NRA Tells Bredesen to Take His ‘Misleading’ Gun Rights Ad Off the Air

The National Rifle Association is demanding Phil Bredesen retract a misleading ad from his U.S. Senate campaign in which he uses an old rating to make it appear the organization supports him.

The Washington Free Beacon on Friday reported on the gun rights organization’s demand.

Watch Bredesen’s ad:

The Democratic former governor of Tennessee had received an “A” rating from the NRA – in 2002. His current grade is far different.

“Phil Bredesen is a ‘D’ rated candidate, and he will not protect our constitutional rights in Washington, D.C.,” Chris W. Cox, chairman of the NRA’s Political Victory Fund, said in a statement. “Tennesseans should not be fooled by his false and misleading campaign ads.”

“It’s not 2002, you’re not governor and you’re not A-rated by the NRA,” Cox tweeted at Bredesen in response to the ad. “It’s 2018, you have earned a D rating for turning your back on self-defense and supporting the Hillary/Schumer/Bloomberg gun control agenda. @VoteMarsha is a 2A champion. You’re not.”

If he goes to Washington, Bredesen will not “think for himself,” as his ad states, the NRA said. Instead, he will support the Schumer/Pelosi gun control agenda and vote to restrict the freedoms of law-abiding Americans.

“Bredesen will vote against Tennessee values in Washington. He will kowtow to the gun control elitists and support Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi’s anti-freedom agenda. His new ad is a shameful attempt to fool the voters in his home state, and NRA members won’t be fooled.”

Meanwhile, earlier in the week, the NRA endorsed Bredesen’s opponent, U.S. Representative Marsha Blackburn (R-TN-07).

“Marsha Blackburn is a champion of our Second Amendment freedoms and has always stood strong to protect the constitutional rights of law-abiding Americans,” Cox said.

Blackburn strongly opposes the Pelosi/Schumer/Bloomberg gun control agenda and will vote for pro-gun Supreme Court justices, the NRA said. She voted against legislation that would criminalize the private transfer of firearms between lifelong friends and many family members. In addition, she voted for the Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act, which will ensure that 20 million law-abiding gun owners who can carry a concealed firearm in their own state are able to legally carry concealed across state lines.

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Jason M. Reynolds has more than 20 years’ experience as a journalist at outlets of all sizes.

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7 Thoughts to “NRA Tells Bredesen to Take His ‘Misleading’ Gun Rights Ad Off the Air”

  1. […] Bredesen, for whom Brown once worked and is now actively campaigning on behalf of, has yet to denounce Brown’s hateful rhetoric. Bredesen has tried to claim he supports the Second Amendment, but has been given a “D” rating from the National Rifle Association. […]

  2. […] The organization pointed to the National Rifle Association’s criticism of the U.S. Senate candidate for claiming he has an “A” rating, when that endorsement comes from 2002. His current score is a “D,” as The Tennessee Star has reported. […]

  3. […] The organization pointed to the National Rifle Association’s criticism of the U.S. Senate candidate for claiming he has an “A” rating, when that endorsement comes from 2002. His current score is a “D,” as The Tennessee Star has reported. […]

  4. […] National Rifle Association has been demanding Phil Bredesen retract a misleading ad from his U.S. Senate campaign in which he uses an old rating […]

  5. […] governor of Tennessee had received an “A” rating from the NRA – in 2002, The Tennessee Star reported last […]

  6. Cannoneer2

    A recent Tennessean article leads one to believe that Phil only buys a hunting license when it’s time to try to win an election.

  7. Rick

    Phony Phil’s campaign is just that phony like him. He will stand shoulder to shoulder with the low life Democrats, not for Tennessee.
