sunday, the recount was delayed in Fulton County after a crash occurred in Dominion Voting System servers. The delay halted recount operations for several hours.

“Technicians from Dominion have been dispatched to resolve the issue,” stated Fulton County Officials. “The Georgia Secretary of State’s office has been alerted to the issue and is aware of efforts to resolve the problem.”

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Dominion Representative for Fulton County Was Kamala Harris’ Presidential Campaign Photographer

Kamala Harris’ presidential campaign photographer, Aric Thompson, served as a Dominion Voting Systems (Dominion) technician representative in Fulton County. The photographer described Harris as his “long time client” – over four years, according to him. In a similar Facebook post, Thompson also mentioned that he was working with Democratic activist Stacey Abrams.

“Now that I’m home, contracts have been signed and I’ve been vetted by security, I can spill the beans on my big shoot! I’ll be the official photographer for Senator Kamala Harris who is running for President in 2020! I’ve been her Atl [sic] photographer for a while now so it was a great surprise when I got the call to shoot for her during her fundraising events on Sunday! Added Bonus I forgot to mention! I leave from shooting for Kamala and head to shoot an event with Stacey Abrams…! Blessed!”

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Commentary: Excuse Me If I’m Not Willing to Unite Behind Biden

Nothing feels right about what is happening in America. Not the fraudulent election results, not the politicized court rulings, and not the biased media coverage. All have converged in a perfect storm to steal this election from Donald Trump. I don’t believe for one second that Creepy, Sleepy, Hidin’ Joe Biden won this election. If he is sworn into office, it will be the result of a well-orchestrated voter fraud scheme, biased judges, and a mainstream media-Big Tech alliance to censor the news. 

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Late Justice Scalia’s Son Blasts Harris for Insinuating Catholic Charity a Hate Group

The Rev. Paul Scalia, son of the late Supreme Court justice Antonin Scalia and a Catholic priest at St. James Catholic Church in Falls Church, Va., said Sunday he was wary of Sen. Kamala Harris, technology giants and other forces that he sees as encroaching on freedom of religion.

Scalia also hinted at possible tangles between a Biden administration and the Catholic Church over birth control coverage mandates imposed under the Obama administration’s Affordable Care Act but repealed by the Trump administration.

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Republicans on Verge of Flipping 14 U.S. House Seats

Joe Biden’s decision to tap Kamala Harris as his running mate did not help Democrats down-ballot in California three weeks ago. We already know Harris is unpopular, even within her own party, as evidenced by her epic 2019 primary failure. We now know she lacks coattails.

While Republicans had a great election night in U.S. House races across the country, surprisingly their most successful state was the one Harris represents.

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Commentary: The Left’s Civility Claptrap

Joe Biden’s campaigns have rested on the most rancid racial politics. In 2020, he routinely accused his opponent of racism and support for white supremacism, drawing on nothing but his own libelous twisting of Trump’s words after the rioting in Charlottesville. In 2012, Biden had accused Republicans of planning to put blacks “back in chains.” His venom came out also on non-racial matters. He once called opponents of gay marriage the “dregs of society.” In the Senate, he habitually hurled dirty charges, becoming the father of Borking.

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Commentary: A Biden–Harris Administration Would Unravel Middle East Peace

Stormy weather might be on the Middle East’s horizon. Following the U.S. presidential election, Iran offered a mafia-style protection deal to countries that have normalized relations with Israel: they must abandon Israel and align with Iran, or face the consequences. A Biden–Harris administration would likely undermine much of the progress towards Middle East peace that the Trump administration has made. Former Vice President Joe Biden and Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) have several policy positions that would jeopardize the progress towards Middle East peace brokered by the Trump administration.

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Commentary: Want to Keep our Sweet Land of Liberty? Reject the Marxists

Today is the day we will find out whether or not our country will remain the exceptional country it is.  This is the land of liberty and opportunity, where the precious words written in our Declaration of Independence, as safeguarded under our Constitution, protect people of all faiths, skin colors and ethnicities. We must not abandon our identity and succumb to Marxism, which devours and destroys every single country it invades. 

Make no mistake about it, tomorrow’s election is between preserving our liberties and our freedoms or bowing to Marxists, that is to the Democrat Party.  It is that simple.

