Florida’s COVID Numbers Continue to Decline, Reports Lowest Daily Cases per Capita in U.S.


Florida’s positive coronavirus cases have continued to decline over recent weeks, allowing the state to report the lowest number of cases per capita in the country.

According to data compiled by The New York Times, the state has an average of 1,393 cases per day, as of Friday. The average represents approximately six cases per 100,000.

The state’s numbers have decreased, despite constant attacks on Governor Ron DeSantis (R) from members of the media and Democratic officials.

On the other hand, California, which has imposed strict regulations throughout the pandemic, posted an average of 3,319 positive cases.

“It just shows once again the success of Governor DeSantis’s science based and data based policies,” DeSantis Press Secretary Christina Pushaw told Fox News Saturday. “He’s always made decisions based on the data and that continued even during the Delta surge this summer what he realized would help was not mask mandates in school or lockdowns but provide treatment that actually works.”

Furthermore, based on data from the Mayo Clinic, the state’s positive case rate has plummeted over the past month, sitting at 2.6 percent.

DeSantis has sought to limit the spread of the virus, while looking for ways to protect those who test positive.

Earlier this year, President Joe Biden’s administration placed a restriction on monoclonal antibody treatments, allowing the federal government to dictate allocations to each state and leave it to state leaders to ration it out among locations.

In response, Governor DeSantis purchased thousands of antibody treatments directly from GlaxoSmithKline, a producer of the treatment.

According to multiple studies, the treatment helps prevent hospitalization and severe illness when given to individuals in the early stages of COVID-19. According to the governor, the treatment has possibly prevented thousands of individuals from hospitalization.

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Cooper Moran is a reporter for the Star News Network. Follow Cooper on Twitter. Email tips to [email protected].
Photo “Mother Putting Mask on Daughter” by August de Richelieu.






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