More Tennessee Counties Re-Issue Mask Mandates and Public Health Emergencies


As the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases increased this month, more Tennessee counties are re-issuing mask mandates. Tennessee has nearly 250,000 confirmed cases, 88 percent of which have recovered.

Montgomery County issued the most recent mask mandate and state of emergency on Tuesday. Other counties that re-issued these orders include Williamson, Wilson, Rutherford, and Sumner. These mask mandates adhere to guidelines issued under Governor Bill Lee.

Several citizens groups protested the mandates in Franklin and Knoxville last weekend. These instances of community pushback are examples of the budding “pandemic fatigue” across the nation. Additionally, health experts speculate that fatigue is partly to blame for the nationwide spike in cases.

One of the groups, Tennessee Stands, intends to hold another mask mandate protest this Friday.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released a study several months ago in which a majority of individuals who reported “always” wearing masks either tested positive for COVID-19 or negative with some other respiratory illness. The study didn’t address the possible effects of mask hygiene worsening exposure to COVID-19 or other respiratory illness.

The White House first declared a national state of emergency for COVID-19 on March 13. November will mark eight months of government-imposed shutdowns, coronavirus-related mandates, and socioeconomic strains.

Less than a week later, Davidson County declared its own state of emergency. Since then, Mayor John Cooper has upheld rigorous mandates and orders that have left many businesses floundering. The city’s resulting financial straits moved Cooper to declare a 32 percent property tax increase. A court battle over a ballot referendum revoking the tax hike is ongoing.

Even so, the mayor and the city have increased expenditures. Just last week, city council affirmed the creation of two diversity and equity positions supported by Cooper that may cost over $250,000 annually.

A growing number of voters are protesting Cooper’s authority and petitioning to recall him.

Lee is scheduled to extend county mayors’ authority to issue mask mandates. Early reports from the governor’s office say the extension will likely last until the end of the year.

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Corinne Murdock is a reporter at The Tennessee Star and the Star News Network. Follow her latest on Twitter, or email tips to [email protected].








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9 Thoughts to “More Tennessee Counties Re-Issue Mask Mandates and Public Health Emergencies”

  1. Karen Bracken

    There is one easy y to end this political madness. Grow a spine and REFUSE TO COMPLY. I guess they didn’t get the CDC memo stating there is no evidence masks stop the virus and lots of evidence they are making people sick.

  2. LM

    Masks were useless to prevent the spread of COVID in March , and they are useless now , as are lockdowns and ” social distancing”. The data regarding who actually has had COVID (possibly 20 times the number who test positive) as well as the comparative death rates ( much lower when the actual number of those infected is considered) are being ignored.

  3. 83ragtop50

    This is one Sumner County resident who will not let comrade Holt force me to wear a mask.

    And, yes, those who once wore the “D” proudly now hide behind the “R” and still rules as tax and spend liberals.

    Bill Lee has turned out to be exactly what I was afraid he would be. Spineless.

  4. Kevin

    Have you ever wondered, “where did all of those Democrat politicos go” when 14 years ago they were in control of Tennessee? They didn’t go anywhere! They’re still here masquerading as good little Republican County Mayors, County Commissioners and other government bureaucrats. To stay in power, they just changed their spots!

    All it took for them to show their true colors was a wave of flu-based fear and a feckless Governor who would allow them to implement their draconian measures! What this shows, is that the “swamp” is alive and well in Tennessee!

  5. Mary

    Masks don’t work, stupid people.

  6. John

    For the love of Pete, let the virus run its course. Use common sense. Wash you hands and don’t touch your face. Don’t wear a cloth bacteria trap over your face. And if you’re in a physically vulnerable state, stay the hack home.

  7. Julie

    It is not pandemic fatigue, people who are not drinking the mainstream media kool aid are able to find mask evidence to the contrary. I was hoping that once the election was over all of this would go away but now I am not so sure. I think this is going to be the new normal for the left as they are going to disrupt the success of this country to the extent that they can when they are not in power.

    1. Ron Welch

      No, they want mandates, bans and CONTROL over us. A “public health emergency” is a pretext for UNLAWFUL tyranny.

  8. rick

    If mask worked and Moscow on the Cumberland (Nashville) had a mask mandate all along and the numbers are going up in Nashville what should it tell the rocket scientist mask commie’s? MASK DO NOT WORK!