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Kamala Harris Goes ‘Full Blown Marxist’ in Campaign Ad

by Debra Heine   The Biden campaign is taking some heat after vice presidential candidate Kamala Harris unabashedly promoted the communist principle of equality of outcome in a campaign ad, rather than the American ideal of equality of opportunity. The animated video, shared by Sen. Harris (D-Calif.) on Twitter Sunday, begins with two men — one white and one black —  staring up at a mountain they both want to climb. Both men are given the same length rope, but the white man is easily able to reach his rope while the black man is stuck at the bottom of a cliff, unable to reach his rope. Harris begins by saying, “So there’s a big difference between equality and equity. Equality suggests, ‘oh, everyone should get the same amount.’” “The problem with that [is] not everybody’s starting out from the same place. So if we’re all getting the same amount but you started out back there and I started out over here, we could get the same amount, but you’re still going to be that far back behind me,” she said, as the white man scrambles up the mountain while the black man watches sadly from below. As Harris continues,…

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Commentary: Is China Funding the Phony Joe Biden Campaign?

Joe Biden is running a profoundly phony campaign. Hillary’s defeat is famously blamed on her low-energy decision to not show up in the Rust Belt. But Biden isn’t showing up anywhere.

No candidate since George Washington has campaigned so little and with so few live supporters. Joe Biden is no George Washington.

How can Biden be a contender when he gets 30 supporters at his rallies and Trump attracts 30,000? Biden attracted 130 cars to hear him in must-win Pennsylvania. In Miami, Latinos for Trump organized a 30,000 car parade on their own.

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Commentary: The Nightmare Scenario of Biden-Harris and the Ascendancy of Kamala

Kamala Harris is a radical with anti-America positions who will be within a hair’s breadth of the Oval Office should Joe Biden win the presidency. It’s not just because Kamala has had her eye on the top slot, which she does. It’s not just because there are legitimate questions about Biden’s cognitive state, which there are. It’s because the Biden Family Scandal may well be the most expedient means by which Harris’ eye on the Oval Office comes to fruition.

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Conservatives Critical of VP Hopeful Kamala Harris Stop at Cuyahoga County Polling Place

With just 10 days before the 2020 U.S. Presidential Election and President Donald Trump’s approval numbers increasing, U.S. Senator Kamala Harris toured northern Ohio on Saturday to rally voter turnout in the battleground state.

One of the stops the Vice Presidential candidate made was to the Cuyahoga County Board of Elections in downtown Cleveland – on the first day of early voting in one of Ohio’s largest counties.

The visit was criticized on social media – some claiming that Harris violated Ohio election law by campaigning at a poll location.

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Commentary: Biden Plus Harris Equals California Everywhere, a Nightmare We Must Reject

Imagine a country where rolling blackouts are a common occurrence, where gasoline-powered cars are outlawed, and all new car sales must be electric by a date certain.  Imagine a country where borders are open, sanctuary cities and towns are everywhere, where people here illegally are celebrated with lots of free things like healthcare and housing, and wage-earners pay for it all.  Imagine a country where the radical Green New Deal is thrust upon us (out goes natural gas, oil and coal; in comes renewables; goodbye to your warm/cool home) and a nationwide absence of forestry management causes out-of-control fires that threaten homes and air quality.

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Harris Suspends Travel After Staffer Tests COVID-19 Positive

Kamala Harris, the Democratic vice presidential nominee, will suspend in-person events until Monday after two people associated with the campaign tested positive for the coronavirus.

Joe Biden’s presidential campaign said Thursday that the 77-year-old candidate had no exposure, though he and Harris spent several hours campaigning together in Arizona on Oct. 8, when the two people were on a flight with Harris. Both candidates have tested negative for COVID-19 multiple times since then, and Biden’s campaign said he tested negative again on Thursday.

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Commentary: As California’s Attorney General Kamala Harris Victimized the Most Vulnerable

In the vice presidential debate, Kamala Harris was lucky that Mike Pence chose not to attack her prosecutorial record except to note that, when Harris was the San Francisco district attorney, blacks were 19 times more likely to be charged with minor drug offenses than whites or Hispanics. Harris’s years spent as a prosecutor and state attorney general demonstrate that she lacks integrity and good judgment; consequently, she is unfit to serve as vice president, just one heartbeat from the presidency. As a law enforcement official, Harris focused on winning at any cost, even if that meant that innocent people would be incarcerated or denied compensation for wrongful convictions.

