Crom’s Crommentary: Headlines Cite GOP Wins in Election Integrity Battle

Live from Music Row, Monday morning on The Tennessee Star Report with Michael Patrick Leahy – broadcast on Nashville’s Talk Radio 98.3 and 1510 WLAC weekdays from 5:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. – host Leahy welcomed the original all-star panelist Crom Carmichael to the studio for another edition of Crom’s Crommentary.


First of all, Michael, congratulations to the Tennessee Titans for a big win, that was four [wins] and two [losses], leading the division. That’s a good thing. Makes us here in Tennessee feel good.

But there were four articles that I’ve read in the last three days and they kind of all hang together in terms of what’s going on in this country. This one is from The Epoch Times.

The headline: “Judge Orders Fauci, Pasaki, Top Officials Being Deposed in the Big Tech Censorship Case.” “A federal court ordered on October 21 that Dr. Anthony Fauci and other top officials testify under oath at depositions in a case that has uncovered evidence of alleged federal government collusion.”

Let me tell you how a deposition works and how it’s different from testifying before Congress. If you’re testifying before Congress – and especially if it’s public, because I don’t know what the testimony is like behind closed doors, but most of it is public – the person who is responding can avoid answering the questions, insult the congressperson, and do whatever they want to do. In a deposition, you don’t get to do that. You have to answer the questions.

And Fauci, for example, if he’s asked if he has any holdings or had any holdings in pharmaceutical stocks that were affected by his decisions, he’ll have to answer that question and Jen Psaki will have to answer questions that she might be very uncomfortable answering.

You don’t get to deflect on that. So that is interesting. That story is connected to this story, and that is that Steve Bannon has been sentenced to four months in prison for not testifying before Congress.

So imagine what the penalty would be if you lie under oath. That penalty might be 30 years or certainly a larger amount than Bannon’s. And so the Left is all excited about Bannon being sentenced.

Now, of course, he’s not going until his appeal process is done, but now the other side is now going to be put in the same kind of position as Bannon. The next story that’s interesting is also from The Epoch Times.

Headline: “Republicans Win Major Election Integrity Ruling Against the Michigan Secretary of State.” Very quickly, the Michigan Republican Party and the Republican National Committee filed a lawsuit against Benson, who is the secretary of state, and the court has claimed that the secretary of state is wrong and that the election procedures that the legislature passed are the ones that should be followed.

All of these things are happening and if it weren’t for our judicial branch of government, then you wouldn’t be seeing these corrections, of course, where you have the Left thinking that they can do whatever they want to and they don’t have to live by the same standards.

And then the last one – and this is not directly related, but it’s related in the sense of bureaucracy and some of the problems with the deep state  – this is from The Western Journal. Headline: “GOP Gives Dire Warnings to IRS Caught Red-Handed Destroying Documents; Millions of Americans Affected.”

Now, I think, Michael, you might chime in on this. I’ve tried to find a story where there were dozens and dozens of counties across the country that have somehow lost the election data from the 2020 election.

I couldn’t find that story. I read it. I know I read it, but I can’t find it to quote from it. Do you have anything to add on that particular thing, or was I dreaming?

Leahy: It wasn’t a dream. It was a nightmare.

Listen to today’s show highlights, including this interview:

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Tune in weekdays from 5:00 – 8:00 a.m. to The Tennessee Star Reporwith Michael Patrick Leahy on Talk Radio 98.3 FM WLAC 1510. Listen online at iHeart Radio.
Photo “Election Day” by Phil Roeder. CC BY 2.0.








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