House Democrats Meddle in Michigan GOP Congressional Primary, Boosting Gibbs over Meijer

The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) is spending hundreds of thousands for advertising in an upcoming GOP primary.

The House Democratic campaign arm will pour $425,000 to boost Trump-endorsed John Gibbs over Representative Peter Meijer (R-MI), who voted to impeach the former president.

The ad, which is showcased as a knock against Gibbs, portrays Gibbs as the conservative choice and comes just days before the August 2nd GOP primary.

“Handpicked by Trump to run for Congress, Gibbs called Trump ‘the greatest president’ and worked in Trump’s administration with Ben Carson. Gibbs has promised to push that same conservative agenda in Congress: a hard line against immigrants at the border and so-called patriotic education in our schools. The Gibbs-Trump agenda is too conservative for Western Michigan,” the video says.

The commercial will likely help Gibbs with conservative voters in the district. According to financial disclosures filed with the Federal Election Commission (FEC), Gibbs has been unable to purchase large ad buys due to limited funds.

After redistricting, the district is a “Republican Toss-up,” according to the Cook Political Report.

Meijer’s campaign contends the ad buy is proof that Democrats would rather face Gibbs, who they view as a better opponent in the November general election.

“The DCCC boosting John Gibbs is clear evidence of who Nancy Pelosi prefers in this race,” Meijer spokesperson Emily Taylor told Axios. “Democrats don’t want to face Peter Meijer in the November election because Peter is the best candidate to represent West Michigan in Congress, and he’s the only candidate who will put the interests of the 3rd district ahead of partisan priorities,” Taylor said.

The winner of the GOP primary will take on Hillary Scholten, who is running unopposed on the Democratic side and was defeated by Meijer in 2020.

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Cooper Moran is a reporter for The Michigan Star and The Star News Network. Email tips to [email protected].
Photo “John Gibbs’ by John Gibbs. 




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