Former New Yorker Roger Simon Comments on Governor Hochul’s ‘Out of Touch’ Impressions of NYC Crime

Live from Music Row Thursday morning on The Tennessee Star Report with Michael Patrick Leahy – broadcast on Nashville’s Talk Radio 98.3 and 1510 WLAC weekdays from 5:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. – host Leahy welcomed all-star panelist Roger Simon in studio to comment upon the New York governor debate displaying Governor Kathy Hochul’s denial regarding the city’s increase in crime and the problem in Pennsylvania.

Leahy: Right now, Roger Simon is in the studio. Roger, I want to talk to you about the midterm elections. Where are we with the midterm elections?

Simon: (Chuckles) You tell me about the early voters and I’ll tell you. You know, so speaking of the early voters, we had two debates a couple of days ago. One in Pennsylvania and one in New York (Leahy laughs) that were rather astonishing in that, in both cases, even more surprisingly in New York in a way, the Democratic candidate was totally inept.

Leahy: Inept. And we’ve talked about Pennsylvania and we’ll get to that in a minute. But let’s talk about the ineptness of Kathy Hochul, the totalitarian left-wing governor of New York who it’s hard to believe, Roger, she is a worse governor than Andrew Cuomo, who she replaced and who left in shame and disgrace.

Simon: I think what it is is Cuomo’s not dumb, he’s corrupt.

Leahy: He’s corrupt, but not dumb.

Simon: Yes, she’s just dumb.

Leahy: She is dumb, and a totalitarian.

Simon: How a person like that could end up the governor of New York is a real head-scratcher.

Leahy: Well, I’ve lived in New York. You’ve lived in New York. It’s a different world than when we grew up. Still, that bad.

Simon: This woman said something like, to Lee Zeldin, who was turning out to be a very good candidate for the Republicans …

Leahy: A very good candidate, surprisingly so, because he’s been sort of a back-bencher member of Congress. Decent, from Long Island.

Simon: But he’s a young guy and he’s a comer who is only in his 40s and he’s actually pretty smart. And what happened was, she said some kind of remark to him about why are you so concerned about rising crime.

And anybody who has been to New York lately is saying, what, are you out of your mind, lady? Not everybody has the full protection of the governor of the state, who is surrounded by our own personal police force.

Leahy: Out of touch.

Simon: Not likely to be pushed off the subway.

Leahy: Every time you turn around, some horrific crime is being committed in New York City

Simon: And also often not done with guns. She’s another nitwit that thinks that guns kill people. So what happens is, she doesn’t realize that people are being pushed into the subway tracks and secondly, beaten with crowbars and every other g*****n thing on the streets of New York.

I was in New York a few weeks ago, because I go up there periodically because I have to go to The Epoch Times headquarters and talk to the people I’m working with. I’m nervous at night – and I grew up in New York.

Leahy: And you grew up in New York. And by the way, I think we’ll be getting Brad Dacus a little bit in the next segment here. But, yeah, New York is very bizarre, and I think, even though a lot of folks have left …

Simon: It’s the number one state in departures, beating even California, which is a very close race.

Leahy: Yes, exactly.

Simon: As everybody living here in Tennessee knows, you’ve got a lot of neighbors who were once New Yorkers or Californians.

Leahy: So that one was weird. But now let’s talk about the Fetterman thing.

Simon: The Fetterman thing is almost like abuse, because of the very fact that they could nominate a man like that, who has obviously never really recovered from his stroke at all.

I’ve known stroke victims in my life. I’ve had them in my family, and most of them are able to put a sentence better together than this guy.

Leahy: When the moderator says, tell us why you should be U.S. senator from Pennsylvania, and you say, good night, everybody.

Simon: By the way, Cruz did that as a joke last night.

Leahy: Oh, he did?

Simon: Yes, and the whole audience got it. It means that people have been paying attention.

Leahy: He got up and he said, good night, everybody? (Chuckles)

Simon: He didn’t say it in the first line, but he said it very early, and it was obviously a joke. And the audience got it.

Leahy: And everybody got it.

Simon: People got it, yeah. Everybody’s been paying attention to this thing.

Leahy: This is a sham by the Democratic Party, to put up this guy. First off, he’s a progressive to begin with, so that’s a problem. And then …

Simon: He’s also a dope. It’s the old evil party versus the stupid party thing again. But I have to give it to Oz, because I was never a huge fan of Dr. Oz. But that’s a big challenge, debating a guy like that, because you can seem like a bully because he’s so challenged. And Oz did a very good job of walking that fine line. It’s not easy to make it clear that you know this guy has got issues.

Leahy: I think he did a good job as well. And it’s interesting, because when you talk about that particular race, Dr. Oz has his challenges as a candidate. And if you had to go backward, my assessment is that the RINO guy, the hedge-fund guy, would have easily, had he won the nomination, would have been in the lead by 10 points right now.

Simon: You might be right, but there’s something weird about the state of Pennsylvania. It isn’t the days of the founders anymore. That state is really weird. (Laughs) I have to say. If they could actually nominate a guy like Fetterman in the Democratic Party in that state, something is deeply wrong.

Leahy: Yes, that’s exactly right. Something is deeply wrong if they can nominate a guy like Fetterman there.

Listen to today’s show highlights, including this interview:

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Tune in weekdays from 5:00 – 8:00 a.m. to The Tennessee Star Reporwith Michael Patrick Leahy on Talk Radio 98.3 FM WLAC 1510. Listen online at iHeart Radio.
Photo “Kathy Hochul” by Kathy Hochul.












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