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Commentary: The Obama-Biden ‘Ostracize and Punish Israel’ Legacy Will Return if Democrats Win the White House in 2020

Joe Biden portrays himself as Israel’s ally and a friend of the Jewish people. Obama did the same when he was running for president and then he played bait and switch.  It’s time voters wizen up because Biden vows to repeat the Obama-Biden playbook on Israel and the Middle East.  It’s even worse: today’s Democrat party leadership has taken a major turn to the left. They are no friend of the Jewish people here or in Israel.  

A quick history lesson is instructive:  In 2008, Candidate Obama pledged Israel’s security was “sacrosanct” and “non-negotiable” with “secure recognized defensible borders,” where Jerusalem would “remain” Israel’s capital and “must remain undivided.”  Fast forward, months later in 2009, then President Obama wasted no time abandoning his empty words.  Embarking on their true agenda, Obama-Biden declared a “serious problem” existed precisely because there was no daylight between the United States and Israel.  Obama-Biden was determined to change that and, off to the races, they didn’t look back.   

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Analysis: CNN Butchers the Facts on Late-Term Abortions

Fetus on Health

In a so-called “fact check” of the vice-presidential debate between Mike Pence and Kamala Harris, CNN reporter Caroline Kelly presents a barrage of disinformation that hides the realities of late-term abortion and the agenda of the Biden–Harris campaign.

During the debate, Pence stated that “Joe Biden and Kamala Harris support taxpayer funding of abortion all the way up to the moment of birth, late-term abortion.” CNN, which begins each of its fact checks with the phrase “Facts First,” uses a flurry of falsehoods to undercut Pence’s factual statement.

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Drudge Poll: 72 Percent Say Pence Won Debate

Over 70% of respondents to an unscientific, online Drudge Report poll indicated that they believed Vice President Mike Pence won Wednesday’s debate against vice presidential nominee Sen. Kamala Harris.

Seventy-two percent (around 175,519 people) voted that Pence was the victor in the first and only vice presidential debate, while 28% (around 69,000 people) said the same about Harris, according to the online poll data.

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TRUMPDATE: Latest From the Team Trump Virginia Campaign for October 9

Welcome to the Friday edition of our daily Virginia Trump campaign update! We will provide our readers with daily updates on the Trump Virginia campaign from today to November 3 (and after…if need be!).

It’s officially 25 days until the election on November 3 – and 22 days until early voting in Virginia closes. The deadline to register to vote in time for the 2020 election is October 13, four days from today.

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Kamala Harris Refuses to Answer Question on Packing the Supreme Court

Democratic vice presidential nominee Kamala Harris wouldn’t answer a question about packing the Supreme Court during the vice presidential debate Wednesday.

Harris refused to explain her position on packing the court during a discussion on the nomination of Judge Amy Coney Barrett to fill the vacancy left by Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Vice President Mike Pence pushed Harris on her position multiple times.

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Kamala Harris Dodges Addressing Whether China Is an Ally or Adversary

Democratic California Sen. Kamala Harris dodged addressing whether China is an ally or an adversary during Wednesday night’s vice presidential debates.

Moderator Susan Page asked Harris how she would describe the United State’s “fundamental relationship with China,” asking Harris whether China is a competitor, adversary, or enemy. Harris dodged addressing this question and instead focused on President Donald Trump’s actions.

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TRUMPDATE: Latest From the Team Trump Virginia Campaign for October 8

Welcome to the Thursday edition of our daily Virginia Trump campaign update! We will provide our readers with daily updates on the Trump Virginia campaign from today to November 3 (and after…if need be!).

It’s officially 26 days until the election on November 3 – and 23 days until early voting in Virginia closes. The deadline to register to vote in time for the 2020 election is October 13, six days from today.

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Commentary: Pence Can Win this Debate by Letting Ohio Know about Harris’ Record of Radicalism

Vice President Mike Pence has a relatively straightforward job to do: help the American people understand the true nature of Senator Kamala Harris.

As the two meet on the debate stage in Salt Lake City, Harris is still introducing herself to a large portion of the electorate. The Biden campaign no doubt prefers it that way, because the Democratic vice presidential hopeful’s California-centric career offers relatively little that would appeal to most Americans in the Heartland.

