Michigan University Student Government Votes to Ban the Pledge of Allegiance

by Celine Ryan


Student government leaders at a Michigan university have banned the Pledge of Allegiance from meetings. The student senate, which had previously made time for the Pledge each meeting, deemed the verbiage to be non-inclusive.

Video of the Thursday night meeting shows a weeks-long controversy coming to a close as the student senate discussed the vote on the removal the Pledge from the standard meeting agenda.


“A senator brought it to the attention of the general body about three or four weeks into the semester, ever since then it’s been a pretty continuous conversation,” said GVSU Student Senate VP of Public Relations Ryan Fritz.

Students who backed the initiative claimed that the Pledge of Allegiance is not inclusive to all individuals, and reportedly took issue with the mention of the word “God.”

“It’s important when we’re talking equity and equality and social justice that we are having those kinds of measures taken,” said Student Senator Lansing Sánchez-Castillo, adding that the language in the Pledge “doesn’t sit with this diverse population and fully representing them.

Student Senator and College Republican Dorian Thompson called the decision “very upsetting especially on the week of Veterans Day,” calling it indicative of being at “a sad point in our country where we are having debates on things that we should be talking about what unites us instead of divides us.

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Celine Ryan is the Investigative Reporter for Campus Reform, reporting on liberal bias and abuse on campus for Campus Reform.








Appeared at and reprinted from campusreform.org

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23 Thoughts to “Michigan University Student Government Votes to Ban the Pledge of Allegiance”

  1. Terry Merlo

    For about 5yrs my husband served in the foreign legion of America.before becoming a citizen. Every morning he recited the pledge of allegiance before starting his days work in the chapel. Never once did I ever hear him complain about not feeling included ! In fact it made him feel good .. So good that he chose to become a citizen while serving in the National Guard Army Reserve. Perhaps those children need to go to a country where they are forced to pledge their allegiance to a man or government that gives them nothing and will take everything.

    1. Nina

      Anti-America brats ! Shame on you democrat communists for pushing this hate and disrespect on kids ! Hope we can return to civility and normalcy again under Trump next term!
