‘They’re Complicit in All This’: Ron Johnson Slams Media for ‘Covering Up for the Democrats’

by Harold Hutchison


Republican Sen. Ron Johnson of Wisconsin mauled media outlets for “covering up for the Democrats” during an appearance on “Sunday Morning Futures.”

“As corrupt as the Biden family is, and we’ve known this literally for years, the news media has, Sen. Grassley and I have, but what may be even more troubling is the corruption within federal law enforcement and inside a corrupt, complicit and dishonest media,” Johnson told host Maria Bartiromo.

“If we had an unbiased, honest media, first of all, we wouldn’t have the corruption inside federal law enforcement because they’d be holding people accountable,” Johnson continued. “They would have been screaming about being fed false information as a result, resulting from the Russian collusion hoax. But they’re not honest. They’re complicit in all of this, and they’re covering up for the Democrats.”


The Washington Post and New York Times admitted the authenticity of a laptop owned by Hunter Biden when the outlets reported on a tax investigation into the son of President Joe Biden in March. A New York Post report on the laptop in October 2020 was censored by social media companies, while The Washington Post downplayed the story.

Johnson also blasted the FBI, saying something akin to the Church Committee, which investigated the conduct of the CIA and FBI in the 1970s after the resignation of President Richard Nixon, might be necessary to address what he called “corruption.”

“We need to uncover the corruption in federal law enforcement. They’ve been hiding this. They’ve been sitting on a mountain of evidence,” Johnson claimed. “You know, we have whistleblowers said once that laptop was made public, they had it back in December of 2019. But once it was made public, they were — internally said do not look at that Hunter Biden laptop.”

Whistleblowers claim the FBI has pulled agents from child sex abuse cases to pursue cases related to the Jan. 6, 2021, riot at the Capitol building in Washington, D.C. Tony Bobulinski, a former business partner of Hunter Biden, claimed that former FBI agent Timothy Thibault hid incriminating evidence about Hunter Biden.

“We need to expose the corruption in federal law enforcement, but then also we need to expose the complicity and corruption of the media as well,” Johnson said.

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Harold Hutchison is a reporter at Daily Caller News Foundation.
Photo “Ron Johnson” by Senator Ron Johnson.



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One Thought to “‘They’re Complicit in All This’: Ron Johnson Slams Media for ‘Covering Up for the Democrats’”

  1. Steve Allen

    The main stream media are the propaganda ministry for fascists who (at the moment) control our government. Fifteen days and counting. I put the probability of TSHTF between then and January at 60%.