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Commentary: The Harris Administration’s Radical Agenda

Kamala Harris seeks the (almost) highest office in our great land, the most powerful position in the free world.  Freudian slip that Harris referred to a future “Harris administration” at a virtual roundtable in Arizona last month?  Maybe she missed that her name is in the VP slot or maybe she doesn’t understand that “me too” refers to the movement advocating for sexual harassment victims and not “she too” for president.   

Either way, no time like the present to explore who Kamala Harris is despite that we’re not supposed to look critically at her record.  The media isn’t curious and dare anyone raise any questions, cries of misogyny abound. 

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Commentary: The Biden-Harris Billionaires

Last year, as the Democratic nomination fight fired up, America’s billionaires endured a short-lived social leprosy.

As they always have done, then-frontrunners Senators Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) railed against the ruling class. Yet, this time the class warfare rhetoric found succour not only among convincing swathes of left-leaning Americans, but even some of the Right’s most notable such as Tucker Carlson.

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Kamala Harris Dodges Court Packing Question Following Debate

Democratic vice presidential nominee Kamala Harris dodged questions about whether or not her party would seek to add Supreme Court justices if Republicans were to confirm a justice before the November election.

“There should be consideration to adding seats to the U.S. Supreme Court,” CNN’s Jake Tapper said following the first presidential debate on Tuesday. “Neither you nor Joe Biden are willing to give a straight answer as to whether or not you’re willing to entertain that idea.”

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Minnesota Bail Fund Promoted by Kamala Harris Helped Free Serial Domestic Abusers

A bail fund promoted by Democratic vice presidential nominee Kamala Harris helped bail out of jail six men accused of domestic violence between June and August, court documents obtained by the Daily Caller News Foundation show.

Two of the men face felony charges for allegedly strangling women in their own homes, and another stands accused of beating his girlfriend upwards of six times with a closed fist, records show. All but one of the individuals had been convicted of prior domestic violence-related charges when the Minnesota Freedom Fund (MFF) helped bail them out of jail, according to court records.

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President Trump Hosts ‘Peaceful Protest’ with Huge Rally, Challenger Biden Speaks in Near-Empty Union Training Center

President Donald Trump and Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden both hosted campaign events in Minnesota on Friday. Trump held a “Great American Comeback” speaking event with a crowd, while Biden hosted an event addressing a near-empty union training center.
President Trump visited Bemidji Aviation in Bemidji, Minnesota. He was greeted on the tarmac by a large crowd as the song, “God Bless the U.S.A.” played.

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Kamala Harris Told Jacob Blake, Who Is Accused of Sexual Assault, She’s Proud of Him

Democratic California Sen. Kamala Harris told Jacob Blake Sunday that she is “proud of him,” his attorney said, though she did not address allegations of sexual assault leveled against Blake.

Harris, who is 2020 Democratic nominee Joe Biden’s running mate, visited with Blake at Wisconsin’s Froedtert Hospital Sunday while his family joined with them over the phone, according to a press statement released by Blake’s attorney Ben Crump.

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Trump, Biden Spar Over Economy, Workers in Labor Day Blitz

Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden and President Donald Trump spent Monday diminishing each other’s credentials on the economy and understanding of the American worker as the presidential campaign entered its final, post-Labor Day stretch.

While workers live by an “American code,” Biden said Trump “lives by a code of lies, greed and selfishness” as he met with labor leaders in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, a key swing state. Trump, meanwhile, tried to put the halting economic recovery under the best light in a White House press conference where he said Biden and his running mate, Sen. Kamala Harris, would “destroy this country and would destroy this economy.”

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Harris’ Mostly Virtual Campaign to get Wisconsin Road Test

Kamala Harris told a friendly crowd of Hollywood donors on Thursday they’d be surprised by how many states she’s visiting daily, if only virtually.

Earlier in the week, she’d campaigned before supporters in Minnesota, California and Connecticut, and she was greeting Missouri donors next.

Harris hasn’t been on a plane in more than a month. Three weeks after joining Joe Biden as the Democratic vice presidential nominee, the California senator is still campaigning largely in front of a computer screen to relatively small audiences.

