Rep. Jim Cooper Says Costly New Infrastructure Bill Will Accomplish Great Things for Tennessee

Jim Cooper


Staff for U.S. Rep. Jim Cooper (D-TN-05) told his constituents he voted for the $1.2 trillion infrastructure deal, and they bragged about all the good things they said it will accomplish for Tennessee.

Cooper’s staff said this in an emailed newsletter Friday.

“After voting for the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, the bipartisan infrastructure package, Jim called its passage a ‘big deal’ for Tennessee. He said the package will create jobs and ‘will give us better roads and bridges, faster internet, and cleaner drinking water,’” according to the email.

“Tennessee will receive approximately $8 billion for infrastructure projects, including $5.8 billion for highways, $697 million dollars for safe water, $630 million for public transit, $300 million for bridges, $300 for airports, and $100 million for expansion of broadband internet.”

Cooper added a provision barring freight trains from blocking roads for extended lengths of time. Cooper’s staff said in the email that he introduced the measure after numerous Nashvillians complained about trains blocking busy roads and cutting off neighborhoods.

Representative Mark Green (R-TN-07), in a separate email to his own constituents, said Friday that the infrastructure bill is a boondoggle.

“Sadly, hardline infrastructure was hardly their priority with this legislation. The fact of the matter is that their infrastructure bill is not paid for,” Green wrote.

“With $28 trillion in debt and inflation on the rise, now is not the time to continue spending our children and grandchildren’s futures into oblivion.”

Robby Starbuck, the son of Cuban refugees and a Republican, announced late last year that he will run against Cooper in 2022.

Starbuck said at the time that his approach to campaigning and representing constituents will differ greatly from Cooper and past Republican candidates. He attributed his unique approach to his background.

“Being Latino, I’m going to reach out to the Latino community and Black community in Nashville in a way that others haven’t previously done in this district. I don’t think it was for any reason but for the idea that it’s hard to win those votes. I think they’re worth fighting for – Trump showed us that this year,” Starbuck said at the time.

“All of my fellow Cubans are rabid political creatures, and we fight as hard as we can against socialism. I bet you by the end of this, every Latino household in Nashville will get a phone call or a door knock from us.”

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Chris Butler is an investigative journalist at The Tennessee Star. Follow Chris on Facebook. Email tips to [email protected].
Photo “Jim Cooper” by US House. Background Photo “Roads and Bridges” by Greg. CC BY-SA 2.0.






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7 Thoughts to “Rep. Jim Cooper Says Costly New Infrastructure Bill Will Accomplish Great Things for Tennessee”

  1. William Delzell

    I actually found something that I can agree with de facto Republican Jim Cooper about! The infrastructure bill is long overdue!

  2. Tim Price

    Jim Cooper continues the tradition of lying thru his teeth!

  3. nicky wicks

    jim pooper is as useless as his brother

  4. Steve Allen

    Tennessee is quite capable of doing great things on it’s own WITHOUT the meddling of the dishonest criminals who are in control of Washington DC. The less the current administration is involved in Tennessee the better! LET’S GO BRANDON!

  5. John Bumpus

    I am old enough to remember the hyper-inflation of the Jimmy ‘Peanut’ years. For example, if you are now buying a $300K house with a $60K down payment, your monthly house payment at a 3.8% interest rate with an adjustable rate loan is $1.4K. What happens when the interest rate rises to 16%? You’ll then have a $3.5K house payment each month. What do you think that increases like this do to the housing market and everything else related to it (i.e., realtors, residential subdivision developers, home builders, sellers of construction materials, appliance manufacturers, etc.)? And of course, this does not take into account higher prices for other necessities such as food and fuel.

    The Federal Government is lying to you about the actual inflation rate. You are being told that the inflation rate is now only 5.3% (as of mid-October). This calculation excludes food and fuel. The price of gasoline has increased approximately 70% in the last year. Similarly, the price of food, item by item, has increased. For example, the price of beef has increased approximately 30% in the last year.

    I fear that the unfettered spending of the Federal Government has sowed the seeds for an inflationary waive unlike anything seen in the 1970s.

    1. Wolf Woman

      What! The Federal government lies to me?

  6. rick

    Swamp scum #FJC! Tennessee who you are suppose to represent, Nancy’s boy, gets very little compared to the money available. You are useless just like your brother! Lets Go Brandon!
    Beat your chest now and pack your bags soon!
