Democrat Stacey Abrams Claims Companies Face ‘Danger’ of Residing in Georgia

Stacey Abrams, who is running to replace Republican Governor Brian Kemp, claimed that companies that choose to do business in the state and their female employees face a “danger” for the decision.

The comments follow a decision from the Supreme Court that reversed the decision in Roe v. Wade, which could allow a six-week abortion ban to be enacted in the state.

“Many businesses such as Disney and Netflix have expressed their opposition to the so-called heartbeat abortion ban in Georgia when it was passed in 2019. Do you think those companies should pull their businesses from Georgia when and if this abortion restriction goes into effect?” CNN host Jake Tapper asked Abrams in an interview.

In her response, Abrams fell short of calling for the companies to boycott the state. However, she encouraged them to “do what is best,” similar to her remarks when Major League Baseball boycotted the state over a new election-related law.

“I would tell every single business and every single woman that they should do what is best for the women that work for them. They need to make certain they are accommodating the very real health challenges women will face in the state of Georgia,” Abrams said in the interview with Tapper.

The remarks come as several large businesses have indicated that they will pay for employees to travel for an abortion.

“It’s my hope we’ll be able to reverse this law by passing new legislation in 2023 because we also know Brian Kemp intends to make it more difficult for women. He intends to add incest and rape as prohibitions. He has already broken our healthcare system by refusing to expand Medicaid and Georgia already has one of the highest maternal rates in the nation”

“And so I would tell anyone whether they are a business or a citizen thinking about being in Georgia to take into very real consideration the danger that Brian Kemp poses to the life and welfare of women in this state,” Abrams added.

Previously, Abrams also faced backlash for claiming Georgia is “the worst state in the country to live.”

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Cooper Moran is a reporter for The Georgia Star News and The Star News Network. Email tips to [email protected].
Photo “Stacey Abrams” by Stacey Abrams.

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