House Republicans Demand DOJ Investigate $637 Million COVID Deal Between New York Governor, Major Donor

by Just the News Staff


House Republicans are demanding that the Department of Justice investigate New York Gov. Kathy Hochul’s office over a massive deal the governor struck between the state and one of her wealthy campaign donors.

Hochul’s office came under scrutiny earlier this month following the revelation that the governor organized a $637 million deal to buy COVID tests from a company owned by one of her largest campaign donors.

The New Jersey-based company reportedly charged nearly double per test than other companies under consideration by the state at the time, according to news reports.

Now House Republicans have requested that Attorney General Merrick Garland investigate what they are calling “a blatant misuse of New York taxpayer dollars.”

The signatories of the letter—including New York Reps. Elise Stefanik, John Katko and Claudia Tenney—claimed that “stockpiles of excess COVID-19 tests” from the deal “remain unused months after they were initially bought.”

“[W]e ask that you use your position within the Department of Justice … to promote transparency in government spending and investigate this potential kickback scheme,” the representatives wrote to Garland, claiming that the deal “defrauded taxpayers of millions of dollars.”

Hochul has denied any wrongdoing pursuant to the scrutiny, claiming that she and her office were unaware of the link between the company and the donor.

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Photo “Kathy Hochul” by Governor Kathy Hochul





Reprinted with permission from Just the News

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2 Thoughts to “House Republicans Demand DOJ Investigate $637 Million COVID Deal Between New York Governor, Major Donor”

  1. Nicola Mingolelli

    Hochul must have signed off on the deal therefore her claim of ” I know nothing ” is an absolute fkn lie.
    She is screwing NY taxpayers and must be investigated and hopefully removed and perminatilly banned from public service.
    Also as Heir Cuomo’s Lt Governor she used the “I know nothing ” when he was sexually harassing a dozen females.
    Further more Houchul used the ” I know nothing ” when Heir Cuomo was sending infected senior Citizens into nursing homes which led to thousands of innocent peoples deaths.
    Hochul is a cancer on NY and must be removed.

  2. james cunningham

    She’s an unelected Governor doing the ancient NY tradition of Tammany rob as much as you can and then run for the hills.
