J.D. Vance: Tim Ryan Is Running Away from His Record

J.D. Vance, the Republican nominee to represent Ohio in the U.S. Senate, blasted his Democratic opponent for attempting to flip-flop on key issues ahead of the November midterm elections.

Since securing the Democratic nomination, Congressman Tim Ryan (D-OH-13) has positioned himself as a “moderate,” even proposing tax cuts to help combat inflation.

However, in an appearance on Fox News, Vance pointed to Ryan’s previous opposition to tax cuts while in the U.S. House of Representatives.

“He has opposed every single effort to cut the taxes of the middle class … we have to fix the fundamentals of this Joe Biden economy. That is where we really have to do the work. Not with gimmicks from [Tim Ryan] who’s never supported a real tax cut in his life,” the Republican said in an interview on The Story with Martha MacCallum.


“He plays a moderate on his TV commercials, but he plays a radical when he’s in Washington D.C. … that really is the debate in this race: whether Tim Ryan can pretend to be somebody that his record shows he’s clearly not,” Vance added.

Earlier this month, Ryan touted his record of securing funding for law enforcement, as Democrats have been repeatedly rebuked for their “Defund the Police” narrative, and criticized Vance for allegedly speaking against the group. However, audio surfaced of Ryan claiming the “criminal justice system is racist” in 2019.

While attempting to secure the Democratic nomination, Ryan championed key progressive positions. For example, he formally endorsed the idea of ending the filibuster in the Senate, blaming Senators Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ) and Joe Manchin (D-WV) for not advancing “voting rights” legislation.

“Kyrsten Sinema won’t eliminate the filibuster, effectively killing our voting rights legislation. Fifty-fifty isn’t cutting it. We have to expand our majority if we want to abolish the filibuster and make real progress. If we win Ohio, we’re virtually guaranteed to do just that,” he said in a tweet.

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Cooper Moran is a reporter for The Ohio Star and The Star News Network. Email tips to [email protected].
Photo “J.D. Vance” by JD Vance for U.S. Senate Press. 




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