Aaron Gulbransen on Just-Revealed Interest-Free Loans from China to Bidens

Live from Music Row Tuesday morning on The Tennessee Star Report with Michael Patrick Leahy – broadcast on Nashville’s Talk Radio 98.3 and 1510 WLAC weekdays from 5:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. – host Leahy welcomed official guest host Aaron Gulbransen in the studio to comment upon the recent article by Just the News revealing emails that point to interest-free loans from China to the Biden family.

Leahy: In the studio with us, Brent Hamachek, manager of Human Events Media group, as well as Aaron Gulbransen, the official guest host of The Tennessee Star Report. There’s some breaking news I want to talk about with Aaron and with Brent.

The headline broke last night, “Biden Family Got Interest-Free Forgivable Loans from China: New evidence reveals 2017 business email and new information released by Senator Chuck Grassley exposed the Chinese effort to enrich the first family.”

“President Joe Biden has made waves this fall with his plan to forgive hundreds of billions of dollars of student loans, shifting the burden to taxpayers. Five years earlier, his family cashed in on a zero-interest forgivable loan of its own from an energy company in communist China. This, according to evidence in possession of the FBI.”

This was apparently a $5 million loan. And basically here’s the quote from the email: “The delay of the wire is caused by the detail on the JV [joint venture] building as follows: one, the positioning and strategy of JV not made fully clear to the Chinese company. $5 million is lent to the Biden family in $10 million charter capital.” That’s kind of what the email says. Aaron Gulbransen, if this news had broken about Donald Trump, how long would it take for the FBI to arrive and arrest him?

Gulbransen: Even less than if it had broken about me. It’s absolutely ridiculous. The double standard is insane. I distinctly remember having a conversation with a pretty famous politician years ago who said, you either go to – this was in the old mindset, mind you – you either get elected to public office because you’re rich and you spend your money, or you do your time. And then when you leave, you have the opportunity to enrich yourself based on your contacts. You get hired as a lobbyist. Blah. Blah. Blah.

The Biden crime family has managed to create almost a mafia-esque-like system of enriching themselves systematically over the time that he’s been in office, and it is absolutely ridiculous.

Leahy: Brent Hamachek, so the report in this email said there’s a $5 million interest-free loan to the Biden family. This is what the email says. What next steps should be taken in this by the FBI if they’re actually trying to root out criminal activity?

Hamachek: If the FBI is actually trying to root out criminal activity, of course, is a hypothetical. That’s not what our national police force is about anymore. It’s become a very political arm, and we all know this. I have some very mixed feelings about the story.

First of all, I have no mixed feelings about the reporting on it. I tell people all the time that if you’re going to subscribe to anything other than Human Events, The Post Millennial, subscribe to Just the News. John Solomon is the best in the business and nobody’s close.

Leahy: He’s a great reporter.

Hamachek: But here’s the thing. We look at a story like this and we say, wow, this is a big reveal and this is terrible, it’s corrupt and we ought to do something about it. I get all that, but what have we learned here? That people in power are corrupt, abuse power, and take advantage of it.

That shouldn’t be above the fold in The New York Times or anywhere else. Of course the Biden family’s corrupt. Most political people are corrupt. The vast majority of them are corrupt. What we need to focus on is what is Joe Biden as a politician?

What are his policies? What is he actually doing to the country? So we can slip down a rabbit hole very quickly in terms of focusing on all the abuse. Careful, because it’ll turn around and it will find your guy a week later.

Leahy: From the story by John Solomon published at 11:35 p.m. Eastern time last night. “According to Senator Grassley, the $5 million Chinese transaction was paid to a Hunter Biden-connected firm in August 2017.” That was one month after the email that Just The News obtained was dated.

“Tony Bobulinski told the FBI the money was actually deferred compensation for work Hunter and James Biden had done while Joe Biden was still vice president.” Your thoughts, Aaron Gulbransen.

Gulbransen: I wish I could say I was shocked, but this is just a recurring theme with all of this. I mean, anything to do with Hunter Biden is corrupt. Anything to do with Joe Biden is corrupt. It’s very sad. And they get away with it.

Listen to today’s show highlights, including this interview:

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Tune in weekdays from 5:00 – 8:00 a.m. to The Tennessee Star Report with Michael Patrick Leahy on Talk Radio 98.3 FM WLAC 1510. Listen online at iHeart Radio.










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