Herschel Walker Reclaims Lead in Georgia Senate Race: Poll

by Ben Whedon


Georgia Republican Senate candidate Herschel Walker has reclaimed the lead in his electoral contest with Democratic Sen. Raphael Warnock, following both a public debate and bombshell allegations that he paid for a woman to have an abortion.

In the latest Daily Wire/Trafalgar Group poll, Walker emerged 2.4 points ahead of Warnock among likely voters, 48.9% to 46.5%. A further 4.6% backed libertarian Chase Oliver. That lead remains within the survey’s +/- 2.9% margin of error, meaning the race is still a statistical tie.

The governor’s race showed a smoother path to a Republican victory, with incumbent GOP Gov. Brian Kemp holding a 6.9% lead over Democratic challenger Stacey Abrams, 52.2% to 45.3%.

Walker initially began to emerge as the frontrunner in the Senate race as early as September, though his polling numbers dipped following the allegation that he previously paid for an abortion, a claim he denies.

Walker faced off with Warnock on the debate stage last week, after which polls emerged showing him reclaiming ground in the race.

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Ben Whedon is the night editor for the Just the News. He came to the company from Breitbart News and is a graduate of Washington and Lee University.

Photo “Herschel Walker” by Herschel Walker. Photo “Raphael Warnock” by Raphael Warnock. 



Reprinted with permission from Just the News

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One Thought to “Herschel Walker Reclaims Lead in Georgia Senate Race: Poll”

  1. JakkiK

    What??? Where is Gloria Alred when you need a fake accuser???
