Brent Hamachek Talks About His New Book Zelenko

Live from Music Row Tuesday morning on The Tennessee Star Report with Michael Patrick Leahy – broadcast on Nashville’s Talk Radio 98.3 and 1510 WLAC weekdays from 5:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. – host Leahy welcomed Executive Editor for Human Events Brent Hamachek in the studio to talk about co-authoring the soon-to-be-released book Zelenko, which highlights the story of upstate New Yorker Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, who created a formula to fight the coronavirus in its early stages.

Leahy: We are delighted to have in the studio our very good friend, Brent Hamachek, the manager of Human Events Media Group. But you have more going on than just being the manager of Human Events Media Group.

You are the co-author of a book about to be published next month. Tell us about your co-author. Tell us just about the book.

Hamachek: Yes. Thanks for giving me a chance to do that. I appreciate it. I had the great privilege to work with Dr. Vladimir Zelenko before he passed away to co-author his book, simply titled Zelenko, that will be coming out on November 22nd.

And for those folks in your audience who might not be familiar with Zelenko, as he was known to those who were his friend, he is the person who, back in March of 2020 as the lockdowns were happening, used a video he had found on the internet and some independent research, and came up with an effective way to treat the coronavirus.

And he began treating people in his offices in upstate New York in March of 2020 with essentially a 100 percent survival rate and tried desperately to get that treatment recognized by the CDC and the United States government.

Instead, he was vilified and ridiculed for the treatment path that he had discovered. And we move the clock forward today and the research clearly shows that the treatment works.

And so what could have been a very preventable and reduced death rate in this country from a serious disease was instead allowed to flourish over politics and over money.

And this book tells Zelenko’s story in a way that’s very personal. It’s done with well over 60 hours of recorded interviews that he and I did together.

And he passed away at the end of June, so he didn’t get a chance to live to see the publication of the book. But for me, it was a great privilege to work on it with him. He was an extraordinary man.

Leahy: And he was born in Ukraine.

Hamachek: Correct.

Leahy: And he came here with his family as a young man, is that right?

Hamachek: Yes. Age of 4.

Leahy: And he got a Doctor of Medicine degree in 2000 from SUNY – State University of New York at Buffalo. And he was a family medicine guy and he came up with the Zelenko protocol, right?

Hamachek: Correct.

Leahy: A specific three-drug combination and a couple of other practices and procedures.

Hamachek: That’s right. And what Zev discovered is that – this is something that still is so misunderstood by the American public, almost seemingly denied by the medical community – but in the simplest terms, here’s what he discovered, and here’s what worked. And before I say this, I want to say that Zev oversaw the treatment of over 7,500 people who suffered from the virus.

Leahy: Seventy-five hundred.

Hamachek: And had three fatalities out of 7,500 patients. So I’ll let that statistic stand for itself. Here’s what he discovered. And it’s really quite simple, and it was all from available research.

Zinc is the natural enemy of coronavirus. It kills coronavirus at the cellular level before it multiplies and explodes into the body and attacks its region of choice. The problem is, zinc can’t get into the cell very easily.

There are complex reasons, which we explain in the book in layman’s terms. But it needs something to carry it in through the cell wall. That something is either hydroxychloriquine or ivermectin. So the criticisms that say that hydroxychloroquine or ivermectin don’t work are sort of true, but nobody ever claimed that they did.

It’s zinc that does the work and it’s hydroxychloroquine or ivermectin that carry them inside the cellular level – by the way, early in the onset of the disease, not two weeks in when somebody’s in a hospital – carries it inside the cellular level and kills coronavirus. His record on treating patients speaks for itself.

Leahy: So I’m looking at the entry in Wikipedia, the left-wing propaganda operation.

Hamachek: That’s a good description.

Leahy: And he passed away in June. He was only 48 years old and his passing was unrelated to COVID.

Hamachek: Cancer. Yes.

Leahy: So this is the second sentence in the description of Vladimir Zelenko. “He also promoted unfounded medical advice, conspiracy theories, and misinformation about COVID-19 vaccination.” Your response to that, Brent Hamachek.

Hamachek: There are lies, damned lies, and there’s Wikipedia. (Leahy laughs)

Leahy: Now that’s a nice little twist. You are a master of the use of words, my friend.

Hamachek: Well, that’s very kind. I wrote 106,000 of them for Zev’s book, so hopefully a few of them resonate.

Look, you know, it’s pretty interesting to see the fact that this treatment was effective and yet we see that sort of thing in print and we still hear the denials of it. And then you’re led to ask why?

And Mike, I think the most important thing for your listeners to keep in mind, not just about Zev Zelenko and his treatment, but about all issues in general, is we have lost our ability in this nation to be skeptical.

We’ve lost our skepticism and we are too quick to believe and trust and hold on to things that are told to us by folks who are in positions of authority, people we’re taught to respect. So we blindly listen and we blindly follow. What Zev Zelenko was in the truest sense was a pure skeptic.

Leahy: The name of the book.

Hamachek: Zelenko is available for release on November 22nd. Preorders will be up soon on Amazon and it’ll also be pushed through various influencer networks. And if you listen to Charlie Kirk, for example, you’ll be able to get the book.

Leahy: Zelenko, and you’re the co-author.

Hamachek: Yes.

Listen to today’s show highlights, including this interview:

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Tune in weekdays from 5:00 – 8:00 a.m. to The Tennessee Star Reporwith Michael Patrick Leahy on Talk Radio 98.3 FM WLAC 1510. Listen online at iHeart Radio.
Photo “Dr. Vladimir Zelenko” by Dr. Zelenko.




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