Tennessee’s Representatives Split on Party Lines for $2K CASH Act: Republicans Vote No, Both Democrats Vote Yes

The U.S. House passed the Caring for Americans with Supplemental Cash (CASH Act) last evening; Tennessee’s representatives faced a partisan split on the bill. The act tacks on $1,400 to the $600 payments within the massive year-end package signed by President Trump on Sunday.

The CASH Act passed in the House with a majority of 275 to 134, and 21 abstained from voting. One of the representatives who abstained their vote was Representative David (Phil) Roe (R-TN-01). Of all House Republicans, 44 voted for the act, and 130 voted against it.

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Virginia Legislators Blast 5,593 Page House Bill Passed Just Hours After Legislators Get The Full Draft

The U.S. House of Representatives leadership gave legislators just hours to consider a 5,593-page omnibus spending bill incorporating over $900 billion of coronavirus relief and $1.4 in government funding for fiscal year 2021. The bill was made available on Monday afternoon, with voting beginning on Monday evening, where it passed just after nine p.m.

“After several delays and last-minute haggling, we finally began receiving text of the COVID relief bill at 11:30 am this morning. This bill is likely to be thousands of pages, so I’m canceling my afternoon appointments & digging into the bill. As Reagan said, “Trust, but verify,” Congressman Ben Cline (R-VA06) tweeted.

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Tennessee’s Congress Members Rushed to Issue Same-Day Vote on the 5600 Page Stimulus Bill

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi scheduled a vote Monday evening for a hefty bill dropped on Congress earlier that same day. The spending bill totals nearly 5,600 pages.

The bill was unavailable prior to this afternoon, a delay reportedly caused by “computer glitch[es].” In addition to the $900 billion in pandemic stimulus spending, the bill includes $1.4 trillion for other expenditures. 

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Tennessee Congressman Suggests ‘Legislative Fix’ to Reform Elections

U.S. Rep. Scott DesJarlais (R-TN-04) said this week that Congress might need to step in to reform America’s election system.

DesJarlais said this on his Facebook page Thursday as officials in Pennsylvania, Georgia, Nevada, and Arizona continue to count votes for Tuesday’s presidential election. U.S. President Donald Trump alleges voter fraud took place in those swing states.

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Tennessee’s Top Republicans Request Two Things: Vote Tuesday and Recruit Your Friends To Do The Same

Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee, U.S. Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN), U.S. Rep. Mark Green (R-TN-07), and U.S Senate Republican candidate Bill Hagerty urged their supporters to vote Tuesday and to also re-elect U.S. President Donald Trump.

They did so Sunday at Franklin’s Liberty Hall inside The Factory, where State Sen. Jack Johnson (R-Franklin) hosted his annual Boots & Jeans, BBQ & Beans event.

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FCC Chairman Ajit Pai Rejects Mark Green’s Request to Assist Churches Through FM Transmitter Regulations

Federal Communications Commission Chairman Ajit Pai has rejected U.S. Rep. Mark Green’s (R-TN-07) request to grant churches and other houses of worship a temporary waiver to use long-range FM transmitters without fear of harsh government fines.

Pai denied Green’s request this month.

Green, in a letter he sent to the FCC in June, specifically cited the COVID-19 pandemic as prompting him to request this.

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After Bombshell Revelations, Nashville Mayor John Cooper Accused of Suppressing COVID-19 Data and Destroying Livelihoods

Nashville Mayor John Cooper and members of his administration weren’t straightforward enough with their COVID-19 data and, in effect, hurt local businesses and justified fears that government officials would abuse their power during this long emergency.

This, according to Beacon Center of Tennessee spokesman Mark Cunningham. Cunningham responded to a FOX 17 of Nashville report that suggested Cooper and his staff members kept secret the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases coming out of the bars and restaurants in the city’s lower Broadway area.

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Commentary: America, Land of Heroes

Last night, Tennesseans saw the Republican National Convention highlight America as the Land of Heroes. I’m proud, as a Republican, that we are not only proud of our heroes, but we also celebrate them. And I’m grateful to President Trump and Vice President Pence for working to ensure that America will continue to be a Land of Heroes for generation to come.

It’s been said: Not all heroes wear capes. In fact, they’re all around us. And Tennessee’s 7th district has too many to count. As I’ve traveled the district the last few weeks, I’ve had a chance to meet and thank many of these heroes.

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Mark Green Introduces Bill to Provide Transparency on Federal Funds Spent in China

U.S. Rep. Mark Green (R-TN-07) recently introduced a bill to require annual reporting on federal funds spent in China.

The bill, called the Our Money in China Transparency Act, would require detailed annual reporting on any federal funds spent on activities conducted in collaboration with China’s entities and institutions, Green explained in a press release.

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Gov. Bill Lee Says He Will Not Tolerate Anarchy at Planned ‘Defund the Police’ Protest

Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee said Friday afternoon that state officials will not entertain any criminal behavior at a demonstration scheduled for 5 p.m. today at Legislative Plaza.

Organizers have scheduled the event, which they call “Free Capitol Hill” at 5 p.m. Central today. In a Facebook flyer organizers do not address the venue as “Legislative Plaza.” Instead they refer to the landmark as the “Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (Formerly Legislative Plaza).”

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Mark Green Says Pandemic Has Been ‘Made Worse by China’s Deception’ at White House Meeting

U.S. Rep. Mark Green (R-TN-08) joined President Donald Trump at the White House Friday for a discussion on the administration’s plan for a “great American comeback.”

Green thanked the president for his leadership in responding to the coronavirus pandemic and criticized the mainstream media for laughing at decisions that have “saved American lives.”

