Gov. Lee Orders COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate for Tennessee State Guard Despite Force’s Non-Federal Funding and Role

Neil W. McCabe, the national political editor of The Star News Network, investigated how the Tennessee State Guard, a state-funded and state-directed all-volunteer force without a federal role or federal funding is handling the Army’s June 30, 2022 deadline for 100 percent COVID-19 vaccine mandate compliance.

A public affairs officer with the state guard told The Tennessee Star and The Star News Network that as a part of the state’s military department and under its commander-in-chief Republican Gov. Bill Lee, the state guard follows the same COVID-19 vaccine rules as the state’s Army National Guard.


McCabe: The Tennessee State Guard is a state-funded military force with no funding nor control from the federal government. A spokesman for the Guard told The Tennessee Star and The Star News Network that the Guard’s commander in chief is Governor Bill Lee and that the Guard is enforcing Big Army’s June 30 deadline for 100 percent COVID-19 vaccine mandate compliance.

Bray: The Tennessee State Guard is a member of the military department of Tennessee. We work alongside the Tennessee National Guard, Tennessee Air Guard, and the Tennessee Emergency Management Agency, and we are specifically a force extender for the Tennessee National Guard.

McCabe: Colonel Alllen Bray, a public affairs officer assigned to the Tennessee State Guard Third Regiment, said as an official part of the state’s military department, the State Guard follows the same rules as Tennessee’s Army National Guard.

Bray: Being a member of the military department of Tennessee, we are required because of our position in that organization, we are required to follow Tennessee National Guard policies in regard to vaccines.

McCabe: Unlike the state’s Army National Guard, which is a hybrid of state and federal control and funding. The Colonel said there is no federal component to the State Guard.

Bray: We are authorized by the Tennessee legislature and our commander in chief is the governor of the state of Tennessee. We cannot be federalized.

McCabe: For members of the Tennessee Army National Guard, there is no ambiguity, and Tennessee and supporting unvaccinated Guardsmen are rallying to their defense Wednesday, June 29 at Legislative Park, North Nashville at 11:30 a.m. Reporting for The Tennessee Star and The Star News Network Neil W. McCabe, Washington.



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5 Thoughts to “Gov. Lee Orders COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate for Tennessee State Guard Despite Force’s Non-Federal Funding and Role”

  1. Jay

    Looks like TN is turning purple. Only RONOs and dems

  2. Karen L Bracken

    I tried to tell people that Lee was NOT a conservative but a Democrat running as a Republican in order to win. But no one would listen. I didn’t vote for him during his first election and I surely will not be voting for him this time either. It is time for us to find an Independent candidate we wrap our arms around and support. If enough people vote for this candidate he CAN win. I voted for an Independent when Lee ran and also Haslam. I will be voting for John Gentry.

  3. Ruth Fennell

    Amen to what Stanley Arms said above

  4. Stanley Arms

    I will be voting against Lee when he runs again for this issue. He folded early on when Covid idiocy was running rampant and only stiffened his resolve against stupid mandates after it was politically safe to do so. He is no different than the other weak RINO Governors that TN GOP keep forcing on us. I also will not be voting for any political candidate in my districts that stayed quiet and did not support President Trump after this election fraud fiasco was committed. We are tired of weak Republicans who only look to protect their positions and are afraid to be bold and take a stand on issues the people of TN feel are important. No I will not be voting for Demoncrats but I will not continue to support weak and squeamish politicians hiding and dodging. Find your spines or GTFOH.

    1. Karen L Bracken

      I am voting for Independent John Gentry. I voted for an Independent the first time Lee ran because I knew he was a fraud. We have no choice. So it is vote for the lesser of 2 evils or vote for a REAL constitutional conservative and the best choice is John Gentry.
