Tennessee Congressman Green, Fellow Committee Members Push for Answers on Mexico Aid

U.S. Representative Mark Green (R-TN-7) is joining other GOP members of the House Foreign Affairs Committee in requesting Secretary of State Antony Blinken provide an accounting of the amount, goals and uses of American aid to Mexico during the Biden administration so far.

Last Thursday, committee Ranking Member Michael McCaul (R-TX-10) authored a letter with Green and other Republicans on the panel expressing particular concern to the secretary about the extent to which U.S. taxpayer money has been used to facilitate illegal immigration. Committee members are concerned about the administration having abandoned the previous White House’s policy requiring many asylum seekers at the southern border to remain in Mexico. The Republicans want to know how much the government is spending to bring these migrants into America. 

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Tennessee Representatives Join Letter Demanding Answers from Pentagon over Veterans’ Lack of Access to TRICARE Pharmacies

Tennessee Representatives Mark Green (R-TN-07), David Kustoff (R-TN-08), and Diana Harshbarger (R-TN-01) joined 25 of their colleagues on Wednesday in sending a letter to Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin “regarding the impact of the Department of Defense Health Agency’s (DHA) decision to proceed with Cigna/Express Script’s reduced reimbursement plan.”

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Tennessee’s Blackburn and Green Take Biden to Task for 20-Year Mortgage-Rate High

Republican federal legislators from Tennessee blasted the Biden administration yesterday in light of the news that mortgage-interest rates have reached a two-decade high. 

Government-sponsored mortgage corporation Freddie Mac reported this week that the 30-year fixed-rate mortgage — the option most homebuyers choose — hit 7.08 percent, exceeding seven percent for the first time since Spring 2002. The rate was 6.94 percent last week.

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Far-Left Congresswomen Rally Behind Tennessee Congressional Candidate Odessa Kelly

Odessa Kelly, who is challenging incumbent U.S. Representative Mark Green (R-TN-7) for reelection, is touting the backing of three of Congress’s most left-wing members. 

Representatives Ilhan Omar (D-MN-5), Ayanna Pressley (D-MA-7) and Cori Bush (D-MO-1) issued the endorsements on Monday. The congresswomen are members of what many observers call “The Squad,” a six-member coalition of far-left U.S. House members who advocate for such causes as police defunding, Medicare for All and the Green New Deal.

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Mark Green Highlights U.S. Southern Border Crisis

U.S. Representative Mark Green (R-TN-07) highlighted the crisis at the U.S. southern border when he shared a video of a conversation he had with Gabriel Class, the 3rd vice president of the National Border Patrol Council near the border. “I’m here with Gabriel, he’s one of our agents down at the the Border Patrol and also one of the leaders in the union for the Border Patrol,” Green said. Turning to Class, he asked: “Gabriel, you were telling us in our meeting that there are stations that used to have two hundred people covering tens of miles – 30, 40 miles of the border – that are now down to seven covering three shifts. Seven people covering three shifts, where are those other 193 people?” “So, those agents have been assigned to processing or detailed out of the state to go help with Texas. Some agents are going to [unintelligible]. Some agents are going to Yuma, but most of them are here in one of our facilities just processing,” explained Class. “They’re just processing asylum,” said Green. “Correct,” added the Border Patrol agent. Green then asked about whether or not the drug cartels are aware of the lack of personnel…

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Mark Green Commentary: Nearshoring Is a Win for Latin America

In just the short span of three decades, China has risen from a populous backwater to become the world’s dominant industrial economy. Western leaders, lured by the promise of profits and the naïve belief that investment would lead the Chinese Communist regime to change its ways, promoted economic integration with China, shipped millions of manufacturing jobs to China, and collaborated with China as it engaged in economic warfare against the rest of the world.

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Tennessee Republicans React to the Total Arrests CBP Made at Southern Border in Fiscal Year 2022

In a statement released on Monday, the U.S. Customs and Border Patrol announced over 1.82 million arrests at the U.S.-Mexico border for Fiscal Year 2022 and several Tennessee Republican leaders were quick to voice their displeasure with the statistic.

In comparison, there were 1,662,167 arrests in Fiscal Year 2021 and 405,036 for Fiscal Year 2020, the last year of former President Trump’s term.

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Tennessee Republican Leaders React to Attorney General Garland’s Statement Approving Raid on Trump’s Home

U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland announced on Thursday that he approved the FBI raid on former President Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home and several Tennessee Republican leaders voiced their displeasure with both the raid and the attorney general’s role in it.

U.S. Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) was one of strongest and most prolific voices in reacting to Garland’s statement.

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Mark Green Commemorates Anniversary of AMIA, Takes Issue with Iran Nuclear Deal Negotiations

U.S. Representative Mark Green (R-TN-7) commemorated the anniversary of the Argentine Israelite Mutual Association (AMIA) bombing in Argentina and took issue with the Biden administration’s negotiations on the Iran Nuclear Deal on Monday.

