Phil Bredesen Donated Nearly Half a Million Dollars to Left-Wing Democrats

U.S. Senate Democratic candidate Phil Bredesen of Tennessee gives vast sums of his wealth to the most left-wing Democrats in America, including Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and Steve Cohen.

This, according to a super PAC called the ‘Committee to Defend the President.’

According to the PAC’s research, Bredesen donated exactly $460,691.11 to Democratic Party interests from 1987 through 2014.

Chairman Ted Harvey asks the following question:

“How can a loyal Clinton and Obama donor be trusted to work with President Trump?”

In an emailed statement, PAC Committee spokeswoman Amanda Head continued with that theme.

“The Committee to Defend the President remains committed to exposing Phil Bredesen for the left-wing Democrat he’s always been,” Head said.

“Bredesen may claim to be a ‘moderate,’ but his liberal policy positions and long history of donations to far-left Democrats tell the true story. Tennessee needs a pro-Trump conservative like Marsha Blackburn, not an anti-Trump liberal like Bredesen.”

Bredesen donated extensively to Bill Clinton and Al Gore and other Democratic Party interests in Virginia, Florida Wisconsin, Iowa, Nevada, New Hampshire and Ohio, records show.

Bredesen also donated $63,700 to the Democratic National Committee, according to the Committee to Defend the President.

He also made the following donations, according to the PAC’s other findings:

• Cory Booker for Senate: $500

• Karl Dean (in 2017): $2,500

• Hillary for America: $2,700

• Hillary Victory Fund: $33,400

• Obama for America: $5,000

• Obama Victory Fund 2012: $30,000

• A 1988 Democratic Victory Luncheon (when the party’s presidential nominee that year was Michael Dukakis): $500

Bredesen gave $1,000 to current Democrat U.S. Rep. Steve Cohen, D-Memphis, in his failed 1996 campaign to get the seat he eventually won in 2006.

Cohen, as previously reported, has made several outlandish and extreme remarks showing contempt for Republicans and conservatives, comparing them to Nazis, among other things. More recently, Cohen suggested Blackburn commit suicide.

The Committee to Defend the President identifies itself as a “pro-Trump super PAC and a Blackburn supporter from the start.”

According to a press release, members of the PAC will file an estimated independent expenditure report detailing their involvement in the Tennessee race.

“In total, the Committee has invested more than $912,000 to oppose Phil Bredesen’s candidacy, including $400,000 in TV advertising buys, $300,000 in a comprehensive digital program, and $160,000 in an aggressive door-to-door campaign, among other expenditures,” the press release said.

“This is all on top of $175,000 in non-IE spending, which covers polling data, opposition research, and other critical items—and having raised more than $50,000 in new contributions for the Blackburn campaign, as well as a max-out $10,000 direct contribution.”

According to their website, members of The Committee to Defend the President formed the PAC to support President Donald Trump.

As previously reported, some of Bredesen’s supporters told The Tennessee Star last month he’s a liberal posing as a moderate so he can win the U.S. Senate election.

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Chris Butler is an investigative journalist at The Tennessee Star. Follow Chris on Facebook. Email tips to [email protected].









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3 Thoughts to “Phil Bredesen Donated Nearly Half a Million Dollars to Left-Wing Democrats”

  1. […] to a press release, which The Tennessee Star reported, members of the PAC will file an estimated independent expenditure report detailing their […]

  2. Nancy Perkins

    I’ve researched Phil Bredesen and I’ve found many times he has a sneaky way of covering up things he does or has done to support Liberals. He claims to reach across the aisle but in reality, he gives the Conservatives a smile. I call him, the “SMILING LIBERAL.”. He gave illegals driver’s certificates but not licenses so he could deny helping them. Thousands of illegals leaked into Tennessee. He claims he brought Nissan and Volkswagen in. No he didn’t and claims he didn’t raise taxes. He claims he helped the opioid/meth crises when sheriffs say he didn’t. Support as abortion, and said Down’s Syndrome babies should be aborted. Tennessee does not need him as our Senator President Trump said he would not support him and rubber stamp everything for Schumer!
