California DA Launches Investigation into Whether Tara Reade Lied While Testifying as Expert Witness

A California district attorney’s office is investigating whether 2020 presidential candidate Joe Biden’s accuser Tara Reade lied while acting as an expert witness.

Reade testified for a number of years in domestic violence cases as an expert witness for the Monterey County District Attorney’s office, Politico reported. Media coverage of Reade’s academic credentials has thrown her years testifying as an expert under the spotlight, prompting concerns that Reade lied about her credentials in order to qualify as an expert.

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Ilhan Omar Says She Believes Tara Reade, Will Vote for Biden Anyway

Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN-05) said in a recent interview that she believes the sexual assault allegations against former Vice President Joe Biden, but will vote for him anyway.

Biden, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, has been accused by a former Senate staffer, Tara Reade, of sexually assaulting her in 1993. According to Reade’s account, Biden kissed her and penetrated her with his fingers without her consent – an accusation Biden has denied.

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Tara Reade’s Legal Representation Leaves Her Amid Doubts Over Her Story

2020 presidential candidate Joe Biden’s accuser Tara Reade is no longer represented by Douglas Wigdor, Wigdor LLP announced Friday.

The firm made the decision to no longer represent Reade’s allegations against the former vice president Wednesday, but said in a press release that the firm still strongly believes that Reade has been “subjected to a double standard in terms of the media coverage she has received.”

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Biden Must Agree to ‘Independent And Nonpartisan Investigation’ Now That He Wants Voters to Assess Tara Reade’s Accusation, Reade’s Attorney Says

2020 presidential candidate Joe Biden must agree to an “independent and nonpartisan investigation” now that he wants voters to assess Tara Reade’s allegations against him, her attorney told the Daily Caller News Foundation on Friday.

Attorney Douglas Wigdor renewed calls for an investigation the morning after Biden said that voters should choose between voting for him and believing Reade, who accused him of sexually assaulting her when she worked for him as a Senate staffer in 1993. Biden has repeatedly denied this allegation.

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Sen Dianne Feinstein, Who Defended Christine Blasey Ford, Calls Tara Reade’s Accusation Against Joe Biden ‘Ridiculous’

Rep. Dianne Feinstein on Thursday called Tara Reade’s sexual allegations against former Vice President Joe Biden “ridiculous” and said she does not believe her.

The California Democrat discussed Reade’s allegations before reporters, and said Reade’s are “totally different” from the sexual assault allegations Christine Blasey Ford made against Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh.

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Tara Reade Told Her Ex-Husband About Alleged Harassment in Biden’s Senate Office, 1996 Court Document Shows

A 1996 court document shows that Tara Reade told her ex-husband that she experienced sexual harassment at work in Joe Biden’s Senate office.

The March 1996 court declaration, written by Reade’s ex-husband Theodore Dronen and obtained by The Tribune in San Luis Obispo, California, shows that Reade told Dronen about “a problem she was having at work regarding sexual harassment, in U.S. Senator Joe Biden’s office.”

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Commentary: Will Biden Be the Media’s Downfall or Salvation?

If we lived in a fair and just world, most of the current media would simply go away and try something else.

The problem is not that reporters are human and therefore sometimes err. The rub is not even that they are poorly educated or rarely write well.

We also expect officials to leak one-sided stories and then the media to print them without edits. These are all things baked into the media cake and the public understands, even if it does not quite accept them.

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Crom Carmichael Reflects on Joe Biden’s History of Poor Decision Making, Connections to China, and Tara Reade

Democrat Joe Biden

During the second hour of The Tennessee Star Report with Michael Patrick Leahy, all-star panelis Crom Carmichael advocated that it was important to get the economy back open and take care of America’s economic wellness. Later in the segment, he reviewed Joe Biden’s stance on China and many of his detestable wrongdoings and current allegations of sexual assault by staffer Tara Reade in 1993.

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Democrat Pelosi Praised Kavanaugh Accuser Christine Ford’s ‘Courage,’ But Ignores Biden Accuser Tara Reade

Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi supported and praised Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s accuser Christine Blasey Ford, but has maintained silence on 2020 presidential candidate Joe Biden’s accuser Tara Reade.

Ford leveled accusations of sexual assault against Kavanaugh in September 2018, launching a media onslaught and a series of congressional hearings into the allegations against the now-Supreme Court justice. Throughout these events, Pelosi expressed support for Ford.

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