Bredesen ‘Running From a Tough Decision’ on Kavanaugh Nomination, Republicans Say

As of Friday, it had been 56 days since Judge Brett Kavanaugh was nominated to the Supreme Court, and Phil Bredesen says he still needs more time to consider whether he supports President Donald Trump’s selection.

Bredesen says he is “embarrassed” by Democrats’ treatment of Kavanaugh in the confirmation hearings, the Tennessee Star reported earlier this week, citing a story in The Tennessean.

Four Democratic members of the Senate Judiciary Committee donated money to Bredesen’s campaign. The senators are: Cory Booker (D-NJ), $5,000; Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY), $10,000; Kamala Harris (D-CA), $10,000; and Dick Durbin (D-IL), $5,000. The GOP cited this campaign finance report in a press release.

The Democratic candidate, who is pro-abortion, said Kavanaugh’s pro-life stance would not matter to him if he could vote. He told reporters that Kavanaugh’s position on abortion is “certainly not as important to me as it is for some Democrats.”

In July Bredesen said he would have to wait for the hearings to make a decision. But after multiple days of hearings, he said he didn’t watch them because he was busy traveling, the Tennessee Republican Party said in a press release.

Politico reported on July 30 that Schumer has been telling Democrats, especially ones whose seats are considered at-risk, to stay neutral in the confirmation and force Republicans to produce 50 votes by themselves.

At a recent Memphis event the crowd gave Bredesen another chance to say yes or no. He gave a four-minute speech without a clear answer. The video is available to watch here.

The former governor did give this insight into his thinking: “There is no right answer there, whichever one I give half of the people that are for me are going to be opposed to the answer and there’s no good answer there.”

“That’s not leadership. That’s not standing up to one’s own party. That’s running away from a tough decision,” the Tennessee Republican Party said in a press release.

“Confirming justices to the Supreme Court is one of the most important aspects of being a U.S. Senator, yet Tennesseans can’t get a straight answer from Phil Bredesen on this critical issue,” said Tennessee Republican Party Chairman Scott Golden. “If he’s ‘applying for the job,’ he’s certainly failing the interview.”

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Jason M. Reynolds has more than 20 years’ experience as a journalist at outlets of all sizes.






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7 Thoughts to “Bredesen ‘Running From a Tough Decision’ on Kavanaugh Nomination, Republicans Say”

  1. […] he needs more time to consider whether he supports President Donald Trump’s selection, The Star reported earlier this […]

  2. […] treatment of Judge Brett Kavanaugh in his Supreme Court confirmation hearings, the Tennessee Star reported last week. He has also been dragging his feet for more than two months in saying whether he would […]

  3. Beau

    “Snake”, carpet-bagger; the list is endless.

  4. Bill

    Possum Phil, keeping our roads clean of insects killed by night travelers. You go possum Phil! Your life would makes a great children’s book.

  5. Randall

    That’s because he’s a “total tool “.

  6. Rick

    Bredesen likes to play both ends against the middle to try to get elected, then he will go all Democrat swamp possum, just face it. VOTE REPUBLICAN!
