Blackburn Supports President Trump, Whom Schumer Said Should Be Impeached

Chuck Schumer, Marsha Blackburn, Donald Trump

U.S. Representative Marsha Blackburn (R-TN-07) announced her renewed support for President Donald Trump after Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY) called for his impeachment.

In an off-the-cuff moment caught on video during a Labor Day parade in Brooklyn, Senate Minority Leader Schumer told a bystander who asked when President Trump would be impeached, “The sooner the better,” Fox News reported.

“We gotta get a few Republicans,” Schumer responds. “Democrats are on your side.” Impeaching the president requires a majority of votes in the House of Representatives, which Democrats do not currently have; removing the president would then require a two-thirds vote of the Senate.

The video is available here.

The president has repeatedly warned about the “witch hunt” investigation into Russia’s alleged role in the 2016 election, Politico reported. Trump also has repeatedly criticized Special Counsel Robert Mueller, who has won convictions against former Trump campaign aides but has yet to publicly link any of the crimes directly to the president.

Schumer’s office, reached by Fox News, claimed that Schumer had simply misheard the question at the parade.

Blackburn is having none of it, however. She also connected Schumer to her opponent Phil Bredesen in the election to fill the seat of U.S. Senator Bob Corker (R-TN), who is retiring.

“The good people of Tennessee overwhelmingly elected President Trump, and they support his work to cut taxes, rebuild the military, care for our veterans and nominate constitutionalist justices and judges who won’t legislate from the bench,” Blackburn said in a statement. “Impeachment is the furthest thing from their mind.

“Phil Bredesen’s campaign is bought and paid for by Chuck Schumer and he will be a reliable vote to impeach the president,” Blackburn said. “The contrast could not be more clear between my opponent and me. As Tennessee’s next senator, I will work on behalf of Tennesseans to continue implementing the President’s good agenda.”

Schumer hand-picked Bredesen to run for the Senate, The New York Times said. Via a story on The Washington Post, Schumer’s group is planing to drop at least seven figures into Tennessee on Bredesen’s behalf, The Tennessee Star reported. The Democratic Senate Majority PAC has booked $80 million in television advertising across nine states, ads that are set to begin after Labor Day. A total of $4.2 million was planned for Bredesen’s campaign, The Hill said.

Schumer’s PAC donated $10,000 to Bredesen’s campaign earlier this year.

Schumer is merely the latest Democrat to call for Trump’s impeachment. U.S. Congressman Steve Cohen (D-TN-09) and other House Democrats in November 2017 filed five Articles of Impeachment against President Donald J. Trump, The Star reported. In July, Cohen appeared to call for a military coup against the president.

Schumer had been quiet on the question of impeachment prior to his remarks at the parade, the Washington Free Beacon said. When asked just last month about prospective reprisal were Trump to pardon Michael Cohen or Paul Manafort, Schumer declined to speculate.

Impeaching the president requires a majority in the House of Representatives, which Democrats do not have; removing the president would also require a two-thirds vote in the Senate, Fox News said.






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2 Thoughts to “Blackburn Supports President Trump, Whom Schumer Said Should Be Impeached”

  1. […] Representative Marsha Blackburn (R-TN-07) recently announced her renewed support for President Donald Trump after U.S. Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY) called for […]

  2. […] who asked when President Trump would be impeached, “The sooner the better,” The Tennessee Star reported, citing Fox […]