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Battleground Minnesota Saga: Donald Trump Jr. and Jill Biden to Host Campaign Events on the Same Day Next Week

Both Donald Trump Jr. and Jill Biden on September 9 will arrive in Minnesota as part of campaign efforts for the Democratic and Republican presidential candidates. Trump Jr. will host a “Make America Great Again” rally in Duluth, while Jill while host a “Back to School Tour” in the Twin Cities.

These visits are the latest in a campaign tug of war over Minnesota. Most recently, President Donald J. Trump and Democratic candidate Joe Biden released back-to-back campaign ads in the state. Both opponents pointed fingers at the other as the blame for nationwide riots.

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Commentary: Can Trump Win Minnesota?

How bad do things look for Joe Biden’s campaign right now? Consider this: Democrats are worried about Minnesota, a state no Republican presidential candidate has carried since Richard Nixon’s 1972 landslide. Yet polls show President Trump gaining ground in Minnesota, and Democrats are worried because they haven’t seen any appearances by Biden or his running mate Kamala Harris. “Why aren’t they here?” one Democratic-Farmer-Labor (DFL) Party official told Minnesota Public Radio last week. “We need to hear from them. We need to see their presence on the ground.”

Biden’s peril in Minnesota is in many ways emblematic of everything that’s gone wrong for Democrats in this campaign. While the Real Clear Politics average of Minnesota polls still shows Biden leading Trump by more than five points, a poll by Emerson College earlier this month had Trump within three points, and a poll by the GOP-affiliated Trafalgar Group two weeks ago showed a tie in Minnesota. How could a state that twice gave majorities to Barack Obama, a state that not even Ronald Reagan could win in his 1984 landslide, be in play for Trump this year? Well, in a word, riots.

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Commentary: Kamala Harris Won’t Motivate Minority Voters

Now that the Democrats have finally finished inflicting their excruciating “virtual convention” on us, it’s useful to consider what they inadvertently revealed about their biggest worry as the November election looms. Nowhere was that angst more obvious than in Wednesday’s soporific speech by Kamala Harris accepting the party’s vice presidential nomination. She began by invoking 100th anniversary of the 19th Amendment, failing to mention that it was passed and shepherded through the ratification process by the Republican Party, then segued to a desperate plea: “It’s not about Joe or me.… It’s about you … and getting out the vote.” Translation: “The Biden presidential campaign suffers from a deadly enthusiasm deficit.”

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Commentary: The Biden-Harris Ticket’s Radicalism Would Cost Ohio Dearly

If Joe Biden and his new running mate Kamala Harris get their way, millions of high-paying American energy jobs will be eliminated and entire industries will be cut to the bone.

Ohio, like a number of other states across the country, has enjoyed tremendous benefits from the shale energy revolution. The shale boom was a crucial lifeline following the 2008 financial crisis, which cost Ohio more than 2 million jobs.

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Commentary: The Biden-Harris Levitation

Each week in the inexorable march to Election Day, it becomes more challenging to believe how the campaign is unfolding and to rationalize it as a serious process for choosing the leader of the world’s greatest nation. After some reflection, it becomes clear that the extreme improbability of this process is the result of it not really being a race between two pairs of candidates for national office. It is surely the last round in the great battle between Donald Trump and the national political media.

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Biden Raises $48 Million in 48 Hours After Picking Harris as VP

Presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden’s campaign raised $48 million in the 48 hours after he selected California Sen. Kamala Harris as his running mate, campaign officials told Reuters Thursday.

The haul is a sign of Biden’s growing fundraising strength ahead of his party’s convention which begins Monday, Reuters reported. Biden is set to formally accept his party’s nomination Aug. 20.

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Commentary: Joe Biden Goes All in on Defund the Police with Kamala Harris VP Pick

Former Vice President Joe Biden has selected U.S. Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) as his running mate and presumptive Democratic Party nominee for Vice President in the 2020 election as the Biden campaign goes all in on the defund the police issue.

In June Sen. Harris supported cutting $150 million from the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) budget and taking the police force below 10,000 for the first time in more than a decade.

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Kamala Harris Had Nearly 2,000 People Locked up on Marijuana Charges: Report

Sen. Kamala Harris, presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden’s running mate, reportedly prosecuted nearly 2,000 people on marijuana-related charges during her time as California attorney general.

A total of 1,974 people were sent to state prisons for marijuana-related offenses during Harris’s 2011-2016 tenure as the Golden State’s lead prosecutor, the Washington Free Beacon reported.

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