Mark Green: ‘It is Not a Crime for the President to Disagree with Career Bureaucrats’


U.S. Rep. Mark Green (R-TN-07) this week laid into Democratic Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and U.S. Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA-28) in a Thanksgiving newsletter.

In the newsletter, which Green emailed to voters in his district, the congressman said Americans have grown tired of an impeachment drama “characterized more by speculation and hearsay than by actual evidence.”

“It is not a crime for the president to disagree with career bureaucrats on American foreign policy. The president, not the bureaucracy, sets the official foreign policy of the United States. Thus far, there has been no evidence that the president violated the law or acted outside of the powers of his office,” Green said.

“While Congress has spent weeks on the impeachment charade, it has neglected its basic responsibility to pass a budget to fund the federal government. Instead, Congress opted to kick the can down the road with another short-term continuing resolution that will run out on December 20th. This is no way to govern. Continuing resolutions are wasteful and harm our military’s readiness. We need stability; not stopgap funding that brings constant disruption and the threat of government shutdowns.”

As The Tennessee Star reported earlier this month, Green told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer that Democrats’ efforts to impeach the president had underwhelmed Green.

“If this is their shock and awe then I am yawning. A staffer overheard a phone call in a restaurant,” Green told Blitzer. “It’s absurd that we’re even having that conversation. That would not even be admissible in any kind of court proceeding. It’s just ridiculous. This is the best they’ve got.”

On Twitter, meanwhile, Green said Pelosi and Schiff “want to control our voices, our power, our freedoms, and our rights. They are framing the President and will continue to undermine the American people at every turn if we let them.”

In another post, Green said “Democrats have wasted everybody’s time” and that “This is exactly what President @realDonaldTrump was sent to the swamp to fix.”

Green faulted Schiff for calling two witnesses who had neither spoken with Trump nor witnessed him doing anything illegal.  “They relied on hearsay from others,” Green said.

“And they’re trying to impeach over this?”

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Chris Butler is an investigative journalist at The Tennessee Star. Follow Chris on Facebook. Email tips to [email protected].
Photo “Nancy Pelosi” by Nancy Pelosi. 




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7 Thoughts to “Mark Green: ‘It is Not a Crime for the President to Disagree with Career Bureaucrats’”

  1. […] Tennessee Star reported last week that Green said Americans have grown tired of an impeachment drama “characterized more […]

  2. […] Tennessee Star reported last week that Green said Americans have grown tired of an impeachment drama “characterized more […]

  3. […] Tennessee Star reported last week that Green said Americans have grown tired of an impeachment drama “characterized more […]

  4. […] Tennessee Star reported last week that Green said Americans have grown tired of an impeachment drama “characterized more […]

  5. William R. Delzell

    Nancy Pelosi is not that different from most Republicans except for her party label. That sounds shocking as she gives the same lip service to leftism and progressivism that Bernie Sanders and AOC do, except that Sanders and Cortez really mean it. Pelosi, on the other hand, has cynically used the impeachment and anti-Russian nonsense to PREVENT the Sanders and the Cortezes from carrying out the leftist agenda that voters wanted the Democrats to implement: affordable health care; affordable housing; affordable public education with accountability, environmental protection against global warming, and a full frontal assault against bigotry. Instead of supporting this progressive drive, Pelosi and Schumer are secretly in cahoots with ultra-rightists like Mark Green, et al in preventing the progressive agenda from ever passing. Progressives and leftists should, therefore, disown Nancy Pelosi, Deborah Wasserman Schultz, Joe Biden, Joe Leiberman, Chuch Schumer, et al. and realize that these misnamed Democrats are really Republicans in disguise working for Mark Green, et al. This is one reason why many like myself have become increasingly frustrated with the two-party system.

  6. Elizabeth Blenis

    I’M puzzled by your article, how is denying ILLEGAL migrants an issue. Worldwide, including the US, it is recognized if you do not enter a country legally to work you are not eligible for work . The US immigration laws are very specific about the conditions of legal employment in the US. Are you saying that breaking the immigration laws is a good thing and the President is actually enforcing them? Or are you saying that we should ignore the rule of the land and not abide by any laws ? As a legal immigrant to this country, I followed the rules paid the fees required and waited patiently. Are you telling me I should have ignored the law and set up shop here and lived here illegally because you said so.

  7. Kevin

    Tennessee has been blessed to have some VERY conservative, patriotic Statesmen represent her in the past. Representative Mark Green is quickly elevating his name to the top of that list!

    More and more Tennessee voters are looking to separate the wheat from the chaff. We have been lied to for too long! President Trump’s sometimes crass, but 100% citizen-focused approach is what we want and expect! Young (and old) political aspirants should take note.