“We will never forget the 28th anniversary of the Argentine Israelite Mutual Association (AMIA) bombing in Buenos Aires, Argentina. This heinous attack—carried out by Hezbollah with the support of Iran—took 85 victims and wounded hundreds more,” said Green in a tweet.

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Democrats Play Politics with National Guard Soldiers’ Jobs by Blocking Representative Mark Green’s Amendment to National Defense Authorization Act

House Democrats blocked U.S. Representative Mark Green (R-TN-07)’s amendment late Tuesday to the National Defense Authorization Act which would have enabled guardsmen who refused the COVID-19 vaccine to stay employed.

Green’s amendment fought to protect National Guard and Reserve troops from being prohibited from paid training or education programs simply for their refusal to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. 

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Tennessee Politicians Blast Biden, Democrats for Surge in Inflation

Republican politicians in Tennessee are blasting President Joe Biden and Democrats after inflation numbers from May showed prices rising 8.6 percent year over year, a 40-year high. 

“I hope come November when folks head to the polls, they remember Democrats decided to put politics first instead of focusing on the real-life issues we all face today,” Rep. John Rose (R-TN-06) said Friday. 

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Tennessee Congressman Mark Green Introduces Bill Requiring Hollywood to Disclose Ties to the Chinese Communist Party

Mark Green

Representative Mark Green (R-TN-07) has introduced a bill that would stop federal agencies from assisting Hollywood studios that co-produce films with a Chinese company that are subject to the Chinese Communist Party’s content restrictions. Green, in a statement, called his bill The Stopping Communist Regimes from Engaging in Edits Now Act (SCREEN Act).

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All Tennessee GOP Representatives Receive A+ Rating from the Pro-Life Susan B. Anthony List

On Wednesday, the national pro-life group Susan B. Anthony List released the latest ratings for its National Pro-Life Scorecard. According to the organization, the national scorecard is “a tool for holding members of Congress accountable for their legislative records on abortion and highlighting leadership in the fight to protect unborn children and their mothers.”

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Tennessee U.S. Rep. Mark Green Joins Colleague Diana Harshbarger on Natural Immunity Is Real Act

U.S. Representative Mark Green (R-TN-07) said he will co-sponsor legislation that U.S. Representative Diana Harshbarger (R-TN-01) filed titled the Natural Immunity is Real Act. The bill, if enacted into law, would require federal agencies to consider naturally acquired immunity from a previous COVID infection when issuing any rules or regulations aimed at protecting from COVID-19.

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Tennessee Congressman Mark Green Travels Overseas to Repair U.S.-British Alliance After Joe Biden’s Afghanistan Exit

U.S. Representative Mark Green (R-TN-07) said Saturday that he is in Oxford, England to meet with members of the United Kingdom Parliament to address lingering “raw emotions” over President Joe Biden’s exit from Afghanistan. Green livestreamed himself from Britain on Facebook. He said Biden’s withdrawal from Afghanistan was shameful and hurt America’s longstanding political alliance with Britain. Green also scolded Biden for his “refusal to take [British Prime Minister] Boris Johnson’s phone call for 48 hours.”

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Tennessee Representative Mark Green Sends Letter with over 100 Republicans to Speaker Nancy Pelosi Regarding IRS Data Collection Proposal

In an official press release Tuesday, Tennessee Representative Mark Green (R-TN-07) announced that he and 100 Republican colleagues sent a letter to Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Ways and Means Committee Chairman Richard Neal, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, and IRS Commissioner Charles Rettig, expressing their frustration over a recent IRS data collection proposal to increase tax information reporting requirements on financial institutions.

The proposed measure would require financial institutions to report transactions to the Internal Revenue Service on any bank account with a balance of more than $600. The Treasury Department says the proposal for extra data is being sought to target high earners who underreport their tax liabilities.

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Tennessee U.S. Rep. Mark Green Says Joe Biden Fears Oversight That Trump Appointees Would Give Military Advisory Board

Three prominent members of Tennessee’s Republican Party on Thursday denounced U.S. President Joe Biden for demanding that appointees of former U.S. President Donald Trump resign from the U.S. Military Academy’s advisory board. U.S. Representative Mark Green (R-TN-07), an alumnus of and a member of the United States Military Academy Board of Visitors, addressed the matter in an emailed press release Wednesday.

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Representative Mark Green Says Time to Extend Afghanistan Deadline ‘Indefinitely’

Tennessee Representative Mark Green (R-07-TN) says that after the suicide bomber attacks, it is time to extend the Taliban’s August 31 withdrawal deadline “indefinitely.” Green says that the attacks from terrorists broke the safe passage agreement between the Taliban and the United States. Green, a former military veteran who helped in the Iraq mission to capture Saddam Hussein, called the situation “disgusting.”