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Mark Green Wants Tennessee’s Small Colleges to Qualify for Coronavirus Loans

On Monday, U.S. Rep. Green (R-TN-07) told the feds that coronavirus relief programs should follow past federal precedents and not exclude Tennessee’s small colleges, which are currently disqualified because of student workers.

Those federal programs, Green said, include the Economic Injury Disaster Loans (EIDLs) and Paycheck Protection Program (PPP).

Green said in a press release that he sent his request to the Treasury Department and Small Business Administration as it pertains to EIDLs and PPP.

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Mark Green: Hopeful Signs for COVID-19 Vaccine, but Continue Your Social Distancing

U.S. Rep. Mark Green (R-TN-07), who is also a physician, said Tuesday that researchers continue to advance toward a vaccine for COVID-19, but he also encouraged his constituents to keep up with their social distancing.

Green said this Tuesday during a Tele-Town Hall with constituents. He said recent medical literature suggests COVID-19 has a genetic component.

“There are some folks who have a different formation of the receptor on their lung lining that either allows for protection or a lack of protection for the virus inserting itself into the cells. More research is being done,” Green said.

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Mark Green Describes Plan to Bring American Companies Back from China

U.S. Rep. Mark Green (R-TN-07) said Monday he has sent a letter to Congressional leadership urging them to include incentives for American companies to move back from China.

Specifically, Green said in the letter that members of Congress should do this through any upcoming legislation they might consider while fighting COVID-19.

“Prior to the coronavirus outbreak, many American companies had moved their operations to the People’s Republic of China (PRC), lured by incentives like lower costs and an abundance of cheap labor. However, over the past three years, the Trump Administration and U.S. Congress have gone to great lengths to make the United States the best place in the world to do business. The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act slashed taxes, the President’s energy agenda has led to cheaper utilities, and right-to-work laws have made many states more attractive,” Green said in the letter.

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Representative Mark Green Asks Tennesseans to Cover Their Mouths While Out in Public

Rep Mark Green

U.S. Rep. Mark Green (R-TN-07) said people don’t necessarily need masks over their heads right now to protect themselves from COVID-19.

But Green still asked people late last week to cover their mouths when they are out in public.

“If you put your hand over your mouth at Publix while you are walking around, as long as your hand is sanitized, anything you put over your mouth will decrease the amount of the viral load that you inhale,” Green said during a Tele-Town hall phone call with constituents Friday.

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Mark Green’s Coronavirus Tele-Town Hall Will Explain Relief Package Details

U.S. Rep. Mark Green, (R-TN-07) said that a coronavirus Tele-Town Hall he has scheduled for Thursday will detail the ways Congress has responded to the pandemic.

Thursday’s Tele-Town Hall, Green said, will also describe what the future holds.

Green has scheduled his Tele-Town Hall for 5 p.m. Central/6p.m. Eastern Thursday for broadcast on his congressional Facebook page.

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Feds Waive Standardized Testing for Current School Year Because of Coronavirus

On Friday U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos said the federal government would waive standardized testing for the 2019-2020 school year because of the ongoing coronavirus emergency.

U.S. Rep. Mark Green, (R-TN-07), in a press release, said he appreciated DeVos and U.S. Republican President Donald Trump for this action.

“The gravity of the situation our schools continue to face while navigating the COVID-19 outbreak would have created an undue burden for preparing and administering statewide assessments,” Green said.

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Mark Green Says Only Federalism Can Save the United States

  U.S. Rep. Mark Green (R-TN-07) said in a new FOX News column this week that federalism is the only thing that can save America. Under such a system, Green wrote, if U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY-14) wants universal rent control then she can have it in her home state — but if Tennessee doesn’t want it then it shouldn’t have it. Green asked readers to imagine “two concentric circles representing the major tenets and beliefs of the two political parties in America.” “There used to be considerable overlap between the two circles, allowing Congress to govern in the overlap. But with each year that passes, these circles grow further and further apart as the philosophies between the parties become more divided, and the ability to reach consensus and solve the problems facing our country becomes more difficult,” Green wrote. “Today, the differences are so stark that there is almost no overlap between the two circles. As a result of this ever-growing polarization, here’s how we are governing: Might makes right. The majority wins, and the majority makes the rules. This is the extreme our Founders tried to prevent — the consolidation of power, the centralization of decision-making into the hands of an elite few, in a word, tyranny.”…

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Three Tennessee Congressional Members Sent a Letter to President Trump Asking Him to Support Gov. Lee’s Federal Aid Request

  Tennessee’s Senators Lamar Alexander and Marsha Blackburn, along with Rep. Mark Green (R-TN-07), sent a letter to President Donald Trump Monday asking him to support Gov. Bill Lee’s federal aid request for a major disaster declaration. “The storms that swept across the State of Tennessee beginning on October 26th cost two Tennesseans their lives, blew over seven commercial tractor-trailers, shutdown the Tennessee River Bridge on Interstate I-40 for several hours, left nearly 65,000 Tennesseans without power, and closed down nine school districts for nearly a week,” the letter states. Last month, Lee petitioned the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to use its Public Assistance Program on 10 Tennessee counties that experienced almost $22 million in damage after Tropical Storm Olga hit. During his announcement to seek federal disaster relief, Lee described how emergency workers worked “tirelessly” during the storm and how this money would help “lessen the financial burden” on Tennessee. Lee said the relief would go to emergency work done “during and after the response.” The Republican Congressional members’ letter “strongly urged” the president to considers Tennessee’s request “as soon as possible.” According to the letter, the Tennessee Emergency Management Agency has worked with the FEMA since the…

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