California High School Teacher in Hot Water After Anti-Conservative Quiz Question


An unnamed social sciences teacher at a high school Sacramento-area high school is facing disciplinary action after an anti-conservative question appeared on a quiz.

The controversial question was presented in the following manner at Whitney High School:

A group of complete idiots is:

a “KKK”
b “all of Florida”
c “Fox News”
d “Texans”

A student took a screenshot of the question, which was then posted to social media by a family friend named Jessica Krissovich.

“I do believe that the intent of the questions on the test were to ridicule students who had conservative beliefs and make them feel bad for feeling that way,” Krissovich said.

“We all have different beliefs,” she continued. “This is the United States and we all come from different backgrounds and everybody should be okay with who they are.”

Another parent of a student in the teacher’s class, who asked to remain anonymous for fear of retribution, told Fox 40 that this is not the first time this teacher has let his anti-Republican bias shine through.

The high school is investigating, and says that punishment will be handed down as appropriate.

“Whitney High and Rocklin United is committed to providing each student, family, and staff with a safe and welcoming environment. While personnel matters will remain confidential, appropriate disciplinary steps will be taken,” Whitney High School Principal Justin Cutts said in a letter to parents.

Compared to the The National Constitution Bee, an annual event hosted by the The Star News Network CEO and Editor-in-Chief Michael Patrick Leahy, the California teacher receives a failing grade for his attempt to educate.

Here are some of the questions that The Star asks high schoolers:

The Preamble to the Constitution was written from the perspective of
(a) The people.
(b) The founding fathers.
(c) The Congress.

What is meant by “provide for” the “general Welfare”?
(a) Congress should pass legislation providing housing for non-citizens.
(b) Congress should pass legislation, within their defined powers, that is in the general best interest of the nation as a whole.
(c) Congress should pass legislation providing free college for all.

Considering we don’t have British Soldiers stationed in our homes anymore, to what would the 3rd amendment refer?
(a) Property taxes.
(b) A zone of privacy.
(c) Double jeopardy.

The winner of the National Constitution Bee receives a $10,000 education scholarship, while the second place winner receives $5,000 for the same purpose. The third place winner takes home a $2,5o0 education scholarship.

The case in California is just one more in an ever-growing list of anti-conservative sentiment in public schools.

Democrats are running from the issue as parents begin to speak out nationwide against liberal indoctrination of their children.

That issue largely propelled Virginia Governor-Elect Glenn Youngkin (R) to victory over his Democrat opponent last week.

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Pete D’Abrosca is a contributor at The Tennessee Star and The Star News Network. Follow Pete on Twitter. Email tips to [email protected].
Photo “Whitney High School” by Whitney High School.






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One Thought to “California High School Teacher in Hot Water After Anti-Conservative Quiz Question”

  1. John

    Punishment? Most likely a promotion.

    People like this need to be completely removed from the public education system. Not reprimanded or moved to another position, they need to be gone. I don’t care if they are teaching kids all day or sitting behind the desk doing administrative tasks. Any person who is this politically toxic doesn’t respect their employer, the quality of their job performance or effect this kind of toxicity has on your children.