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Representative Mark Green Joins Lawsuit Opposing Service Academy Board Suspension

Mark Green

Representative Mark Green (R-TN) joined the lawsuit over the suspension of the service academy Boards of Visitors. The boards were suspended by Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, which Green calls “unacceptable.” Green, a member of the United States Military Academy Board of Visitors and an alumnus from the Military Academy, said that “Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin has no authority to suspend the Board of Visitors, and he is violating federal law by doing so.”

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Trump Calls on Biden to ‘Resign in Disgrace for What He Has Allowed to Happen to Afghanistan’

Former President Donald Trump called on President Joe Biden Sunday evening to resign over a number of policy outcomes, foremost among them Afghanistan’s looming fall to the Taliban after the withdrawal of American troops.

The former president also chided the current commander-in-chief over his management of the U.S.-Mexico border where enforcement personnel encounter over 200,000 illegal entrants each month.

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Tennessee’s U.S. Congress Members Harshbarger, Burchett, Rose, Green, and Kustoff Urge Democracies to Support Free Cuba

TN Cuba Freedom Support

Five members of Tennessee’s congressional delegation co-signed a letter from House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA-23) this week urging the world’s democracies to support freedom in Cuba.

Representatives Diana Harshbarger (R-TN-1), Tim Burchett (R-TN-2), John Rose (R-TN-6), Mark Green (R-TN-7) and David Kustoff (R-TN-8) joined the Republican leader and other colleagues in exhorting democratic nations to back a number of steps toward effectuating Cuban democracy.

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Mark Green Proposal Would Stop Foreign Adversaries from Buying Land Near U.S. Military Bases

Mark Green

  U.S. Rep. Mark Green (R-TN-07) has introduced a bill that would, if enacted into law, direct the U.S. Secretary of Defense to produce ongoing reports about foreign land purchases around U.S. military bases. This, according to a press release that Green and members of his staff published on his website this week. Green titled the bill the Military Perimeter Transparency Act. “It’s critically important for the Department of Defense to identify when foreign adversaries like China or Russia acquire land near American military bases. America’s adversaries, especially those with a history of cyberattacks, espionage, and disinformation warfare, should never be allowed within reach of a U.S. military installation. Doing so would be a risk to our security and a major strategic mistake,” Green said in the press release. “The Secretary of Defense and the heads of our Armed Forces must have full visibility when foreign governments attempt to acquire and use land in close proximity to our military bases. My bill is a commonsense measure that will strengthen our defense and ensure transparency when it comes to securing the perimeter of our military bases.” According to Green’s bill, the U.S. Secretary of Defense would coordinate with the secretaries of…

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Rep. Buddy Carter Introduces Bill to Ban Critical Race Theory in the Military

Congressman Buddy Carter introduced a bill on Wednesday that would prohibit Critical Race Theory (CRT) teachings in the military and require a detailed report about CRT’s total usage. 

Carter’s legislation, the Military Education and Values Act, would require the Department of Defense to ban the usage of any teaching methodology that promotes or causes a racial divide or lack of equality and reinstate all service members on the core tenets of the United States military.

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U.S. Rep. Mark Green and Americans for Prosperity Schedule Nashville Event to Warn About Joe Biden’s $4 Trillion Infrastructure Plans

Mark Green

Members of Americans for Prosperity — Tennessee (AFP-TN) have scheduled an event where they will host U.S. Mark Green (R-TN-07) and AFP President Tim Phillips to discuss what they say are significant problems with U.S. President Joe Biden’s $4 trillion infrastructure proposal. The event, which AFP officials have titled the End Washington Waste Event, is scheduled to take place at 6 p.m. Monday, May 24, at the Bold Patriot Brewing Company at 410 39th Ave. N. in Nashville.

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Tennessee U.S. Rep. Mark Green Introduces Bill to Block Critical Race Theory Training in U.S. Military Service Academies

U.S. Rep. Mark Green (R-TN-07) announced Wednesday that he has introduced a bill that would, if enacted into law, fight back against Critical Race Theory (CRT) training in U.S. Military Service Academies. “Critical Race Theory is based on a massive and purposeful misunderstanding of the American founding, American history, and America as it exists today. This is a Marxist ideology created to tear American institutions down,” Green said in a press release.

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Democrats Say No to Mark Green’s Efforts to Protect People of Faith on Equality Act Legislation

U.S. Rep. Mark Green (R-TN-07) this week submitted — but was unsuccessful in adding — key amendments to Democrats Equality Act legislation. As written, the Equality Act makes it impossible for organizations to turn away biological males who identify as women from women’s spaces such as restrooms, showers, locker rooms, homeless shelters, and domestic violence shelters.

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Large Crowd in Franklin Gears Up for Wednesday’s Electoral College Challenge to Help Donald Trump

A crowd of perhaps 1,000 people or more descended upon downtown Franklin Sunday to organize and discuss ways to assist U.S. President Donald Trump during Wednesday’s Electoral College certification in Washington, D.C. Organizers of this event, which they called the March for Trump, also made plans to travel to Washington, D.C. on Wednesday to support Trump in person.

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