Governor Lee Moves to Tackle Supply Chain Challenges During Holiday Season

Bill Lee


Tennessee Governor Bill Lee announced in a statement Monday two actions he has taken in order to address and tackle the ongoing supply chain crisis happening across the nation.

The first initiative the press release details includes “Operation Open Road,” a letter signed by Governor Lee and 14 other governors calling on the Biden Administration to address the supply chain crisis by suspending burdensome regulations. Calling the American supply chain a “crisis,” the governors pledged to take action at the state level to assist the trucking industry.

Joining Governor Lee are Governors Doug Ducey (AZ), Ron DeSantis (FL), Brian Kemp (GA), Brad Little (ID), Kim Reynolds (IA), Larry Hogan (MD), Mike Parson (MI), Greg Gianforte (MT), Pete Ricketts (NE), Doug Burgum (ND), Mike DeWine (OH), Kevin Stitt (OK), Henry McMaster (SC), and Greg Abbott (TX).

The second initiative Governor Lee has taken to address the supply chain crisis is signing an Executive Order that works to deregulate critical trucking functions in Tennessee, according to the statement. Lee signed the order while visiting trucking apprentices at TCAT Crossville.

Executive Order 93, signed Monday by Lee “directs the Department of Safety and Homeland Security to identify deregulation opportunities affecting the trucking industry and commercial drivers in Tennessee; directions the Department of Safety and Homeland Security to collaborate with other entities, including the Department of Military, Department of Correction, Department of Labor, Tennessee Board of Regents, Tennessee Colleges of Applied Technology and private businesses, to increase CDL training and certification opportunities; and encourages third-parties to expand the types of CDL applicants and licensees who can participate in training and testing programs.”

At the state level, governors in Operation Open Road states committed to:

 – Modify weight, size, or load restrictions to allow more cargo to move more efficiently; adjust hours of service constraints to provide truck drivers more time and flexibility.
– Deregulate education and occupational licensure barriers to get more commercial truck drivers on the road.
– Convene state agencies in transportation, commerce, workforce, and other related fields to coordinate with private industry, local governments, and neighboring states to ensure greater efficiency, connectivity, and data sharing among shippers and receivers at ports, distribution points, storage facilities, and other intrastate corridors for the expedited loading, unloading, and transport of freight.

The coastal port states joining the Operation say they will increase tonnage capacity, and accept more Panamax ships waiting off the west coast.

See the full details of “Operation Open Road” here.

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Kaitlin Housler is a reporter at The Tennessee Star and The Star News Network. Email tips to [email protected]
Photo “Bill Lee” by Office of the Governor.






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5 Thoughts to “Governor Lee Moves to Tackle Supply Chain Challenges During Holiday Season”

  1. John

    Not a fan of EO’s. Too much power – too much abuse. I’d rather have something like this go through the General Assembly and become law because all the next yahoo has to do is sign an EO reversing this EO.

  2. Kevin

    Not for nothing but wasn’t the central theme of Bill Lee’s first campaign “government is not the answer”? So why almost four years into his first term is he just now looking to suspend “burdensome regulations” and “identify deregulation opportunities”? Is it that maybe as long as “he’s” the “government, he thinks it IS the answer?

    Don’t get me wrong, I applaud the concept, the timing however leaves me thinking this is just more political theater. And I refuse to be hoodwinked by and vote for a RINO’s, again!

  3. David Blackwell RN, BSN, CCM

    Was Jefferson Davis Right?

    “One of Spain’s primary objectives was to control the
    flow of commerce from the Mississippi River by excluding Ameri
    cans from using the port of New Orleans. The Spanish offered the
    United States representative in Spain, John Jay from New York
    favorable trade concessions in exchange for the United States
    agreement to Spanish control of the Mississippi River. From the
    New England point of view, this was a great deal. But, for the South
    it would prevent the development of the territory that was destined
    to become Kentucky, Tennessee, and Mississippi. If the United
    States government accepted the Spanish offer, it would prevent the
    development of future Southern states and thereby assure New
    England the dominant position in the United States. The intrigue,
    subterfuge, and open dishonesty practiced by the Eastern states to
    achieve a favorable commercial treaty with Spain served as an early
    warning to the South regarding the character of the people with
    whom they were associated.?

  4. LM

    A letter and an executive order. Phenomenal.We can all sleep better , now.

  5. Ms Independent

    Where’s my unemployment federal unemployment payments you stole mr lee??
    Taking this away has been proven more harm than good as data shows.
