FBI Says Tennessee Ranks Third in Nation in Violent Crime

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) data collected from the National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS) says Tennessee ranks third in the nation in violent crimes per capita.

According to the annual FBI report, the number of violent crimes per 100,000 people in Tennessee in 2021 was 674. The only regions with higher violent crime were Arkansas, averaging 708 violent crimes per 100,000 people, and Washington, D.C. (included in the data despite not being a state) at a whopping 968 violent crimes per 100,000 people.

“Violent crime consists of murder and nonnegligent manslaughter, the [Uniform Crime Reporting] revised rape offense category (which includes offenses of rape, sodomy, and sexual assault with an object when considering the revision of the rape definition in the traditional violent crime category), aggravated assault, and robbery,” according to the FBI.

The report suggests that overall, violent crime declined in the United States between 2020 and 2021, but only because the nation saw a sharp drop in robberies.

“While overall violent crime volume … and violent crime rate decreased, this change was driven mainly by a drop in robbery offenses from 220,200 in 2020 to 202,200 in 2021, an 8.2% decrease,” the report said.

Murders, however, are on the rise.

“From 2020 to 2021, the total violent crime rate for the nation decreased 1.7%, from 402.6 offenses per 100,000 inhabitants (all rates shown are per 100,000 inhabitants) in 2020 to 395.7 in 2021. Murder and nonnegligent manslaughter offenses increased 4.3% while revised rape offenses increased 3.4%. Aggravated assault offenses remained essentially unchanged from 2020 to 2021.”

The FBI also noted that the change in violent crime between 2020 and 2021 does not “meet the criteria for statistical significance.”

The data only accounts for crimes that are reported.

Though the numbers were not officially reported in the FBI’s analysis, the federal law enforcement group says there was a sharp increase in deaths among law enforcement officers in 2021.

“Although not found in this report, 73 law enforcement officers who died in the line of duty in 2021 were killed as a result of felonious acts, whereas 56 died in accidents,” says the report. “Deaths resulting from felonious acts increased in 2021, rising more than 58% from the previous year.”

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Pete D’Abrosca is a reporter at The Tennessee Star and The Star News Network. Follow Pete on Twitter. Email tips to [email protected].
Photo “Police Car at a Crime Scene” by cottonbro.


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8 Thoughts to “FBI Says Tennessee Ranks Third in Nation in Violent Crime”

  1. william delzell

    Knoxville and Knox County have been historically Republican ever since the Civil War, but THEIR Republicanism was of the pre-Goldwater variety that occasionally voted for liberal Democrats like Franklin D. Roosevelt and who supported federal anti-lynching laws.

  2. DR71

    Chattanooga is not a DemocRat city, but we have political races without party affiliation so libs get elected

  3. LM

    Memphis and Jackson.

  4. Randy

    The NIBRS System will spit out data based on the query sought many law enforcement agencies find it cumbersome and a waste of time. To much information needs to be provided that does not provide fact based conclusions about crime. Once again the deep state has wasted a tremendous amount of money on attempting to use “data” to control a false narrative. The only facts provided by the FBI regarding their information is that it does not “meet the criteria for statistical significance.”, they do not have any significant “scientific” data to substantiate any comment at all. Lastly and certainly not the least, the FBI’s leadership is infested with gutless political hacks.

  5. Those DEM cities, Memphis, Nashville, Chattanooga, and growing more DEM… Knoxville… are dragging ALL of Tennessee DOWN. — Corruption. It’s everywhere, especially in Democrat controlled cities; extra-especially in DEM cities within DEM states. Or at least, so say ALL the differentials between the two parties, in court documents, for crime, over the last 20 years!

    Realize, Joe Biden only needed to win 17% of The USA’s 3,141 counties, to “win”, and gain all his 80 million votes. ONLY winning the staunch Democrat Party controlled states, and then THE most populous counties within contested large Democrat cities within mostly Republican states, like Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, & Arizona, etc.

    The Democrat Party ONLY needs to control THE most populous counties in any given state, to control the state’s legislature, and therefore… the COMPLETE state’s direction, Including Electoral Votes, and rezoning. Just… the biggest cities. That’s all they’ll need, a couple/three large cities, to flip an entire state.

    Especially vulnerable, are states like Tennessee, where the big cities are ALREADY under Democrat Party control. As plainly as this article demonstrates!

    These areas of massive populations, are where the DEMOCRATS are focusing their sociopolitical push of non-educational thoughts into children’s minds, via the school system, to control their future choices, THROUGH the socialist Dem Party controlled Department of Education and the very schools OUR TAXES PAY FOR! Exactly as we see here with THIS story, all from our corrupt Democrat-Controlled cities.

    The Democratization of the states is happening, even more quickly, in states like Tennessee. The counties of, and surrounding, Memphis, Nashville, Chattanooga, and, now, Knoxville are CURRENTLY under Democrat Party control; therefore control of their votes, schools, local governmental directions and sentiments, and, soon, our future voting procedures; the SAME “procedures” that “elected” Joe “PEDO” Biden.

    Soon, perhaps while advancing in these already Democrat owned areas or by simply adding the Johnson City/Tri-Cities area, the National Socialist Democrat Workers’ Party will have all the filthy, over-taxed, crime-ridden, foreigner filled, Democrat Party controlled cities they need, to achieve permanent control.

    And POOF… Tennessee FLIPS from R, to D. In a day. Gone will be our Castle Laws. Gone will be 2A Sanctuary Laws, gone will be the recent concealed carry law, gone will be anything resembling… The USA.

    All in a day.

    Tennessee becomes like the fugly, family-destructive, godless, violent-crime infested, self-destructive New York City, Minneapolis, Baltimore, Portland, Washington DC, Chicago, etc. As Knoxville and Nashville’s record-setting violent crime-rates already prove.

    Take action, Speak out. More fathers and mothers need to get involved in their children’s educations, with regard to school meetings, reading their child’s curriculum, looking at their homework assignments, etc. DO NOT accept things like CRT, and watch OUR state!

    Tennessee is under attack, by the Democrat Party, to control the Presidential Elections and control all our paths. — And it is, absolutely, the wrong path.

    — You have been warned.

    PS: Listen to, Tom MacDonald’s song, “Brainwashed”. If only for the lyrics.
    PPS: Legalize Freedom, and… keep your powder dry.

    1. 83ragtop50

      Dude – Thank you for laying it out so plainly. This plague has now encroached on Sumner County as well. Fortunately, many true conservatives have stepped up to counteract this deadly takeover of the county. But the battle continues to rage.

  6. JRin

    Thank you, Memphis/Democrats

  7. WW

    Where do we rank with the Shelby County stats removed ?
