FreedomWorks to Host Public Forum for Arizona U.S. Senate Candidates

FreedomWorks, a conservative group based in Washington D.C., will host a public forum for voters to hear from GOP candidates running to represent Arizona in the U.S. Senate.

The forum, which will take place at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Phoenix on July 23, will feature many of the leading Republicans in the contest.

“Grassroots momentum is surging in Arizona, and Republicans have a real chance at unseating Democratic Senator Mark Kelly and taking back the Senate this election cycle. The forum will give voters a chance to hear firsthand from all top five candidates about their vision for Arizona and how they will fight for conservative values in the nation’s capital. With control of America hanging in the balance, our senate forum will play a key role in putting candidates on record and helping voters send the right candidate to Washington,” an emailed release from the group stated.

According to FreedomWorks, Mark Brnovich, Jim Lamon, Blake Masters, Mick McGuire, and Justin Olson have agreed to attend.

The group held a similar event during the crowded race for the same position in Ohio. However, in the forum, failed candidates Josh Mandel and Mike Gibbons verbally clashed with each other, coming close to a physical altercation. The incident caught the attention of many voters – and former President Trump.

Citing his performance in a series of debates, Trump went on to endorse J.D. Vance and called Mandel’s decision “embarrassing.”

However, in the Arizona U.S. Senate race, Trump has already weighed in. He endorsed businessman Blake Masters earlier this month, calling him “one of the most successful businessmen and investors in the country.”

Furthermore, polling from The Trafalgar Group has given Masters the lead over his competition. According to the survey, Masters holds 29 percent of the vote, followed by Mark Brnovich at 24 percent.

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Cooper Moran is a reporter for The Arizona Sun Times and The Star News Network. Email tips to [email protected].
Photo “Mark Brnovich” by Mark Brnovich. Photo “Jim Lamon” by Jim Lamon. Photo “Blake Masters” by Blake Masters for Senate. Photo “Mike McGuire” by Mike McGuire. Photo “Justin Olson” by Vote Justin Olson. Background Photo “U.S. Capitol” by GPA Photo Archive.

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One Thought to “FreedomWorks to Host Public Forum for Arizona U.S. Senate Candidates”

  1. William R Burns

    Is the Senatorial debatt in Arizona going to be televised ?

    Thank you
